Sunday, June 28, 2020

Scripture Sunday

Good Sunday Morning
Sweet Friends,

Hope you are having a good morning.

Here is the scriptures for today.

Keep me safe, my God, 

for in you I take refuge. 

 I say to the LORD, 

“You are my Lord; 

apart from you I have

 no good thing.”

Psalm 16:1-2 NIV

Have a safe day in His refuge.


Thursday, June 25, 2020

Thankful Thursday June 25, 2020, Scenes from Summer decor past

LORD, you are my God;
 I will exalt you and praise your name,
 for in perfect faithfulness you have
 done wonderful things,
 things planned long ago.
Isaiah 25:1 NIV

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Welcome to Summer, since it was 
officially Summer last Saturday.
Decided to so some Summer
Decor pictures from the past.

Thankful to have our Father's Day
table all set and ready. Went with
an Italian theme since we are 
having Lasagna. Will show you

Thankful to have the Lasagna and
Banana Pudding all done.  I know
Banana Pudding doesn't go with an
Italian theme but they all love it,
so it was the favored dessert.
I gave them all a Biscotti at their
place setting instead of candy this
time.  lol

Thankful for Lemon/ pistachio
Biscotti.  Never had it before, as
it was a limited addition one,
and they are really good. Always
enjoy trying new foods.

Thankful for a good time with the
family on Father's Day, and think
Hubby and Son enjoyed everything.

Thankful that My Son and his
family are taking a lil vacation
to the mountains this week.
I think family vacations are
very important.

Thankful for someone who came
by our website and was nice enough
 to let us know about an error we thankful for the feedback
 of others in this endeavor.

Thankful for leftover Lasagna, which
not much cooking tonight.   lol
Monday night.

Thankful for take out from Tijuana
flats.  It was exceptionally good 
this time.  So really enjoyed it!!
Tuesday Night.

Thankful that a friend and her
children whose brother caught 
Covid has fortunately, not been
around him recently, so was not

Thankful for my Leslie Sansone
walking videos that make it easy
to exercise when it is so hot out.
Just got started back,  as I haven't
done any exercise for a month.
It was time...........

Thankful for delicious organic
strawberries.....made some straw-
berry and cream crepes on Sunday
for Father's Day.  So Yummy!

Thankful that we can now skype
with our Dr. if we don't need to
be examined.  I was able to get
all my test results while I sat
at our kitchen table yesterday.
Only thing was this is all new
to my Dr. so he could see me
but I could only see the top of
 his head most of the time. lol
I told him but think he just 
didn't know how to fix it.....
cause think they are doing it
on cell phones mostly.

Thankful that all my test results 
were good as always
 glad to hear that.

Well, that's it for Cozy Place
this week.............

Have a great weekend.

Thanks for dropping by.

Love, Hugs and 
End of June Blessings,


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Bloggers Pit Stop

Sunday, June 21, 2020

Happy Father's Day and Scripture Sunday

Happy Sunday Morning 
Sweet Friends


Happy Father's Day to any Dad
that is reading
 to the Hubby or Dad of my
blog friends.

Here is the scripture verses for

These commandments that I give 

you today
 are to be on your hearts.

 Impress them on your children. 

Talk about them when you sit at home 

and when you walk along the road, 

when you lie down and when you get up. 
Tie them as symbols on your hands
 and bind them on your foreheads. 

 Write them on the door frames

 of your houses and on your gates. 

Deuteronomy 6:6-9 NIV

Have a good day
being spoiled if you are a DAD
have a good time spoiling
you Hubby or Father today!


Friday, June 19, 2020

Thankful Thursday June 18, 2020, Golf tour of Charleston homes #2

 Then we your people, the sheep of your pasture, 
will praise you forever; from generation to
 generation we will proclaim your praise.
Psalm 79:13 NIV

Greetings Sweet Friends,

So how has your week been??
Good I hope. 
 Ours has been good for the most part,
but we have heard a lot of sad/ bad news
about several  people or friends who
 are really going thru some very tough
 physical things this week, which has
made our hearts sad.....but thankful
 we can pray when there is nothing
else we can that helps!
Have also been preparing for Father's
Day this weekend. Hope your Hubbies
and Dad's have a blessed Day.

Pictures today are form the rest
of my golf cart tour of Charleston.
Hope you enjoy them.

So on with my Thankfuls.....

Thankful for "Chocolate Elvis"
smoothies that cool me off in
this sweltering summer heat.

Thankful that hubby has dis-
covered and is working on some
things we needed to do to make
our website more visible online.
So this should be helpful in a lot
of ways.

Thankful we were able to get our
almost knee high grass mown...last 
Saturday, as we had rain every day
 for a week, and it was still so wet
 the mower kept dying out cause it
 was was so long and wet.  
 So this week hubby did it early 
since there was no rain 
predictions yesterday.

Thankful for our first paying
customer on our print your own
 card website....which was strange
but definitely appreciated) as we
are still giving them for free due
to the Covid 19 Pandemic.
It was just another confirmation 
that all our payment stuff is working 
correctly and efficiently.

Thankful that our church reopened
last Sunday..we didn't get to go
 because they recommended that if 
we were over 65 yrs. old or had
 health issues to please worship
 from home, in keeping with our
Governors recommendations.
We also know they need to have
room for social distancing and
families will have their children
with them, since there is no 
nursery or childrens program
or Sunday school classes yet.
  It has been strange not being at 
church for so long after being 
at the same church for 40 yrs.,
 but we can watch our church 
service at home online and there 
are plenty of other Pastors to 
watch as well. So we have 
enjoyed that but will be glad 
when we resume.

Thankful that all the protests
were peaceful in Charleston
this passed weekend.  

Thankful for a sweet and thoughtful
surprise from lil darling on Wednes-
day while she was here.
She was watching cartoons with
grampy for a few mins, while I
looked up something on the
 computer, and she came in and 
said Grammy, I have a surprise 
for you, and lead me to my bed-
room closet.  
 She had organized most of my
shoes in the closet....which really
 needed it....for awhile now I have
 thought every night as I am
 getting ready for bed.....
you need to do something with
this closet as it was just topsy
tervy.  But then just never got
to it.....and God Bless her,
 she did it for me, not quite the
 way I would have but at least I
 can walk in there now and it 
looks much
Don't know how she knew it
needed it........but what a sweet
surprise from our lil 7 yr. old

Thankful that one of my best
 friends hubby made it through
a milogram on Wednesday and
is doing okay, looks like he is
going to have to have back
surgery, as they said his lower
back has almost collapsed.
They won't know anything
else till next week.

Thankful that I called about
the results of my mammogram
cause I hadn't heard anything
but wasn't worried because I 
know if there is a problem 
they typically call you back,
but had to call to make a 
follow up appt. with my Dr. to
 get the results of all my tests,
and I asked about the mammo
 results and they said they didn't 
have the results yet, so called
 the imaging place and it had not
even been seen by the Dr. of
Radiology yet, and it has been 
8 days because someone didn't
write something on it they 
should have.......I always tell
folks to call for there results
cause you never know if they
might get lost somehow.
This was proof positive.
She said they will read them
within 24 hrs., so hopefully
I will get them manana.

Thankful that I got the all
clear on my Mammogram
this morning by 10 a.m.
I wasn't really too worried
about it, but it is always
good to hear the words that
everything was normal.

Thankful to hear the Col. Allen
West has joined "My Faith Votes"
which we think is a very good
organization that helps get
 people out to vote. We like Allen
West and think he will be a very 
good asset to them.

Thankful that the family is all
coming over for dinner on 
Sunday for Father's Day. That 
is always fun for all of us.
Course, our Daughter and hubby
will be missed but they will be
coming for a visit soon.  So
we are looking forward to that.

Well, that's it for Cozy Place

this week.

Glad you could stop in and
have a great Father's Day

Love, Hugs and
 Father's Day Blessings,


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Bloggers Pit Stop

The Dedicated House

A Stroll thru Life

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Father's Day Help

Happy Tuesday 
Sweet Friends,

Hope this finds you having a good day.
It is mostly beautiful, sunny and hot
 here today, however earlier this morning
it was about 75 and breezy so we were
able to sit out on the porch, so that made
my day.  Love being outside when I can
stand the temps.  lol

It got me thinking since I am preparing for
Father's Day this weekend myself, thought 
some of you still might not want to be out
 looking for and handling cards at the store,
 so thought I would post one here that you 
can print if you want....or you can visit our
shop where we have more Fathers Day
cards as well, as other cards, and
All Cards are Free.....
If you use our Corona Free Code.

To visit our Shop just click here
type in

Click on the picture below
 to access inside of card and
 to print.

Well, hope you have a good week,
and hope this helps someone.


Sunday, June 14, 2020

Scripture Sunday

Good Sunday Morning
Sweet Friends,

Here is the scriptures for today.

Do not be anxious about anything,
but in every situation, by prayer
and petition, with thanksgiving,
present your requests to God.
And the peace of God, which 
transcends all understanding,
will guard your hearts and
your minds in Christ Jesus.

Philippians 3:6-7  NIV

This just happens to be my
life verse since I was a young
Christian, as I used to be such
a worrier,  this verse helped
transform me from a worrier
to a truster of God.  Not that
I never worry,  but it doesn't
happen for too long.
I memorized the verse and
every time I started to worry
I would quote it to myself
quietly or out loud whatever
the situation called for, then
did what it said, as many times
 as I needed to......
It eventually became a habit
and chased the worry away.
There is power in God's word.

Have a praying and peaceful day!


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Thursday, June 11, 2020

Thankful Thursday June 11, 2020, Pics of golfcart tour of more Charleston homes

Praise be to God, 
who has not rejected my prayer
 or withheld his love from me!
Psalm 66:20 NIV

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope you have had a good and 
peaceful week in spite of all the
crazy and more crazy things going
 on in our country. Those of us who 
have a relationship with Jesus can't 
help but wonder if he might be 
coming soon, as a lot of things are
lining up with scripture Course, 
there are people who have
 wondered that before....but no one
 knows the time or hour of his return
 but our Heavenly Father, but it sure
seems like it could be a good time
 if you ask me.  Most important
thing is to make sure we are ready
for when-ever it is.......and if you
 are not sure what I mean by that, and 
would like to know don't hesitate
to email me at
NelliesCozyPlace@gmail. com
 and I would be more than 
happy to share with you.

Pictures today are from my
golf cart tour with my Daughter
in mid May of more Charleston
homes.....I always get a kick
out doing that and taking pics
So yall can enjoy it too.

So on with my Thankfuls.....

Thankful for a fun sleepover
with lil darling on Sat. nite.

Thankful for no tornadoes 
touching down in our area, as
 we were under watch on Sat
night, but there was one that
 hit in Orlando  and tore up
 8 homes, thankfully, no one
 was hurt or killed.

Thankful for a lovely time at 
our Son and Daughter-in-loves
house on Sunday.  It was sort
of a belated Mother's Day get
together and Dinner.  We love
Cuban food,  and they have
discovered a Cuban restaurant
near them that is really good,
so we got take out from there
and we really enjoyed it.
Always fun to have some-
thing different.

Thankful for the sweet card
and thoughtful gifts as well.

Thankful to hear that our
 lil buddy across the street
(Which is not so lil anymore-
he graduated last year) got 
hired at our local Publix just
5 mins. away.
He was working at the mall
and it was a 20 min. drive,
one way, and of course, when
 covid struck they closed the
 mall, so he has been without
 a job, so now he has an even
better one.  Awesome...cause
he is such a sweetie.

Thankful I finally was able
to get my Dexa Scan and
Mammogram done Tuesday,
after almost 4 months.
Still awaiting results!

Thankful for a pretty good
day out, at first we went to
Home Goods, and it was
hard to enjoy due to all the
masks but especially trying
to watch the directions on
the floors and social distance
as there were quite a few
people in the store. So was
not sure I wanted to go any
where else.....but we wanted
to run to Sams so we did, and
they didn't have all the signs
on the floors, and there were
not as many people in the
store, so decided to go to
Pier One and Michaels too.
Neither of those store had
stuff on the floor either.
and didn't have to keep my
mask on much either, and
we went to early dinner at
Longhorns.....have not been
out to dinner in over 2 months
or more,  so that was quite
different as well,  but it was

Thankful we were able to
get a few things we needed
and wanted. Got some faux
flowers so I can do an out-
side wreath finally.

Thankful for some pretty
pink, white and yellow
carnations I got at Sams.
Real ones!!  and they are
so pretty, and so special
since I haven't had any
real ones for awhile.

Thankful for Marty's Summer
Home Tour this week.  It is
always quite enjoyable, and
so appreciate all those that 
open there house for us to see.
Visit Marty and see the Home
Tour.  Click here or go to
A stroll thru life blog.

Thankful for a kind comment
 from a complete stranger about 
silver hair.  So nice of her.

Thankful always for the gift of
prayer because at times like these
it is sometimes the only thing we
can do....yet it is the best thing
we can do!!

The Prayer of a person living right
with God is something powerful to
be reckoned with.
James 5:16
 (Message Bible)


Well, that's it for Cozy Place this week.

Thanks for coming over..........


Have a good day today,
and a good weekend as well.

Love, Hugs and


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The bloggers Pit Stop

Shabby Art Boutique

The Dedicated House

Scripture Sunday

  Let's praise the God of Heaven Every day! Blessings,  Nellie