Fall Greeting and a Good Morning
to you all....
It's calm here right now, just some gentle breezes
as the storm Helene is still down below us quite a bit,
but as the day wears on we expect some rain and
winds. Already getting some rain, and the radar
shows more to come. Fortunately, we are on the
East coast of Florida but these storm bands
are far reaching so you never know what you
will get. The rain bands cover all of Florida
and all the way up to S.Carolina where our
Daughter lives. Crazy!
Well, if you are in the path of the Hurricane
we are praying for safety and praying that
it down grades or just blows out, and if you
aren't in the path realize how blessed you are!
Thankful for that late dinner at Olive Garden,
I was starving, so it reallyyyyy delicious!!
and we came home with leftovers which will
be great for lunch or dinner tomorrow.
Thankful for a good day schooling with
lil darling........we are almost done with her
Chronicles of Narnia book. One chapter
to go..........
Thankful that our Son starts a new job
October 1st. He is very happy about it too.
Altho he liked the Co. he works for, the
new job will be much better for him in a
number of ways. It also sounds more like
it is just more fitting to his personality
and experience as well. So we are very
happy for him, of Course!
Thankful for all the easy and cute Pumpkin and
Christmas decorating ideas I have seen on
Facebook reels. So many great ideas.
Thankful for a good Sunday morning, we didn't
get to hear the sermon this morning, as we were
in Children's church helping out. Fortunately we
can watch it online tonight. Didn't get to see or
talk with anyone really as everyone was gone
by the time all our students left. That part is
always a bummer for me......lol.... but it's only
once every other month. So a small sacrifice.
This was my cute dollar tree find this year!
Thankful for a run to Sam's to get meats and
pick up a few other things, then we went to
Outback for lunch, so that was nice and it
was some place different to go for a change.
Thankful for yummy Cinnamon buns with
cream cheese frosting from Sams. One of lil
darlings favorites...........
Thankful for my washer and dryer and
how much easier it makes life for me
and others.
Thankful for our Christian radio station
Z-88, it is such sweet inspiration to sing
and sometimes dance to as well.
Thankful that we were able to finally get
a refund that was coming to us from having
our garage door springs fixed a few weeks back.
They were running a buy on get one half off
on garage door springs, and we got both done
but the guy didn't mention the sale. Hubby had
to call a number of times, but we got the refund..........Yay!
Thankful that they now have tornado alert
systems cause years ago they had nothing..
We are under alert all day till 8PM. tonight,
due to Hurricane Helene.