Saturday, November 28, 2020

Scripture Sunday, 1st week of Advent

Happy Sunday Morning

Sweet Friends,

Here is the verse for today.

This is the first week of Advent

The first week represents Isaiah 

and other prophets in the Bible 

that predicted the coming of Jesus. 

For to us a child is born, to us a son is given,

 and the government will be on his shoulders.

 And he will be called Wonderful Counselor,

 Mighty God, Everlasting Father, 

Prince of Peace.

 Isaiah 9:6 NIV

Hope you are Blessed beyond measure

during this Wonderful Season of the year!



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Thursday, November 26, 2020

Thankful Thursday, November 26, 2020, Pics of Falls passed


 Now, our God, we give you thanks,

 and praise your glorious name.

1 Chronicles 29:13 NIV

Happy Happy Thanksgiving

Sweet Peas....

Here's hoping you all have a Joyful

time celebrating and being Thankful

with family/friends/or furry friends.

Pictures today are from Falls Past
at our house.

On with my Thankfuls......

Thankful for a great conversation with
 our longtime friends from Gainesville.

Thankful for skype as it has afforded
us the ability to talk and play with 
lil darling as she was quarantining.
 We actually played some games with
 her, and colored and drew and
 showed each other our pictures.  lol

Thankful for a very easy recipe
for Pumpkin bread I learned 
about last year from Lois over
at "Wallking on Sunshine" blog.
It is delicious and so easy....
Just a spice cake mix and a can
of pumpkin, mix together throw
in a greased loaf pan and cook
at 350 degrees for 55 mins.
or so........We just love it.

Thankful for our first batch
of Chili for the Fall Season.
I only like to make it when
it is chilly out....and it's 
taken us this

Thankful that I got some
Thanksgiving cards off to
some friends.

Thankful that the Trump
campaign has lots of proof
of cheating in the election.
Hoping for the best!!


Thankful that each of us have

the power to encourage others

with our words.  As the bible

says" A word fitly spoken is

like apples of gold in a setting

of silver. Proverbs 25:11 ESV

and by the way......


I am Thankful for each of you

Sweet Friends....You have made

my blogging experience so lovely

in the past 11 1/2 yrs.,I have

been blogging.  Love your sweet

encouraging comments and love,

love, love, all the talent you all

possess and share with us all.

Also for the friendship that we

have built with one another,and 

the concern and  prayers we have

 prayed for one another as well.

You are a precious group of 

talented caring ladies...that

bless others......


Thankful that we live in a free

country, even tho some days

it doesn't seem like it.


Thankful for our family that

are still with us, and for those

that have gone on before us

and are in Heaven.


Thankful for our first batch of

beef stew this Fall,  it was so

good, and hearty for a cool



Thankful that our Son and

family never got any symptoms

or fevers from their exposure

to Covid.  PTL

Well, that's it for Cozy Place this week.

Hope each of you have a really lovely

Thanksgiving Celebration, as we all

have so much to be Thankful for!

Love, Hugs and

Thanksgiving Blessings,


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Sunday, November 22, 2020

Scripture Sunday


Good Sunday Morning

Sweet Friends,

Here are some verses that really 

struck me this week.

I urge you, brothers and sisters, to watch out for 

those who cause divisions and put obstacles

 in your way that are contrary to the teaching 

you have learned. Keep away from them. 

 For such people are not serving our 
Lord Christ,

 but their own appetites. By smooth talk

flattery they deceive the minds of naive people. 

 Everyone has heard about your obedience,

 I rejoice because of you; but I want you to

wise about what is good, and innocent

 what is evil. 
The God of peace will 

soon crush Satan under your feet.

The grace of the Lord Jesus be with you.

Romans 16:17-20

Have a restful day,


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Friday, November 20, 2020

Thankful Thursday November 19, 2020, Pics of beach houses in S.C.


I will proclaim the name of the LORD.

 Oh, praise the greatness of our God!

Deuteronomy 32:3

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope this finds you well and full 

of Joy.  We have just been getting

 unpacked and caught up on 2 wks

worth of mail, and getting settled

into life at home again!  Loved

being gone but love being home!

A win/win,  I must say!

Pictures today are from some

lovely beach houses we saw at

 Folly Beach on our golf cart

 ride.  Hope you enjoy having

 a look... there will be more to

 come in the next few weeks..

.......and also added a few other

random photos.


Thankful that we got to come back

 to our Daughter and Son-in-loves

 for another 41/2 days before 

returning home this passed Monday

 from our Anniversary trip

We are so grateful to Dee and

Jerry for doing so many nice

things to make our 50th

Anniversary so lovely!  They

truly went above and beyond

all that we could imagine.


Thankful for an uneventful and

safe trip home on Monday, and

dinner out at Perkins once we

got into town, and best of all

we met to really nice ladies,

one was 88 yrs. old and we

thought she was alone and she

was sitting near us so we 

struck up a conversation with

her, then her daughter came

back from the restroom, I

guess.  Anyway, we really

enjoyed them as we chatted

back and forth., and the Mom

said we had made her dinner,

cause we were such happy

people and she loved seeing

happy people, and we said

us too!!  She was so sweet.


Thankful for a fun time out

shopping.  We went to the same

antique mall in Charleston, we went 

to last time that has lots of different

 vendors. Such a fun place to go, 

we all enjoy it.....


Thankful that we all got in the

mood for Christmas because

the Antique mall already had

a lot of Christmas decorations

and was playing Christmas

music, we so enjoyed that.....

Think they are trying to perk up

every ones spirits, course, Dee

says that she has noticed that

they do Christmas stuff earlier

here in Charleston. Maybe it's

a tradition..  Once I got home

I turned on our local Christian

station and they too, were

playing Christmas music, and

I thought what a great way to

keep our eyes on Jesus, since

most Christmas songs are 

after all,  about HIM!  


Thankful that we got some 

Christmas clothes shopping done

for lil darling as well.  We love

doing that too, and found some

really cute things.


Thankful for just such beautiful

fall weather, and the rain, we had

that too, which thankfully went

away once that TS Theta went

passed us.  Also for the lovely

weather we have had since 

we've been home too. Enjoyed

our porch some this week.


Thankful for the fun of working

together on a Thanksgiving table-

scape for them, as her hubbies

Mom and Dad - in-  love are 

coming to visit  for Thanksgiving.

Oops, my finger got in the
This room is so flooded with light that it is hard
to get a real clear picture. 
 Love the ethereal look tho.

Simple yet elegant
It wasn't completed as this was just
 test run for later.  She was gonna
put white carnations in the small
copper goblets, but since we couldn't
find any and she might not find any
before the day, decided she could
 put the candles inside them, so she
will just put some flowers in the
 Gather pitcher if she can find
 some and move the Turkeys
 in a lil closer to center, and it
will still look great.............


Thankful, Lord willing that they

will be able to spend Christmas

here with us this year, and it will

 be easier for them too, since his

 parents have moved back to our

 area from S. Florida.

Thankful that we have found 

a new conservative News

station called "NewsMax"

So far, we are liking it, takes

a lil while to get used to but

think it is honest and balanced

reporting hopefully.  Sean

Spicer is one of the news 


Thankful that lil darling and her

 Mom are showing no symptoms 

of Covid, as they were exposed

 to 2 people who tested positive. 

So they are quarantining. We

were able to skype with her

 for a lil bit today, am really

missing her, 

Thankful for another first.....

I had Hot Chocolate made from

the new fad.....Hot Chocolate Bombs,

  it was really good too!  My sweet

Daughter had ordered some from

 an etsy shop hoping we could all 

have them on a cold night out by  

the fire pit, unfortunately, it never

got cool enough, so I had one 

anyway..... Just

Thankful for the fun of making

 home made donuts with canned

 biscuits in our daughters air fryer. 

 We did it the first week when

 lil darling, was there.  They are

really good and  best when they 

are warm.  They were actually

another first.....loving all these

 firsts.....  can you tell.  lol

Thankful for pretty hot pink
Toes. Our Daughters friend
sells these paper coated with
nail polish stick ons, and it is so
amazing how they last and look
like you have gel nails cause
they are really shiny, much
more so than the pic you
will see below. They are called
"Color Street"., and you can
just take them off with nail
polish.  My daughter was sweet
to put them on for me and has
 had hers on for over a month
 and they still look good. Mine
 have only been on for just over
 2 weeks and they still look good
 after being in the pool and hot
 tub and showers numerous times.

Oh my gosh, just realized
this was another first.  lol


That's it for Cozy place this week.
Not sure what happened to the 
spacing on this post,  but could
not get it to all match up.  lol

Thanks for coming by


Hope you have a great weekend.

Love, Hugs and Mid
November Blessings,


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Scripture Sunday

  Let's praise the God of Heaven Every day! Blessings,  Nellie