Thursday, February 26, 2015

Thankful Thursday - February 26, 2015, and Winter Coffee Table

Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts,
 since as members of one body you were
 called to peace. And be thankful.
Colossian 3:15

Warm Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope this finds you well and happy,
and a bit warmer......

I am well and happy and a bit warmer,
not sure I am quite ready for the warmer
part yet, but then I haven't been going 
thru what most of you have either!

It was neat to see some Ibis birds in
our yard yesterday, our lil darling really
got a kick out of watching them out
the window, as did I, too........
along with some squirrels scurrying
about and playing.......all signs that
Winter is coming to an end.......
Know that must be a wonderful
thought to most of you!!

Told you on Tuesday I would show
you more of my winter Living room,
today is the coffee table. Hope you
enjoy the pictures.

Well, guess I had best get on with
 my post............

I am thankful.....

that we got both our vehicles serviced, washed
 and also got new tires on the van on Sat.
Just always such a good feeling to have those
 sort of things taken care of..........

for the dealership we go to and our service rep. 
we have there, he is such an honest and helpful
gentleman, and everyone there is just
 so friendly and helpful.

for the really fun time we had over at Scott
 and Megans on Sat. celebrating Susan's birthday,
Scott made lasagna and it was really good......
 course, the whole dinner was great, and they
 even sent us home with some Lasagna. Yum!! 
 They are really becoming great hostesses, I
 have to say.

that we got to see some dear friends at church
 on Sunday that are visiting from up north, actually
He and his wife were our last Pastorate family,
 and they are gonna be here till the end of March,
so can't wait to get together with them.  Tried
for tomorrow night but they are gonna be gone
for the weekend, so hoping for next week.

that I have taken care of gift ideas, and figured out what
 to do for all the birthdays coming up in the next 2 weeks.
  Susan, then our lil darling turns yrs. old,  then hubby
 has his birthday a few days later. A busy few weeks
for us........but......a good busy.

that I got my front porch sealed on  Monday afternoon.
but still have the walkway to do, but I am so glad I
 didn't do it earlier in the day, as they delivered a big
package and that might have been a problem for me, 
since hubby wasn't home. Since the porch wasn't wet
 I was able to just push it in the door and into the
 living room. Otherwise, it might have had to sit out
in the yard till hubby got home.

 And what was in that big box,  you say???

Not Telling!!  lol

With cut out affect

that I happened on a bench I really loved...
 I love benches and have wanted one for my dining room
 for a long while now, but just never found anything I
 really loved until now.....and it was on sale.
My birthday is coming up and I told hubby I just found
 my birthday present online and showed it to him, and
 he said order it, so since I am such an obedient wife
  I did just that very quickly !!  lol

Hence the big box that came today....
Couldn't believe it got here so fast, just ordered it
 last Friday and today is Monday, so Target is quick!
and we got a great deal plus free shipping using our
Target red card. That thing has really come in handy
I have to say, we always get free shipping and 5% off,
 and this time it had a handling fee as well, and that 
was free too. Our total savings with everything was 
$69.00, so we were thrilled.

So I am thankful for my Target Red card !!

that I have figured out what I am doing for hubby's
 Birthday table this morning. (Tuesday) 
So happy to know that as it is a bit harder coming
 up with tables for the guys. Not celebrating till
March 8th,  but nice to have that figured out
ahead of time.

for an amazing movie that is based on a true story. 
We watched it last night (Wed), it is called
 "The little Red Wagon". 
When we read about it, we thought it was neat that
 it happened in Florida and it started  because of
 Hurricane charley, which we went through as well.
If you want to be inspired this is your movie..........
It is amazing what this 8 yr. old boy inspired and 
did with the help of his Mom and sister
Great movie,  Highly recommend it.....

Love how the sunshine streams in.....

that Scott, Megan and Brooklyn are going up to 
visit Dee and Jerry, as she has really been missing 
everyone so much. So should be a great time for
 all of them.  

 I am thankful for you too, Sweet Friends, as it
 is nice to know someone reads and enjoys my
 posts, and also thankful for the way you all
 impact inspire, teach, excite, and bless my life
 as well. Thanks from the bottom of my heart.....

So happy you could drop by for a
visit today, always nice to know
you came by.

Sharing over at:

Ivey and Elephants with
Paula and Patti

The Style Sister with Karin

A Delightsome Life with Kathy

Shabby Art Boutique with Kerryanne

Simple Nature Decor with Maria

Dwellings with Cindy

Hope you have a Fantastic Friday
and weekend with your family/
and or friends.

Love, Hugs,
and Blessings Galore,


Next week I will show you the rest 
of my Winter Living Room.

If you happened to miss the first
 part just click here if you would
 like to see, or just scroll down.

Take Care!

Monday, February 23, 2015

Winter Foyer and Living Room Decor

Warm Blessings to you
Sweet Friends,

Hope this finds you cozy and warm,

and not too frustrated with this
seemingly long and cold Winter.

We were at freezing temps right

before the weekend and now we
are in the 80's, such crazy weather
you never know what to expect,
but hey, think it is warm enough
and dry enough to maybe start
getting some sealer on my front
porch and walkway hopefully.
So that would be nice......

Figured I would show you my
 Winterized Living room today.
and guess what???  

There is no red in there. lol

     I will start in the foyer....

This wreath is the first thing you see when I
open my dooor, so wanted to put a nice greeting
on it..........
Made the card stock greeting on printmaster.

 Just threw some pine cones and a bow (that was
 already made) on there then added the sign
 and some faux snow.

This area in my foyer is very hard to fit much, 
 so this lil plant stand works well there, but
always trying to find what to put on it.  lol
So plants and........

pine cones won out this time. Had this lil
crock so decided to dress her up a bit.
Had some burlap ribbon so just wrapped 
it around and taped it,  then I found.....

this great shiny gold braiding in my
 sewing stash, so just tied it on...........
liked the touch of Gold.

This is the first table you see to your left, as you enter 
our living room, it is full of family pictures, so added
this heart tray with white candles and pearl beads.

I pretty much used all neutrals in this room,  accept
for just a few touches of blue.

With posterized affect

Love how the light streams in this room.  So pretty!
This gives us the most natural light of any room
 in the house. Every since I did this room in neutrals 
over 3 years ago, it has become one of my fav rooms
 in the house.  We used to hardly use it,  but now I
come in here all the time, and the baby really enjoys
it too.................

It was easy to just tie on some burlap ribbon and a pine
cone ornament for some texture.  This is one of my fav
pillows too..................

Happened to see this lil tree Christmas
ornaments back at Christmas time in the
dollar tree store,  but they looked more
like Winter trees to me than Christmas
trees,  so bought them with that purpose
in mind........for when I decorated my
Winter room..............and since I only
had the 2 ornaments, but 3 windows, 
 I bought the ornament below for the
 3rd window,
and put it in the center.

So Joy to you this Day, 
 Sweet Friends,

Very happy you could come by
 for a visit..........hope you
enjoyed your time here.

Love, Hugs
and Warm Joyful Blessings,
especially for those of you 
in that Super cold weather.


our Winter coffee Table

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Thankful Thursday - February 19, 2015, and Floral Pictures

Because your love is better than life,
 my lips will glorify you.
Psalm 63:3

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Are ya having a good week
so far??  Hope so, and hope
you are staying warm
and cozy.

Mine week has been good, it's a bit cool here this
week, in the 40's today which is cold for us here in
Florida, suppose to go to freezing tonight. Course,
know that probably sounds like nothing to most of
 you. I know Dee and Jerry are below 0 today in
Asheville, and have had ice and snow this week
.  It was there first experience with ice this year.
 Dee almost fell a few times, till Jerry called the
 HOA and they came out and salted, like they
 should have already..............They have a friend
in her 30's that fell about 6-7 years ago on ice
and broke her tailbone, and it has taken her
years to recover as much as she has,  but 
unless the Lord heals her,  she will probably
 have to live with the consequences of that the
 rest of her life.  Hence the call to the HOA
I am sure................

Well, not much else to say since I said what
 is going on in my post,  thought you might
like to see some pics that might make you
think of Spring, at least........
So here you go!

I am thankful

for a really fun and relaxing Valentines weekend,
 just enjoying each other's company.  This was
 our 45th Valentine's Day together since we met
 and 44 years of them while being married.

for the lovely red roses hubby brought me on
Friday night, and his lovely card on Saturday.

that DeeAnna and Jerry have finally found a home
 they want to buy, and can afford (as homes are
astronomical there compared to Florida)  and in
 the area that they really want to live in, and it looks
 so much like the wonderful home they had to leave
here in Fla. to go to Asheville,  so they are pretty
 thrilled, and we are thrilled for them, and hoping
it all works out,  Lord willing!

that we have workers here today (Mon.) pressure 
cleaning our house, getting it ready for painting.
  It is looking great already.........I am particularly thrilled
about our sidewalk as it had a lot of mold and mildew
 and looked terrible, but looks awesome now, and 
hopefully we can get it sealed this week since it has
 a nice decorative finish on it.

for the Bible and all it has to tell us about the things 
that we see happening in our world today,  and that 
so much of it is prophecy about the return of Christ.
He is coming back folks,  we just don't know the
 time or the hour,  but we can tell by the signs the
bible gives us that it might not be a long time off.

This pic was taken almost a week later. See the change
in color in the centers of the flowers.

that Scott and Megan offered to do an early family 
birthday dinner for my Sister-in-law, Susan this year, 
since they will be out of town and visiting Dee and
 Jerry on her day.

Thought that  was really sweet and thoughtful.....

that it looks like Dee and Jerry may have found a
way around a situation they came up against with
this home they want to buy, so hopefully it will all
work out,  but either way they have a good attitude.
and feel if it is meant to be...... it will be.

with watercolor affect

that the painters came back today (Wed.) and finished
 our house. I really didn't expect them until Friday due
to the weather.  Rainy and cold,  but it turned out to be
 a sunny day,  so they finished it, and it looks terrific, 
and we are so happy with it.

With photocopy affect

for the folks that did our painting, they were both
really nice people, and did a really great job, every
thing looks perfect as can be. Which has not always 
been the case when we have had someone else do
the work, which is why we do most of our own stuff,
so very grateful about that too.  Definitely not a
 helpful or fun  thing to spend $$$ on something
 only to have it turn out badly, and also nice to
be able to give business to such nice folks.

for our warm cozy bed on these colder nights.,
and  for our heating as well.

for a school crossing guard I saw today that
put a big smile on my face.  He was an elderly
man waving at everyone when they went by
with a big smile on his face......he would wave
with his right hand then bring up his left hand
and wiggle his fingers as if he was tickling you,
and look right at you as you passed, and he was 
just having such a good time, and I am sure he
 put a smile on more faces than mine. 
Just cute!

with posterized affect

that my hubby did not permanently hurt himself,
as he was dreaming and was close to the edge
of the bed, and in his dream a huge snake was
 after him, and he fell out of bed trying to get 
away from it........Funny,  but he fell right on his
 tail bone area too,  he was hurting some right 
after it happened but took some ibuprophen
 and it is much better other than a lil soreness.
  Thank the Lord.  Now that was a first!!

Well,  here's to another week 
at cozy Place.

So glad you could join me today, 
 and hope
you come back soon.

Next week, 
 it will be off with the red.........
and I will show you my White living
room all decorated for Winter and
before Spring gets here.  lol

Warm and cozy ,
Loves, Hugs and Blessings.


Thankful Thursday February 13, 2025, and Valentine's decorations from the past

    For God so love d  the world that he gave  his one and only Son,   that whoever believes  in him shall not perish but have eternal life....