Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Great Weekend/ Monday Glass Blast

Evening Sweet Friends,

Hope you are having a good week, 
 thus far!

Mine had been really good up until Monday evening,
more about that later.  Had a great weekend,  we got to
watch Brooklyn a lil on Sat.,  then Dee and Jerry came
over to help rearrange our bedroom, Megan came back
to get the baby, as Scott was on his way home from 
Miami after flying in from his trip to Spain, which is
another 4 hrs., so we all had dinner together,  then the
 furniture moving commenced.  I really thought the room
 would be a wreck once we got it all moved where we 
wanted it,  but  much to my surprise Dee and I got
busy decorating and pretty much had it all done by
11:00  that night.  Still working on a few things, but
it looks great already.  Will show yall some pics
probably next week.

Was amazed at how confident my daughter has
gotten with hanging stuff and painting  since she has
 been a home owner for over a year now. She did a lot
 of it for me, and I can remember when she used to 
be intimidated to even hang a picture. We also did
 a lil touch up painting on my walls, and she is good
with that too, since she just finished painting here
kitchen cabinets.  It was really fun working together
and it was great to get it together so quickly.

Sunday was our usual and very restful and 
relaxing,  we can never get accused of working
too hard on Sunday.  lol

Now about Monday Evening..........................
I was in the midst of doing this vignette

When this happened

I had the doors open and the drawer because
I had taken some stuff out of there,  but then
I was just standing there looking to see if there
was anything else I wanted to get,  not touching
anything mind you, and all of a sudden the
shelves just imploded.  

Absolutely, scared the life out of me.  All I remember is
standing there and my mind couldn't grasp what was
happening,  I don't even remember moving back but I
had to of because of where that glass shelf is.....cause
initially I was standing right in front of that open drawer.
I looked down cause my toe hurt, guess something
fell on it,  then realized I was bleeding on that leg,
so went to wipe that off and realized the other was
bleeding too,  but they were just tiny cuts from chards 
of glass.  See where that shelf is laying (in pic above) 
my feet were right behind that, cause I remember
seeing debri around my feet when I looked down.

The sound was incredibly scary, like a bomb went off.
Glass and china everywhere, in the dining and family 
room. Have to say I think I was in shock,  I just stood
 there looking at it ....Then I wanted to cry,  my wedding
 china and crystal were demolished and a few other
 prized pieces, that belonged to my late grandmother
and neighbor, but then the thought came to me,
 "it is just stuff,  you can't take it with you!", I believe
that was the Lord talking to me, as it just took the
sting out of it and then thank the Lord I only had tiny 
cuts........it is like my hubby said if I had been getting
 something out of there, I might have gotten a really
 bad cut on my hand or arm, and really when I look at
 all this mess in pics,  I think it is a miracle I didn't have 
any gashes on my feet or legs.  So God was very
good to me.........................

This was from the family room side,
do you see all the glass chards everywhere.

It is a miracle that anything survived............lost all my
crystal,  but still have 5 of my china plates, fortunately,
most of it was in the other hutch.  
It took over an hour for my heart to settle down,  it
shook me up so............and took a long while to clean
up,  called hubby and he left a lil early,  so didn't do
anything till he got here,  as I needed to think about
a plan of attack.  So we got out the good and trusty
shop vac, and brought in our large garbage can
and worked our way froms the outside area inward
 picking up large pcs. first and then vacumming
the lil pcs.  Took quite awhile, we were exhausted
afterwards. Am very thankful our refuse collector, 
 have an automatic lifter that empties those waste 
cans so thankfully, they want have to touch it.  

Our cabinet got a lil gouged on the top of the drawer
and the bar underneath that the drawer goes on
was broken,  but hubby was able to fix it.  We were
able to use a grease type pencil in oak color that
my cabinet man left us years ago,  and it really
covered the scratches and few gouges we did
have.  so all in all it looks pretty good,  now have
to get some new shelves made, but thankfully,
I have one left to take for them to use as a model
for the others.  We were really grateful too,  that
none of the other glass was broken or the mirror
that is in the back of the hutch.  Did have a lil
scratch in the glass on one side,  but it isn't bad.
So all in all,  we faired pretty well considering what 
that looks like...............don't you agree???  lol

Today was a better day...................I am happy
to say........So got a lot done around here..........

Well, hope you have a good rest of the week,
I will sure be working on that one too!

Hugs and Blessings,

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Thankful Thursday - April 25, 2013 and Blissful White Wednesday, and Amaze Me Monday!

Afternoon Sweet Friends,

Hope you have had a beautiful spring week,
so far.........if not, maybe it will be a beautiful
Friday and spring weekend............lol 

I had a good Monday and Tuesday, but saw something
accidentally on facebook that was very discouraging to
me, as it involved people that I really love, and have
been a bit down yesterday and today, so started cleaning
the bathroom trying to put it behind me, so tore apart a
floral arrangement in there to wash the flowers, so thought
maybe I should play some, since I had those flowers out
(after washing them of course) and maybe that would cheer
me up,  and actually it did, that along with a lil sunshine to
boost my melatonin levels!  lol

So then decided I should make it a Blissful white Wednesday
post too.......so we will see how you like it,  have way too many
pics so decided to use some now and some for next week.

colored pencil affect

So.............here we go.......................

I am thankful
for this pretty and modern looking  pitcher
Dee and Jerry got me for my birthday, so
decided to make a Blissful White Wednesday
post with it.

I am thankful
my son made it to Spain safe and sound.
and hope he can have a good time.  Hard
to leave wife and baby so soon.

I am thankful
that a lil boy named Luke who had cancer and
underwent a bone marrow transplant is home
and cancer free......best news I have heard all

I am thankful
for the bright sun shiny days we have had lately,
have been getting out there and working on my
tan,  so I don't have those pasty white legs when
I wear shorts..............lol

I am thankful
for dear longtime friends who will listen and
empathize with you, but will also tell you what you
 need to hear,  not just what you want to hear......
We all need at least one friend like that,  they are
truly a gift from Heaven............

I am thankful
that we got some pics of Miss Brooklyn printed
finally...........for my Grammy book!We also got to
 see her on Tuesday and took a few more pictures,
  she is really starting to respond so much, she is 
just so adorable!!

I am thankful
that Dee and Jerry are coming over on Saturday
to help us move our bedroom furniture around.
Have been wanting to do that for quite awhile
now,  so that will be a thrill for me.


I am thankful
for christian music and how it speak to me so
much,  and so many times just when you need
to hear it the most.

I am thankful
that I had a good appt. at the dentist and only
have one more crown to be done,  but probably
want be until August,  as our dentist is going on
maternity leave in May,  and want be back till
August I think it is...........so I get a break too!  lol

I am thankful
for a new chicken casserole recipe I am trying tonight,
and hoping it is really good.  I will let you know.

Made a veggie casserole this week,  that had rutabega,
carrots, parsnips and onions and hated it................lol
It was terrible................it had dumplings on top,  and
thankfully we did like that part.............so it wasn't a
total loss.  That is a rare happening I have to say,
Thank Goodness!

I am thankful
when we hear about people who are so kind and
 generous. Read on yahoo, about a lady who gave a 
wedding to a couple, because the bride has an
 aggressive form of breast cancer and they think she
 could only have a few months left, but the love and
 generosity of those that were involved gave the bride
hope she can beat this thing.............and I so pray
she does.......................

I am thankful
that doing this post cheered me up so much!!
A great benefit to blogging,  takes your mind off
things sometimes.............lol
and thankful for you sweet friends who come
by to visit as well.................

filmgrain affect


Well, Thanks so much for coming by today,

Looking forward to hearing from you,  and
interested to see how these 2 go together.
White Wed/ Thankful Thursday.

First time in awhile that I actually got a Thankful
Thursday post done this early....................

I am linking up to Becky over at TimeWashed
for Blissful White Wednesday,  if you want
to see lots more whites,  just click here.

I am also linking up to Cindy over at Dwellings
for Amaze me Monday,  just click here to
go over for a visit.

Have a Great Friday and Weekend,

Love, Hugs
and Pretty White Blessings,

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Warm Fuzzy Tuesday

Happy Tuesday Sweet Friends,

So how is the world treating you today??? 

Fine, I hope.

I am doing well, have a dental appt. this morning, they just called
me with a cancellation, so decided I should take it.  So glad I
wrote this yesterday for today................................

I am writing this on Monday for tomorrow because I just watched
something that was truly a Warm Fuzzy for me. 

Don't know if you know who Guy Penrod is or not,  but he is the
cowboy looking fellow with long hair that sings with the Gaithers,
and we have enjoyed watching and listening to him so much over
the years,  so this morning they had him on their program and it
was all about him and his life  So it was delightful to learn more
about his life with his wife and family.

He is not only a great singer, but a great christian hubby and Dad
to 7 boys,  and in this day and age  it just blesses my heart when 
I see that.  I was so happy that I actually was able to find a utube
video of it, so hopefully you can see it too.  It is well worth the time
to watch it,  think it will really bless your heart too. It also shows the
ranch where he lives, and he also has both sets of parents living
in their own homes on the same property.  What a lovely family.
I always find it so interesting and heart warming to see the
difference that Christ makes in the lives of other people. Cause
he has certainly made a  tremendous difference in our lives.

Just click on the link below to see the video.

If you can't watch the whole video,  just go a lil bit passed the
center and you will be able to see him with his family,  that is 
really the sweet part. Course, it is all good............

I did not come from an intact family,  so anytime I see a happy 
intact family it makes my heart rejoice, so guess that is why it
is such a warm fuzzy for me.

Thanks for droppin in.....................

Have a Terrific Tuesday

Be sure to say hello,  so that I know you were here!

Hugs and 
Happy Family blessings to you!


Saturday, April 20, 2013

Why are you downcast, O my soul? 
Why so disturbed within me?
 Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise him,
 my Savior and my God. 
Psalm 45:5-6

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope this finds you well and
happy, and full of thankfulness.

It has been quite a week with all the
crazy news about the Boston Marathon
and the explosions in Waco, so I need
to remind myself of my blessings, and 
hope it will remind you of yours as well.
I am a bit late, but better late than
never.......it has just been a lil busy
the last few days.

Started this list this morning and just 
finished a few minutes ago. it is late
Friday nite, actually it is Sat. morning
early 1:15 A.M. and our company just
left, so figured maybe I could finish
this real quick.

So getting on with it.....................

I am thankful
for a lovely day out on thursday, just
Dee and I,  we went shopping, had lunch at 
Cracker Barrel and then hung out at her house
for a while, It was such a fun day.

I am thankful
that hubby got an unexpected surprise this
week in his paycheck,  a raise........enough
to pay 2/3 of his car payment and then the
savings in gas pays the rest. 
 What a blessing!

I am thankful
that our lawn is starting to looks so lush
and green again,  thanks to fertilizer and
heavens rain. Looks like spring for sure.

I am thankful
for the fun time hubby and I had with Brooklyn 
on Saturday,  and that I get to watch her again
today for a few hours.  So looking forward
to it............can't believe she is 61/2 weeks 
old already....................yet it seems like she
has been with us longer.

I am thankful
for so many sweet ladies in my bible study
group that keep letting me know how much
they miss me.  So nice to know you matter
to people................

I am thankful
that my friend was able to get that much
needed test,  and now we are awaiting the
results, and hoping that it leads to the right
sort of help for her................

I am thankful
for 2 new books we got. I have already read
the first chapters,  and think I am gonna love 
them both.  One is "Wonderstruck"by Margaret
 Feinberg, and the other one was recommended 
to me by Sue over at I need Mom blog, 
 and is titled " Secrets over Sweet Tea", 
 it is a novel by Denise Hildreth Jones,
 have not heard of her before,  but it is pleasant
 and easy reading......think it is gonna be a fun
 book. Am wanting to get back into reading more.
Used to read all the time,  course, this time
of year with allergies if I sit for too long,
I fall asleep...........lol

I am thankful
for dinner out last night with hubby. I met
him at Carrabbas after I left Dee's yesterday
and we just love their food,  and we have
enough leftover for din din tonight, all I
 need to do is make a salad.
Also because of a coupon and gift card
our dinner was only $7.50........
So appreciate those blessings...........lol

I am thankful
that I found some salad plates yesterday
that look just like my corelleware but
they were made in Spain, because when
I got my dishes they did not come with
salad plates, they came with bread and
butter plates which are great for some
things like dessert or bread,  but too
small for a salad,  and they were just
$1 each,  and they had exactly 8, which 
was the magic number I needed...........

I am thankful
that we have secured a Condo to vacation
in this summer,  last year the mountains
of Tennessee,  but his year the beach.
We really enjoy the beach so much.

I am thankful
that we got to have some unexpected
time with Scott and Megan on Friday
night, especially since he is leaving
soon for a work trip to Spain.

I am thankful
that my friend that got the needed
test done was feeling well enough to
 come over and visit awhile, it was
a good and much needed visit.

I am thankful
they caught the terrorist that did the
 bombing in Boston. I am sure that is
 such an incredible relief to those that
have been so terribly affected by all
 this. Praying for all these dear folks.

Thanks for your visit and for your
sweet comments.  Always great to
hear from you.

So what are you thankful for today!

See ya soon,

Love, Hugs and
Relational Blessings,

Scripture Sunday

  Let's praise the God of Heaven Every day! Blessings,  Nellie