Friday, April 29, 2022

Thankful Thursday April 28, 2022, and Spring Table vignettes from years past.

You are my strength, I sing praise to you;

 you, God, are my fortress, 

my God on whom I can rely. 

Psalm 59:17 NIV

Morning Sweet Friends,

I am a day late, but at least an early Morning next day  Poster.  lol

How are you this lovely Friday?  Hope you are doing well.

It's been a good and fast week.  Seems like when you are

busy it flys by even faster.....

Gonna let the post talk for itself.............

Pictures today are of Spring table Vignettes

I took quite some years back.  

So on with my Thankfuls........


Thankful for the Spring Baking Challenge shows

and others like it.....hubby and I find them quite

entertaining, and clean and love seeing the relationships

 and camaraderie that gets built in the process and 

seeing who wins at the end of the season, and the

judges are quite humorous as well.


Thankful for a fun day schooling with lil darling and

playing School and UNO,  then having she and 

Daddy stay for dinner.  We got take out from 

Tijuana flats, as I am too tired to cook after a 

long day,  and lil darling was so sweet to paint

 my toes for me, as well. She gets better at it

every time she does it.   lol


Thankful for the discovery of the website for the 

"ONE Room Challenges"

 that we see on blogs every so often. If you like

to decorate you will love it, so much inspiration

and ideas.  Just click here 

or type in


Thankful that I got more done on our bedroom 

organization, and on cards and printables for our shop,

and started to take down a lil bit of my Easter 

decorations, think I will do a lil bit each day and

replace them with Spring things in place of the

Easter things I take away.  That sounds


Note: It's all down, now just got to get it

packed away.


Thankful for a good day at Church as always,

and we got to go to lunch with our friends, it 

has been since the before the middle of March

since we have seen them, cause we were away

then they were away, so it was really great

 to see them and be with them.


Thankful for some great chocolate covered

cashew nuts we got at Sam's, We got them

before Easter and we finished them off, and

much to our delight, we found they still had

 them at Sam's so we got more, they are just 

so yummy!  The name is "Sconza Milk

and White Chocolate Cashew Nuts,"

You can find them at, but

they are a lot more expensive. But check

out Sam's Club if you have one near you,

or maybe even Walmart might have them.


Thankful that we found a new mirror that we

liked to go with our new dresser.  Our old one

had such a huge mirror and this time I wanted

something smaller for a new look.  Also restyled

the top of the dresser for a new look as well,  

I think it is a less cluttered cleaner look.

In fact, I got the idea off the One Room

Challenge blog, but yet it is somewhat different

 than theirs.  We are enjoying the new look.


Thankful that we got out to work in the yard 

some this morning, It was cool and breezy and 

the perfect weather for being out there. We only 

worked out there for not quite an hour and a half,

but am always so amazed by how much we

 accomplish in that short amount of time.


Thankful to hear that the show we watch pretty

much daily, is having a Mother's Day Special

all next week, and it will be on morning and evening. 

 I would really recommend and encourage you

  to tune in on Trinity Broadcasting Network 

to watch it....It comes on at 1:30 p.m.

and will also be on at night, May 3-5 it will

be on at 8p.m.

I love this show.....I take away some nugget

of truth almost every single day.  Can't say

enough good things about it.


Thankful for a few hours with lil darling today.

Got to look at her yearbook for this year,  she just

got it this week.  Played some wii bowling, Sorry

ad Uno, and she is very excited that school ends for

her next Thursday,  so we can just have Summer

fun now.


Thankful for a fun outing tonight.  We drove over

to the beach and went to a restaurant we haven't been

to in along time.  Aunt was great.

We wanted to check it out before our beach trip

cause the last 2 times we were there it wasn't as

good as it had been, but we have heard from others

that have gone there, it was still good,  So that's

how we found it tonight,  so hopefully it will be

the same this Summer, and it was fun to do

something different, and a nice drive as well.


Thankful to hear Elon Musk is buying out

Twitter.  Anyone who is about restoring free

speech to our country makes me happy.  So 

hope the Lord uses this man in a great way.

Now we need someone to take over Facebook. 


Thankful that hubby found a way to put a new

subscribe button on my blog, since blogger took

that away a year or more ago.  So now if 

you would like to be notified when there is a 

new post at Nellies Cozy Place you can

just subscribe (Check my right side bar).

Well, that's it for Cozy Place this week.

Hope you have a Wowzer Weekend!!


Thanks for coming to visit.

Love, Hugs and 

End of April Blessings,


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Shabby Art Boutique

South House Designs

Pennys Passion

Between Naps on the Porch

Grammy's Grid

A Stroll thru Life

Between Naps on the Porch

April J Harris

Create with Joy

Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Easy Peasy Salmon recipe

Picture Compliments of Unsplash 

Morning Sweet Friends,

Hope this finds you doing well and enjoying Spring at your house.  We are well and enjoying Spring,, just been busy as beavers, organizing our bedroom, repairing the sprinklers, taking down our Easter decorations slowly as I replace the removed items with something that looks like Spring,  and working on our shop. I am really enjoying it.....Since I wasn't sure what to do first, so I have been doing a lil bit in each area every day for the last few days. This has kept it from being overwhelming or boring for me.  lol

So about that Salmon Recipe.....I got this from my Daughter and I have no idea where she got it, but I can tell you that I Do Not like Salmon, because it is too strong and fishy tasting for me, but it is clearly not the case with this recipe, cause I  Loved it, not as strong, and has NO fishy taste at all and best of all,  it is very easy to prepare and cooks perfectly. So last night was the first time I made it myself, and we were not disappointed, tasted just as good as hers, So wanted to record the recipe as we will definitely be doing this again!

Easy Peasy Salmon Recipe


Salmon filets (make sure the skin is removed, that is

 key) ( how ever many you want) We got ours from our

 local Publix Supermarket Seafood department.

2 Tablespoons of Chicken Broth per filet 

I used the Swansons Chicken broth in the box.

1/2 Teaspoonful of minced or chopped garlic per filet

I used the jarred chopped type

Chopped Cilantro (As much or little as you would like)

I love Cilantro so I used a handful

 Teaspoonful of Butter for each filet

Aluminum foil (torn in however many pieces as filets

 that you are cooking - large enough to make packets to

 wrap each Salmon filet up completely so the marinade

 stays in and it's fully covered.)


Tear off all your Aluminum foil, then lay a filet on each one. (I rinsed my Salmon first, and put it in a strainer for a few minute for the water to run off.) make the marinade

Combine all the ingredients that are left;

the chicken broth, garlic and cilantro in a small

bowl.  Then spoon the marinade over each filet,

then top each filet with a Teaspoonful of butter

and wrap each of your filets up

Now cook in preheated oven at 425 degrees

 for 10-12 Minutes.


I serve roasted Asparagus, and Green Pea

Salad with our Salmon. Green Pea Salad

is very easy to make as well.  I tried to

find a recipe like my Husband's Mother's

recipe, but all of them had more added

ingredients than hers.  So if you would

like the recipe, that you can whip together

in less than 5 mins. (other than boiling

some eggs to go in it), then email me at

Have a Great Day!

Hugs and Blessings,


P.S.  In case you didn't notice....

Hubby found a way so that my followers

can once again Subscribe and be notified

 of each post. If you wish to subscribe

just go up to my right side bar and it

is right under where my picture is, in

the about me section. Thanks!! 😊

Sharing with:

A Stroll thru Life

Grammys Grid

Shabby Art Boutique

South House Designs

Pennys Passion

Grammy's Grid

Between Naps on the Porch

April J Harris

Create with Joy

Friday, April 22, 2022

Thankful Thursday April 21, 2022, Our Easter Table for 2022

Praise the LORD, my soul; all my inmost being, 
praise his holy name.
Psalm 103:1 NIV

Greetings Sweet Friends,

How's You this fine Thursday. Hope you had a great Easter Celebration with your family/and or friends.  We all had a very enjoyable day, and have sort of been taking it easy this week,but have accomplished a few thing that we had wanted to do for awhile, which is very satisfying.

Pictures today are from this years Easter table. It all started with this lovely tablecloth my Daughter gave me for Mother's Day last year.  Never had a chance to use it yet, so thought it perfect for Easter and Spring.

Now on with my Thankfuls...................


Thankful that we were all ready for Easter but

was able to pace ourselves so we weren't too

worn out.


Thankful for the $5 and under store, where

we find lots of great finds for lil darlings

Easter Gift bag. Sometimes we aren't sure what

 to get, but when we go there we find lots of 

fun and crafty things for her to do.


Thankful for a Special and lovely Easter Service. Thanks go to all of our Pastors and music team, musicians and singers, choir and sound technicians.  You did a great job!!

 It was lovely!


Thankful for and to one of our very talented young ladies that attends.  She decorated a beautiful wall in the foyer area of our church so people could take photos after Service.  Thanks Kristen, everyone loved it, and I have seen a lot of pretty photos of our church family on facebook.

We are looking way to serious in this
 photo, lol
 We were waiting for a sign, Like cheese or something.  Think she
but I wanted yall to see the pretty wall
that Kristin did.   Isn't it gorgeous
and what a lovely idea and back
drop for photos.

She remembered this time.  lol

Thankful for a lovely Easter dinner and time
with our family as always. It was just 5 of us
 this time, as Dee and Jerry couldn't come, but
we will be seeing them in MayBut we 5 had a great time.  

Stuffed a lil candy in the napkin pocket.


Thankful for an easy dinner on Monday night with all our leftovers. The blessing of hosting!!  lol


Thankful for a new Mother's Day card and printables I made this week.


Thankful for a really fun night out to dinner at Longhorns , and then back to our house for dessert and coffee with our Friends/neighbors.  They are the ones who are always bringing us soup and other foods.  We have been wanting to take them out for awhile,  so glad we finally got to....think we all really enjoyed it.  They are really sweet folks.

                          Aren't these lil lambs just the cutest!!

Found them last year at Home Goods.


Thankful to be able to look back and see how blogging has been another one of  the stepping stones God is now using for our business.  So many skills I have used in blogging and have learned from blogging is now very helpful in our business.  Who would know, I am always amazedat how God never wastes anything we


Thankful for how buying the new dresser has launched us into a reorganization and cleaning out mode in our bedroom.

We really needed that motivation.


Thankful to see our lil brown bunny that lives in our woods again.  It's been awhile, and we always wonder if something happened to her, and when we least expect it....there she is again. We actually saw her twice today, the first time she was having a breakfast of flowering Jasmine, and then grass for dinner.   lol


Thankful that I started taking Biotin not quite a week ago because I was losing a lot of hair,  and it has helped as it is back to normal and only after a few days of taking it.  Quite happy about that.


Well, that's it for Cozy Place this week,

This is the Easter Edition.

Thanks for dropping by.

Keep your light shining brightly.

Love, Hugs, and 

Last of April Blessings.


Sharing with:

South House Designs

Penny's Passion

Shabby Art Boutique

Between Naps on the Porch

A Stroll thru LIfe

Karins Kottage

Grammys Grid

Tuesday, April 19, 2022

The Rest of my Easter Decorating for 2022


Hello Sweet Friends,

I trust that you all had a fun yet meaningful
 Easter celebration.  We was good
 from beginning to end..........thoroughly
enjoyed it......always great to be at our 
church and with our family especially
on Easter Sunday.

Yesterday I realized I never posted the rest 
of my decorating in the Living room, and 
was just gonna forget it, but today I decided
 to do it since I had the time and since we
 we were only 2 days away from Easter.
  I kinda like having it to refer back to at 
times and also to use the pictures at well.
 Sometimes they are actually easier to
 find on my blog..... This will be just a
quick breezy post............

You will see these lil lambies again
 on Thursday!  

This Happy Easter Sign above.....
came from Yvonne over at
 Stone Gable (I think) some years back.
I have enjoyed it for quite a few
 Easters now, it is so pretty.

Well, this is the last of the Easter
Decorating, but our Easter Table
is still to come on Thursday.

See you then.

Happy Week after Easter!

Remember to always Keep Jesus 
close in heart, cause He keeps us
close in HIS heart.

Love, Hugs, and
After Easter Blessings,

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Scripture Sunday

  Let's praise the God of Heaven Every day! Blessings,  Nellie