Thursday, October 17, 2024

Thankful Thursday October 17, 2024, and More Fall decorating Part 4

Praise the Lord, for He has shown me the wonders of His unfailing love.  Psalm 31:21 NIV

Greetings Sweet Friends,

well, we were in the 60's today here in Florida, so definitely feels like Fall has finally arrived. Could not be happier about that!!

Hope this find you doing well......where ever you are...........our hearts and prayers are still going out to all those who have been hit by Helene and Milton. You are still on our hearts and minds.

Our week has been mostly about cleaning up yard debri and putting things back where they belong after the storm, but we were gonna do our porch today but wound up having lil darling for school today,  but am thinking since they are watching a few places down south for more  possible storms, maybe we should just wait..............we are so praying these areas never develop and just blow out and dissipate. We also found the hospital nearest us was completely flooded out and so was the post office.  They are in another town near us, but in areas we travel most often, and their was a lot of flooding and some washed out roads as well.  Course, this is probably nothing compared to what south Florida looks like and is experiencing,  let alone North Carolina.  

Pictures today are of our living room area all

gussied up for Fall.........

On with my Thankfuls....


Thankful that we and our family and most people we

know and love made it thru Hurricane Milton okay.

We did have some washed out areas in some roads,

not near us, but in places we sometimes travel.


Thankful we got our power back so quickly and hoping

to be able to help someone because of it.


Thankful that we got all the yard debri cleaned up today and put my Fall decorations back out. Next will be the porch. These hurricane preps take a lot of time to do and to put back in order, but you would rather be safe than sorry!!


Thankful for the food I prepared before the storm

as it has kept us going for a few days.


Thankful we got to have our Son and lil darling for dinner. His power was still off.  Right before they came over his power came back on, so at least they are going home to a cool house.


Thankful for Checkers apple pies.  They are so

delicious all by themselves or heated about 20 secs.

in the microwave with vanilla ice cream.  Yummo!


Thankful our temps here have cooled off and it was only 70 and 75 degrees the last few days.  This feels like Fall weather to us here in Florida.

Note: This morning it is was 60.  Yay!


Thankful to be enjoying our lights being back on and

 to be able to make coffee, and use our  stove

 and microwave again, and also our air conditioner

 altho, thankfully we didn't get too hot while it was

 off Plus we didn't loose all the contents in our fridge!

 All of that was really a blessing to say the least.


Thankful that our Daughter and Hubby decided not to

 go to Lake Lure, NC yet to check on there rental house.

because the town has asked that no come there unless

 it is really necessary. Plus I am not  really sure it's

 safe either.


Thankful for a good day at church and that we had power and a good sermon, cause we were gonna have church either way.

Thankful to hear everyone had no damage to their homes, just yard debri and a few had minimal damage and trees downed.

Some did have flooding in their area, but thankfully not in their homes.


Thankful for a great school day with lil darling.  We even had time to watch most of "The Lion, witch and the wardrobe" which we are also reading for her literature class.  She has already seen the movie before a few years back. It's been years since we saw it.

Note: Thankful for another good school day, since her other teacher couldn't do it, and we got to finish watching the Lion the witch and the wardrobe.


Thankful we voted today, and thankful we have

the freedom to vote and now we wait!!  


Well, that's it for Cozy Place Today.

Happy you could come visit


Hope you are doing well.

Love, Hugs and

Mid October Blessings,


1 comment:

  1. I love your decor!

    Glad you are ok after the storms.

    I am in NC, but in an area that was not hit very hard. Last I heard the roads up near Lake Lure are still closed or muddy. I am not sure they are out of the woods yet. It's better to be safe than sorry.


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Thankful Thursday October 17, 2024, and More Fall decorating Part 4

Praise the Lord, for   He has shown me the wonders of His unfailing love.  Psalm 31:21 NIV Greetings Sweet Friends, well, we were in the 60&...