Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Free Valentines Printable

Picture compliments of http://www.publicdomainpictures.net/

Morning Sweet Friends,
Happy Tuesday....

So did you have a good weekend 

and Monday??  Hope it was....
real good.

Ours was real good....Had some
 Outback take out, watched a good
 movie I had been wanting to see 
for awhile, had a nice breakfast,
 and long chat with hubby, cleaned
 our porch, which sorely needed it,
 worked on my card business some,
 went to Sunday School and church
Then got our fav frozen yogurt.....
had a nice nap, Watched the Super
 Bowl and the team we were rooting
 for won,we only picked them cause
 they are East Coasters as well,
 missed Dee and Jerry cause the last
 few years before they moved we
 got together with them for Super 
Bowl Sunday.  It was quiet but
fun, had some fun eats.....while
we watched. We are not what 
you would call football fanatics,
hubby likes to watch it once in
awhile and I pretty much like
it for the food and fun........lol
 Monday I worked some on my
 card business again,  trying to 
make it a daily thing, finished
some tweaks in the redecorating,
had a long chat with a friend I
haven't spoken with for a while
and then with Dee, and then got
 to spend time counseling and
encouraging a sweet couple.
So has been a good last 4 days.

Really can't believe it is Feb.
3rd already.............I do love
this time of year tho.

Well, I made this poster you will
see below for myself when I was
 redoing the house, so thought I 
would try and share it with you. 
This is my first attempt at this...
and hubby did it for me,  so it
should work....if you want to
copy it and for some reason
it doesn't work, leave me a
 comment so I will know and
then check back late tonight, 
cause hubby can probably fix
 it if need be, when he 
gets home.  lol

Click Here for Poster

You can print it on shiny photo paper,
card stock, or water color paper.  I
did mine on the shiny photo paper.

I simply double stick taped it to
our wall and then put an empty
frame around it.  Guess I should
have taken a picture of it,  but
oh well.............lol

Hope you like it and enjoy it.

Sharing with:

Cindy over at Dwellings 

Marty over @ A Stroll Thru Life

Paula and Patti over @
Ivey and Elephants

Karin over @ The Style Sisters

Life with Lorelai for Home Matters

Have a Great Day!

Come back tomorrow as I will
 have a super easy candy recipe
 that is great for Valentines Day!


  1. Hi, Nellie!
    I forgot to change my background on my blog until I came to yours!

    Can hardly wait for your candy recipe!
    Love you all, Susan

  2. You had a fun and productive few days! Thanks so much for the lovely printable and enjoy the rest of your week.

  3. Hi Nellie, I loved hearing about your weekend and your card making business-bet you'll be great at it.
    Love your graphic too! I have such a hard time these days getting around to everyone. I so appreciate your coming by to say hi.
    You are a treasure to be sure!
    I have my surgery on Monday so will be absent for a bit-hopefully not too long. Thank you for your friendship!

  4. Sounds like a wonderful weekend. It's great to watch a good movie. We always have endless projects. Very cute printable Nellie. Happy Wednesday to you. xo

  5. Great quote and cute printable! Thanks for sharing at the #HomeMattersParty. We hope to see you again next week!


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Thankful Thursday March 13, 2025, and Birthday Table

  “You are worthy, our Lord and God    to receive glory and honor and power,  for you created all things,   and by your will they were creat...