Thursday, February 29, 2024

Thankful Thursday, February 29, 2024, and Animal pictures to make you smile

 Sing to the LORD with grateful praise;
 make music to our God on the harp.
Psalm 147:7 NIV 

Greeting Sweet Friends,
Had this all ready to go last night and posted it only to have half of it missing, so gotta
do it again as I couldn't retrieve it.
Hope this finds you doing well.......
We just returned from our Daughter and
Son-in-loves on Wed. nite, after being there
for a week. Had a great time.

Pictures today are of animals that will
make you smile..........lil darling and I picked
them out before we left and we even threw in a few captions we thought of
just for fun.

On with my thankfuls.....

Thankful for a safe and uneventful
trip to SC and back. Didn't even have
any traffic back ups which is amazing
considering the traffic we now have
in the past few years.

Thankful for great weather while we
were there. Cool and Sunny most of
the days. Love that, as I function and
feel so much better in cool weather.

Ohhhh, I gotta go potty and Mom's not
 home to let me out!!

Thankful for our Daughters wonderful
quiche and cream cheese with straw-
berry coffee cake, she always makes
us.  It is really scrumptious!!

Thankful for restful relaxing days
just drinking coffee and sitting outside
catching up and solving the worlds
problems.  We also love to watch
dry bar comedy, decorating shows
and play cards while the guys
watch Battle bots.  lol  Just love
spending time doing nothing or
 anything with our kids..............

I'm just so sleeppp.............

Thankful for the fun of making home
made sourdough cinnamon rolls. The
girls she works with are into that so
 they sent her home with some sour
dough starter and the recipe. They
turned out pretty well and tasted 
good considering we didn't know
 what we were doing!!  lol

Thankful for Bentley our furry
Grandson dog, who looks a lot like
the doggie below, accept he is all
caramel colored. We call him Mr.
Muppet, he is so lanky and loose.
He is such a character.

     Been a rough day.............just need to chill 


Thankful for a fun day out shopping

at the outlet mall.  Only our 2nd time

to go there and had some birthday

shopping to do for lil darling.  As

we are coming up on birthday row.

My Sister-in-law Susan, Lil darling

and then hubbies birthdays. So we are

 pretty much ready gift and card wise.

So just need to plan a dinner for

them all for next week.  So fun

to be able to shop with our Daughter

 as she always has great ideas, for

things lil darling would like, cause 

sometimes Grammy is too practical.  lol


Thankful for finding a cool candy shop there called

 "River street sweets".

The aroma coming out of there

was heavenly, and then there was

a guy passing out samples. Well,

that was all it took, so had to go

in and get some and it not only

smelled heavenly it tasted

heavenly as well.


Thankful for one of the best smoothies
we have had in about a year.  We stopped
getting our Chocolate Elvis at Planet smoothie cause they just never tasted the
same anymore, so make all my own, which
are very good.  But they have a "Smoothie
King" and wow, what a delicious smoothie.  

Thankful for a trip to Hobby Lobby on
the day we left, we always like to end
on a fun note and have the memory of
going there together.  Found some cute
Easter things. 

              I might be cute and tiny                              but I am fierce.


Thankful for an especially great gift from the Lord.  I have always wanted some Bunny napkin rings but just could not bring myself to spend $5.oo each for them, which would equal $40.

Found 8 of them half price for.....

wait for it...........$5.00 Total 

Love them, they are solid white. So cute!

Stay tuned for our Easter Table.....

in a few weeks.

I always say Good Things come to those who wait!!


So Thankful that we have such good relationships with our kids, it is an incredible blessing to all of us. Just love spending time with all of them. One of our most favorite things to do really.


Thankful for a really good Italian recipe our Daughter made for din din one night. It was so good, company worthy, and a one pot meal. Will be getting the recipe and will share it as I am looking forward to making it.


We are going to the Vet?.......NO!!!


Well, that's it for Cozy Place this week.

This was the Vacation Edition. lol

Thanks for stoppin' by

Hope you have a Fabulous Friday


Wonderful Weekend,

Love, Hugs, and

First day of March Blessings,


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Shabby Art Boutique

Sunday, February 25, 2024

Scripture Sunday

 But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord
 and Savior Jesus Christ. 
To him be glory both now and forever!

If you want to do that, 
 I would encourage you to read the Bible
if you aren't already doing that, or go
to church or a bible study.

Hugs, Nellie

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Saturday, February 24, 2024

Thankful Thursday February 22, 2024, and Cute Puppies


With praise and thanksgiving they sang to the LORD: “He is good; his love toward Israel endures forever.” And all the people gave a great shout of praise to the LORD, because the foundation of the house of the LORD was laid.
Ezra 3:11 NIV

Greetings Sweet Friends,

How are you today???  Hope you are doing well. We are.............been a fairly good week for us, and hope the same is true for you and yours. Enjoying the cooler weather again.

Pictures today are of Cute Puppies........

Hope you enjoy them as much as me and lil darling did picking them.  They are compliments of Pixabay and unsplash.

                  On with my Thankfuls


Thankful that we have a washer and dryer, as I remember the days when we were first married we didn't and had to go to the Laundromat.  One time somehow gum was either in the washer and we didn't see it or someone threw it in there when we stepped away for about 10 minutes.  It got mostly on hubbies dress clothes he had to wear to worth everyday, and we were so upset because we thought we were gonna have to buy him all new clothes which did not fit our young marrieds budget at the time.  But thought to go to the dry cleaners to see if they could anything, and they were so nice and helpful and  got it all out and didn't charge us very much at all..........think they felt sorry for us!!  lol  and we were so grateful.


 Thankful for all the rain we have had this weekend,  It was dismal but very needed.


Thankful for a good day at church,  it was great to be back, after being out for 2 weeks. Great to see friends and church family.


Thankful for a really wonderful treat in music.  We have to a violinist that plays most Sundays along with the our music team, but this week she and another lady I think was maybe a visitor did a Beautiful rendition of 

 "It's a Beautiful Name"


Thankful for a lovely rainy day nap. 

 Perfect weather for a nap.


Thankful for a fun day with lil darling. 

 She didn't have as much work today 

since we got a lot done early, last Friday.


Thankful my stomach is feeling better,

I think I must have eaten some bad lettuce

or something, as I thought I was coming

down with a stomach virus this morning

when I got up.....but praise the Lord I

am feeling much better this afternoon.


Thankful for praying friends who are

 there when you need them.


Thankful for a situation that needed reconciliation, has happened.

Always good to be a peace with one another.


Thankful for the last 3 days of absolutely beautiful weather, cold but Sunny with gorgeous not a cloud in the sky days, after having rain all weekend and part of Monday.


Thankful that we were asked to teach

a marriage class at our church again,

Unfortunately, we feel this is not the

time and it just doesn't work with our 

schedule or physical issues that we

 have to work around,  but it was really

 nice to be asked.  We are kinda sad that

we can't.........but we are just in a 

different season of life.


Thankful for my own spa day I

did at home, it's was nice and

well needed. 

Well, That is it for Cozy Place this week.

So happy you could stop by, and

thanks for blessing us with your visit.

Hope you have a delightful weekend.

Love, Hugs and 

last of February Blessings,


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Shabby art Boutique

Between Naps on the Porch

Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Easy and Delicious Alfredo Sauce recipe

Picture compliments of Pixabay

Happy Tuesday Sweet Friends,

Hope this day finds you well and happy.

For Valentine's Day I think I told you I made some delicious Alfredo Sauce for dipping our bread sticks.  
Well, here is the recipe.....I had never made it before but we all think it tasted just like the Alfredo at Olive Garden.  Found the recipe from All recipes, and was sooooo happy with it, as it was quite easy to make.

Wanted to get this recipe in my blog recipes before I lose it, so I just scanned it and put it on here.  Hope you all can see it well enough.

Sorry I couldn't make the recipe show up any larger than this, and I was too lazy to copy it all........

You could just click here to see it better!
You will have to scroll down a bit to
see it though..........

 Will definitely be making this again soon.

Have a Happy Tuesday!


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Sunday, February 18, 2024

Scripture Sunday


I don't know about you but the fact

 that God is the King of all the earth

 brings comfort to my heart.

Have a lovely Sunday.

Hugs, Nellie

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Between Naps on the Porch

A Stroll thru Life

Karins Kottage

Thursday, February 15, 2024

Thankful Thursday, February 15, 2024, More Valentines Eye Candy


 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness   gentleness and self-control. 
Galatians 5:22 NIV

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hoping you all had a Wonderful time
being with or hearing from family/
and or friends on Valentine's Day.
We love Valentine's day around
here........not that we do all that
much, but just another fun day to
celebrate. We will take all of those
we can get!!  lol

Photos today are of more Valentine's eye candy!!
Compliments of Unsplash and lil darlings help
with choosing pictures.

On with my Thankfuls...........

Thankful that I was able to find an old recipe I had on my blog via a link with Kraft foods, but was evidently discontinued, so finally foun one that sounded like the one I used before, as it was a bit more simple than a lot of the others.  It was for "Southwestern White Chili", and easier didn't mean less delicious. We really enjoyed it and
it was our first time to have it this Winter.

Thankful for a good day with Lil darling, got all her schoolwork done fairly quickly and we got to work on our story again.....added another chapter
to the "Kingdom of Cookie Dough."  lol

Thankful that hubby just saw this morning
 where our old bank branch was (which they closed a number of years ago) is now becoming a
of all things.  We are delighted that after
over 40 years of living here they are finally starting to put more food places around us,
 a nice restaurant would be our preference,
 but not likely. Anyway, we are excited.....
cause they also just opened a Taco Bell 
not too far away too.  Cause we had to
travel about 40 mins. away to get take
out if we want it.

Thankful for how the Lord encourages us when
 we need it.  It has been one of those days........I woke up feeling a bit hopeless this morning, 
so talked to the Lord about it and he put me 
on to 2 blog posts, that were exactly what I needed to hear and be reminded of..............
Love how HE does that!

Thankful that even tho hubby is still
fighting off his cold, and I am having
some milder symptoms than him, but 
we aren't feeling terrible, just tired.
So think I dodged another sickness
bullet for the most part. Thankful
 that we can one again watch our church  online.........definitely not as good as
 being there, but at least we feel in the
 loop, and we are not giving anyone
 else whatever we have!! 

Thankful that we got to see the Memorial
Service for the couple in their 90's that
passed away within 10 hrs. of each other.
(I have written about the last 2 Thankful
posts).  Since hubby was sick we wound
up not being able to go, but the church
live streamed it, so we got to see it this
week.  What powerful and wonderful
testimonies about them from their 
Granddaughters, It was truly such a
 lovely and honoring service.

Thankful that I did not get hurt.... as I
took a fall, as I tripped on a rug coming
in from the garage. Thankful it was
coming in and not going out or I would
have fallen on concrete, instead I fell
on laminate floors that have some
cushioning.  Just scrapped my knee,
and shook me up for a few minutes,
as I fell and
Just practicing my stunt woman
skills and scaring my hubby!!  lol

Thankful that our new sheets came
and they were a perfect fit and a perfect 
match for the top sheets and pillow cases
 on our bed and they are 100% organic
 cotton and feel so nice and they were 
made in India.
 It was from a company called "Bare", 
and was impressed with their packaging
It was so nice, each sheet was inside a nice brown paper box with no plastic wrap,
 and then each one was put inside of  2 nice shopping bags.
 So that was a nice freebie.
I know, I know, I am fascinated by
 the strangest

Thankful for the early surprise of Red Roses from hubby for Valentine's day. They are
just beautiful....

Thankful for a good day with lil darling
got all her school work done and we also
had fun making a pretty box to have her Valentine's put it for their party tomorrow. 
Got some pretty pictures from Unsplash 
to decorate it with, and she was thrilled.

Thankful hubby took our Christmas tree
down today, and put it away for the year,
 and I did a lot of cleaning while he was
doing that!!
Always love a clean house.

Thankful for a simple yet lovely
Valentine's Day with Hubby.  Cards,
Breakfast Sandwiches from Duncan
donut (Donuts were not the greatest)
but the sandwiches were, phone call
with our Daughter, pretty table set
(my only valentines decorating this 
year, lol) while hubby was gone to get
 Olive Garden take out, great dinner
with some sparkling grape juice, a few
 Chocolates and then watched a couple
Romantic comedies.  Works for us.

Well that's it for Cozy Place this week.
This is the Valentine's Edition!!

Glad you came by today,
and Hope you have a lovely
Friday and Weekend.

Love, Hugs and 
Valentine's Day Blessings,

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Scripture Sunday

  Let's praise the God of Heaven Every day! Blessings,  Nellie