Thursday, July 28, 2011

Welcome to Thankful Thursday - July 28, 2011

(Most pics courtesy of better homes and gardens magazine-this one
was equalized)

Greetings Sweet Peas..........

and how in the world are you today?

Doing finer than frog hair??
(That is hubbies saying)

I sure hope you are!!

I have had a good rest of the week, and have been on the tellie 
most of the day, which is very unusual for me these days, but
leads me to
I am thankful

for telephones.............imagine life without them...........
taking days on end to get a letter or have someone come
 to give you information. Hard to just remember what it was
 like before cell phones even, imagine life without the landline
 connection or a cell.................Whoa..........
No thanks!! lol

Cause it is a great way to catch up or just to check in with
someone,  especially if you or  they are laid up or sick
 and can't get out.  Now with skype it is even becoming
more amazing.  I have not skyped as of yet,  but only
heard about it,  but imagine it is really quite nice!

I am thankful
for the lovely visit we had with Scott and Megan
this passed weekend.  She is having her wisdom
teeth removed tomorrow, so if you feel so led
please pray for her.

I am thankful
for the lovely time we had with Dee and Jerry this week
 as well.  Dee will at long last be finished with school with her
 BA degree in Radiology next week,  and we are so proud and
 excited for her,  she will be like a bird out of it's cage!!  lol
Guess we need to plan something to celebrate.....that fact,
has eluded me until today!!  Guess just too much other stuff
going on at the same time.....................

This one courtesy of Me!  lol

I am thankful
that Dee and Jerry are doing so well.  They and 
God have been very busy these last 2 weeks.

I am thankful
that I had 2 nice chats with our Sweet Friend
Becky from over at Junk to Joy this week,
and might actually get to visit in person tomorrow.
That would be a very nice treat!

I am thankful
for the awesome message our Youth Pastor preached
on Sunday,  and the impact it had on everyone.
It was about the fruit of the spirit, and about living 
by the spirit rather than by the flesh.  He just made
so many excellent points.

I am thankful
we are going to a Kirk Cameron Seminar on Sat.
evening called "love worth fighting for".  I think it
should be really good,  cause we saw Fireproof
and also did their marriage material for Sunday 
School a while back.

This one courtesy of me with a Photoshop affect

I am thankful
for all the neat things God teaches us about
 himself and living life down here on planet earth.
He never runs out of things to teach us,  and we
 never run out of things to learn,  that is for sure.

I am thankful

hubby cut my hair last night,  it makes me feel perky
and well groomed!!  Don't we ladies just feel so
 great when we feel our hair looks good.
Amazing Really!  Such a simple thing, but it
brings us so much pleasure.....

I am thankful
for clothes to wear....anything from jammies,
to shorts and tops to dresses, and cute shoes.
They make life fun.....and keep us looking
presentable!!  lol

(This is from BHandG magazine, but I posterized it)

I am thankful

I got to visit with a long time friend this evening,
haven't really seen her since the weddding but we
 have talked on the it was great to see
her in person.  Lovely visit with a lovely lady.
She is such a sweetie!

I am thankful
for all the beautiful pictures that I see like the ones here,
 and that you take,  that I see all over at many blogs,
  they are just so creative, fun, and pleasant to look at.....
Just visual delights or eye candy!!
Just lifts your spirit to see them........

Well, Sweet Friends that is my list of 
thankfuls for this week,  hope you have
bunches of thankfuls too!

Have a Mildly Wild Weekend! lol

See ya Monday...........

Love, Hugs
and Blessings Galore,

P.S. this whole post looks normal before
it is posted, so don't know why there 
are crazy gaps in places........


  1. Your life is just LOADED with good things, Nellie! We have two grandsons with us for a few days, so we, too are counting our blessings.

    We DO skype. It is marvelous. The boys were able to say goodnight to their parents last night - almost in person!

    And cell phones? Well, you may have read how ours came in handy when we ran out of gas last Sunday!

    Have a great weekend. "Grandpa" will spend the morning with the grandsons while I spend the morning with "my" Bible study women...

  2. #1. Just think, today there are so many companies that charge such a low rate of pay to use the telephones!
    #2. I pray all has gone well with Megan this morning! I'll call you later.
    #3. GREAT! let me know if you have a celebration. I'll be so happy to contribute!
    #4. Prayers being answered, Thank you, Jesus!
    #5. Aren't visits great! Sylvia just got in touch with me. Brad's mom is off the ventilator and home now! How Great is our GOD to answer prayers so quickly! We are to meet on Tuesday!
    #6. He has such love for our LORD and the youth of our church.
    #7. What a testimony this young man has become! I remember when I saw him in the "Left Behind" movies.
    #8. Amen, and I am so reliant on Him for everything from my next breath to what He has in store for my life!
    #9. My, Nellie you have it made! Jim cuts your hair and DeeAnna washes and fixes it to make you look like the Nellie we all love and adore!
    #10. Oh my, I don't know how those in poor countries go without clothes. I am so blessed to have the least of mine.
    #11. As so with my friend, Sylvia!
    #12. The beauty of GOD is all around us! I thank my LORD for all I see; the hawks and other birds, the squirrels, zoo animals, flowers, my crepe mertles are beautiful now, and I could go on!

    I finally found out why my post was doing crazy things. I had to let the print go as far as it would and let it move to the next line on its on. If I didn't, it would do the double spacing.

    Love to you all,

  3. Hi, I just discovered you on someone else's blog and came by to say hello. I love your list of "thankfulnesses" - so many blessings each of us has and it's good to pause to think about it.

    I am your 100th follower, isn't that exciting?!?! Stop by for a visit any time at my blog.


  4. A beautiful list of thank yous! But one thing I can't wrap my head around... You let your husband near your hair with scissors?! I can't even imagine such a thing!!

    Blessings, Debbie

  5. Hi Nellie,
    Sounds like you have a thankful heart and indeed, so do I! I enjoyed reading your list. You must be a very brave lady to let your hubby cut your hair! Any chance he's a hair dresser? Thanks for your visit and enjoy this Sunday.


  6. Love you and sooo enjoyed our time together the other day! What a delight, and so very long over due!!

    There is always so very much to be thankful for. I am so thankful that none of my tests turned up any problems!! WooHOO!!
    Love ya!
    Talk to you soon!

  7. Hi Nellie,

    Sure hope Megan is doing well after her oral surgery. I use to work in an office that did tons of extractions of wisdom teeth. Most went very
    well so I hope she was one of the lucky ones.

    So thankful for thankfulness. It changes a person's life to be grateful and to choose happiness through it.

    Love, B


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Such a great reminder of who is in charge down here.  Have a lovely Sunday. Hugs, Nellie