Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Simple Pleasures Thursday

Better Homes and Garden Magazine pic...I think!!
Isn't it luscious and lavendar???

Hello Sweet Peas,

Hope this morning finds you........
 well and happy....ready and grateful
 for a brand new day!

My day is a sunny 89 degree day here in Central Florida
 but am sure those temps will rise more
 as the day goes on..........

I am well and happy, and ready and grateful for this new
 day,  and very pleased to have my honey working at home
 today for the first time since he started his new job. 
 He, however, is having some technical difficulties at times,
 so we are praying they cease, cause it could prevent him
 from being able to do this! 
 It was never a problem in the past with his old job, 
 so don't know why this is happening.................

Decided to do something new for me today........
many of you probably already participate in this meme,
"Simple Pleasures".  So this is my very first time.........

My Simple Pleasure
is a little devotional book given to me by a friend just
a few months back.  It is called "Jesus Calling" by
a lady who is a missionary, named Sarah Young.

It is truly a delightful lil book, that has brought much
encouragement, enlightenment, focus, and truth to
me and hubby.  I look so forward to reading one
or more of the devotions every day, they so speak
to me...................

You see, she has written it as if Jesus were speaking
to you personally, with scriptures at the bottom that
back up her words.  Some days it will just stop you
in your tracks..............

Course, we know the Bible is God's Love Letter to us,
and He speaks to us there too,  but somehow the way
she has written it, his voice just seems to come
 alive to you even more!

Here is a sample of one of her devotionals.
Know you will enjoy it!!

I highly recommend reading it very slowly, so that
it really sinks in.................

This is for July 21st

You can click on the pic to make it larger!

I think this simple pleasure will be around a long
time...... being read over and over again..........

This is the same picture with a photoshop
equalized affect!  Equally as beautiful!!

Thanks for coming by to visit,

Have a Great Wednesday!

Will be linking up to Dayle over
at a little of this and that too,
If you want to check out more
simple pleasures,
just click here.

Love, Hugs, and
Simple Pleasure Blessings,



  1. What a unique book, Nellie. And I can tell the content is rich and inspirational. Thanks for linking up today. Hope to see you often.

  2. God should be very happy with me at the moment as I am resting as much as possible these days; enjoying my time until school starts back up again August 14th. Summer is truly flying by! Have a beautiful day. Tammy

  3. My hairdresser was given this book last week and shared it with is a very awesome book...not your typical devotional.

  4. Jesus Calling looks to be a wonderful resource, very personal. I can see why one would need to read it slowly and ponder it all day. The photo shop effects are great-wanna get me that toy! Thanks so much for your visit, Nellie. I like the gentle voice in which you write.
    blessings, k

  5. Sounds like a very inspirational book. I like the page you chose to show us, Kathleen.

  6. A friend of mine recommended this book to me, too. I'll have to check it out. The lavendar pictures are lovely, too. Welcome to Simple Pleasures!

  7. I have friends who have talked about this book, so I have one ordered, and just received 2 of the children's editions of this book by her. I am glad to meet you through Simple Pleasures!

  8. Hi Nellie,
    Nice to meet you at Simple Pleasures.The book sounds like a good devotional book.Thanks for recommending it.

    God bless
    Barb from Australia

  9. Yea, I'm back on-line! I was having a few computer problems! Everyone needs inspiration this day and age! It sounds like "Jesus Calling" will definately meet those needs!
    Love to you all,

  10. Beautiful, true words!

    Blessings, Debbie

  11. Nellie

    Thanks for the reminder about the devotional book. I do think I am going to pick up a copy. I have "40 days with Jesus" which is written by Sarah Young. Our Church gave these little booklets out before Easter for us all to read together. I really loved it because it does sound like Jesus is talking to you and it make me really think. It helps me so much to have that encouragement and inspiration everyday.

    Thanks again for all your encoragement and inspiration.

    Blessings & Love


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Such a great reminder of who is in charge down here.  Have a lovely Sunday. Hugs, Nellie