Friday, November 29, 2019

Thankful Thursday November 28, 2019, and Son's Fall Birthday Table

Enter his gates with thanksgiving 
and his courts with praise;
 give thanks to him and
 praise his name.
Psalm 100:4 NIV

Greetings and Belated 
Happy Thanksgiving to all You
Sweet Friends,

Hope you all had a Wonderful
Thanksgiving and time with
your family/and or friends.

Ours was as good as it could
be this side of Heaven.......
The whole family got to be
together this what
a delight and pleasure and
fun time we had.

Pictures today are from my
Son's birthday table this year.

So, on with my Thankfuls......

Thankful that my hubby had an
 opportunity to talk to and hopefully
help guide a teenage boy who is
having a difficult time.
What a sweet young man he is too!

Thankful that due to an accidental
situation with the microwave that
my daughter had.....her doggie
started frantically barking and let
her know something was on fire
inside the microwave,  and it had
already burned the cabinet a bit
underneath once they took the
microwave out,  so it was on it's
way to being a house fire.
So praise the Lord for Bentley!!

Thankful for a nice time at a friends
birthday party, and a chance to get
to know a few other people a lil 
bit better.

Thankful to have had the opportunity
to help a lil old lady that was using a
scooter in the grocery store several
times,  but also noticed a number of
other people helping her as well.
How lovely and Refreshing to see
that in our negative culture today.

Thankful to have had another one
of our Students who was ordained
as a Pastor a few months back,
preach this morning since our Sr.
Pastor is still away.  Yeah....
another younger person moving
into leadership. Awesome!

Thankful for Spinach dip....we had
it at our friends the other night, and
I decided to make some as my family
really likes it, and I haven't made it
in a long time.  It was delicious when
I finished making it and will be even

better after it has been in the fridge
awhile........ummm can't wait to get
Note:  Turned out to be a great 
snack for all of us for 3 days,
and it was really delicious.

Thankful to hear that an 82 yr. old
lady (who was a body builder) was
able to protect herself against a
man who broke in her house.  She
hit him over the head with a table
and then beat the stuffings out of
him.....He messed with the wrong
lil old lady.  lol  and the police
arrested him as well....a win win.

Thankful that my daughter and
son-in-love and Bentley made it
here safe and sound.

Thankful that we had a great 3
 days with them and the family.
Such a blessed time.

Thankful for the fun of cooking
Thanksgiving dinner together with
my daughter and getting it done
 quickly and earlier than expected
 so we could just have a relaxing 
evening. I always make dishes we
can make ahead and just pop in
the oven the day of whatever the
holiday is...........

Thankful for a really yummy
dinner on Thanksgiving with
all my favorite foods and I think
theirs too.  Cause I save certain
dishes only for certain holidays,
so we are always excited about
and looking forward to enjoying

Love that the napkins had 2 different sides

Thankful for a loving God
who blesses us way more than
 we deserve, a sweet hubby of 
49 years, 4 wonderful kids, a
 precious granddaughter 2 fun
 grand dogs, other family and
I am a very blessed woman
for sure!!

Well, this is all for the
 Thanksgiving edition!!  lol

Thanks for stopping by.....

Keep your light shining brightly.

Love, Hugs and
End of November Blessings,


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A Stroll thru Life

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Scripture Sunday

Happy Sunday
Sweet Friends,

Here is the verse for today!

Do not wear yourself out to get rich;
  do not trust your own cleverness.  

Proverbs 23:4 NIV

Have a blessed day,


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The Dedicated House

Friday, November 22, 2019

Thankful Thursday November 21, 2019, From Summer to Fall kitchen Shelves 2019

Save us, LORD our God,
 and gather us from the nations, 
that we may give thanks to your
 holy name and glory in your praise.
Psalm 106:47 NIV

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope you have had a lovely week.

Our has been lovely and a bit busy,
but a good busy.

Just getting ready for the kids to come,
and for Thanksgiving, as much as you
can do beforehand,  and realized I need
to do some wrapping Dee and
Jerry can take their Christmas gifts
home with them, and for Megan as
her birthday is the day after Thanks-
giving, but we are gonna celebrate
her birthday on Thanksgiving.
Wrapping is next on the agenda 
because we have a busy last of the 
week coming up. 

Decided to show you how I faller-
cized my kitchen shelves. Last time
you saw them they were styled for
Summer,  so decided to change them
up a bit.  Change is always nice!

Well, on with my Thankfuls....

Thankful for a really long conversation
with my daughter on Friday.  It was the
 next best thing to being there.  lol We 
have been Missing each other and can't 
wait for her to get here for Thanksgiving.

Thankful that I was able to get a lot
of online Christmas shopping done
on Saturday.

Thankful that I was able to find a
few seasonal items someone wanted
for Christmas that are not easy to find
 this time of year, or at least there is 
not a big variety to choose from. 

Thankful for a smoked Beef Brisket
that we found at Sam's. It is already
cooked and we just needed to warm
it and it was delicious.  We had some
Sonny's barbeque sauce with it as
well..........which made it even better.

Thankful for a good day at church
and since our Pastor is away one 
of our Students from the young
marrieds class preached this week
and did a fantastic job. Always 
makes us happy to see  young
people stepping up into leader-
ship positions.....since they are
the future of the church.

# 6
Thankful for a fun time out after-
wards for lunch at Cracker Barrel
 with several friends. 

Thankful we were able to go see the
 movie "No Safe Spaces" that just came 
out and was only supposed to show one 
night, but is gonna be there all week
 now, and it is only in select theatres, 
but it is doing so well, we got to go
see it after all....we didn't have one real
close, but 30 mins. away, but it was
 well worth the time and money and 
drive to see it.  Everyone who cares
 about their right to free speech needs 
to see it.

Thankful for a fun time at Olive 
Garden afterwards, for just coffee
 and appetizers.  It was cold out
so going for coffee sounded good

and was so nice.  Also had a super
sweet gal who served us, which is
always nice too.

Thankful for some real Fall/Winter
weather for us here in Florida.
Days we stayed in the 60's all day.
Loving it.....and got to wear some
Fall/Winter clothing.......especially
to Church.  It usually is cold during
the week days and warms up for

 Thankful for Chicken Gnocchi soup
from Olive Garden. We brought some
home with us and enjoyed it for several
days, and had Megan and lil darling
over one night to help us eat it. 
It was a nice break in routine....and
of course, always enjoy seeing them.

Thankful for a fun and sweet time
with lil darling after school and for
a sleepover on Thursday.  She is 
just the most precious lil girl and
brings our hearts so much joy.

Thankful for God and His word
and how it keeps our hearts and
mind at peace in this crazy world
in which we are living.

Well....that's it for Cozy Place
this week.

Have a lovely lovely weekend
my friends,

Love, Hugs and
Pre-Thanksgiving Blessings,


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Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Scenes from Cozy Place - Fall of 2019

Happy Tuesday Sweet Friends,

Don't die from shock.....
I know it has been awhile since I posted
 on a Tuesday,  but figured I had better
 get with it and show you my Fall 
pictures or it's gonna be Christmas
before we know it.  lol

Hope this finds you having a good
week....and I would imagine you
are starting to prepare for Thanks-
giving, am I right??

I am happy to report it has been
a much better week for me since
last Thursday,  and I am in the
process of preparing for thanks-
giving!  Have most of my food
shopping done now, other than
the last minute quite
happy about that....

Thought I would show you a few
shots from my family room. Our sofa 
table, in the corner of the family room,
which will soon be sporting our

This tabletop is actually nearer to
the dining room..........oh well.......

This is on our serving cart and
it is in the family room right
nest to the sofa.
This shows the top shelf

Colored Pencil Affect

This is the bottom shelf

Saved the best for

Lil Darling did this arrangement
and thought it was pretty cute....
so I decided to leave it as it was,  
other than moving the big orange 
flower over a tad and moving it
to a new location.
When I showed it to her Mom and
 told her she did it ....she said No,
I didn't....and I was like yes, you did,
So guess she didn't recognize it after 
a week the new place.
Kids are too funny!!

Well,  hope you have a lovely day.

Love, hugs,
and Great Fall Weather to you.


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Sunday, November 17, 2019

Scripture Sunday

Happy Sunday
Sweet Friends,

Here is the verse for the day!

 Gracious words are a honeycomb,
 sweet to the soul and 
healing to the bones. 

Proverbs 16:24 NIV

Isn't that so true.....

So make sure to speak some 
Gracious and Good words
to someone today!


Friday, November 15, 2019

Thankful Thursday November 14, 2019, Fall Tables from the past #8

Lord, you are my God;
I will exalt you and praise your name,
for in perfect faithfulness
you have done wonderful things,
things planned long ago.

Isaiah 25:1 NIV

Greetings Sweet Friends

Hope this finds you well and having
 a good week.

My week has been not so good and 
very up and down.  I woke up Sat.
morning with an earache and with
lower back problems. They were
both off and earache went
away by Tues. morning, but my
back is still acting up, okay at
times altho not right, and worse
and painful at other times....If I 
could just stand up all the time
 it would be

Pictures today are from another
 Fall table past.....if you missed
the last one and would like to
see....just click here.

Thankful that our contractor
showed up today (Sat.) and put the
doors on our shed, still has some
 work to do on them, and on the
 soffiting and the painting. We
 are slowly getting there.

Thankful for an the opportunity
to listen and console someone
who is deeply grieving.

Thankful for a really great
time with the family on Sunday,
celebrating our Son's birthday.

Thankful for our first pot of
Beef Stew of the season.
So delicious and healthy!

Thankful our daughter and
hubby will be able to be
here for Thanksgiving
this year.  Lord Willing!

Thankful that I have our
Thanksgiving table figured
out already. Next is working
on the menu.....

Thankful for our Homemedic
massager, which has been pressed
 into service a number of  times this
 week for my back issues.  That
thing really relaxes your muscles
and makes your back feel great
for awhile at least, but do think
it helps with the recovery time
for sure.


Thankful that my ear ache went
away by Tuesday afternoon.
Thankful for prayers and Tylenol
 Sinus that helped with that.

Thankful to hear that a Federal
court reversed a decision that kept
 a Christian school in Florida from
being able to use the loud speaker
 for prayer at a Championship

Thankful for a fun night out,
doing some Christmas shopping.

Thankful that my back is 
pretty much back to normal
since Thursday afternoon.
I think all the walking while
shopping was good for me.

Thankful for Taco Bell's new
chicken nachos in a box....
we brought them home after
shopping, and watched TV
as we ate them.  They are
really tasty.  A fun top off
to a fun evening out. 

This is it for Cozy Place this week.

Thanks for stopping in.....

Hope you have a lovely weekend
and keep your light shining

Love, Hugs and
Mid November Blessings,


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Life with Lorelai

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Oh My Heartsie Girl

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The Dedicated House

A Stroll thru Life

Scripture Sunday

  Let's praise the God of Heaven Every day! Blessings,  Nellie