Friday, September 30, 2016

Thankful Thursday Sept. 29, 2016, Fall's Past #5

 Now all has been heard; 
here is the conclusion of the matter:
 Fear God and keep his commandments, 
for this is the duty of all mankind. 
Ecclesiastes 12:13 NIV

Greetings Sweet Friends.

How are ya??
Are you ready for October??
Well, ready or not, here it comes.........

I have to say I find it rather shocking
 that we are about to enter October already.
Which means only 3 more months in this
 year! and only 86 Days till Christmas
(if I calculated correctly)  lol  WOW!

Have been getting ready all week for our
Sunday School get together tonight, but 
only 2 couples are coming that we know
of anyway. When we set the date which 
is really the only time that we thought
 might work, we didn't know that 3 of
 our ladies had a ladies leadership retreat
 to go to, and 2 of our couples had their
 Life groups on a Friday night, so all
that took out at 5 couples, then one has
 a sick newborn, and another Mom is
 sick and on an on it goes.
 Our group is not huge to start with, 
and you know there is never a good
time for everyone, but didn't think it
would be this we
also know the Lord has his reasons for
why it has turned out this way,  so we
will press on and be happy for the ones
 that do come and and have a fun time 
getting to know them better, and
 that will be that!

Thought I would show you some
more pics from Fall's Past, some 
table tops..........
Well, on with my list.............

I am thankful

that we were able to get a plumber
out here last Friday, mid-day, as we
 had a leak in our guest bathroom 
commode, (iwas in the off/on valve 
underneath),  and it was leaking pretty
fast so we had to turn the water off on
 Thurs. nite and Friday morning.
Which lead to my my # 2 thankful.

for running water in our home. 
Nothing like doing without once again 
to make you realize how blessed we are
 to just turn on the tap and there is water.
 Cannot tell you how many times I went 
over to turn on the water to do something
and then remembered oh yea, we don't
have any water right now.  Was so very
happy when it was all fixed.

that it didn't cost an arm and a leg, for
the plumbers and we thought it was 
very reasonable for what they did.

that we got a lot of work done on
Saturday.  You know how you have
those things that have been nagging
you and you have been putting them
off, so we got a few of those done
and also worked outside some too.
A productive and fun day!!

that we got to sing the "Doxology"
in church on Sunday.  Even tho we
have great music, we don't often
sing the "Doxology", but when we
do it is a very fond remembrance
for me of the Methodist church I
went to with my neighbors as a
child from the age of 7-17 yrs old.
We sang it every Sunday and I just
love that song...........

If you aren't sure what I am talking
about,  here is a lovely rendition
of it.....Just Click here or type in


for a movie we actually came upon
 by accident called "Hidden Secret",  
it just happened to be on the christian
 station after we were watching the
 Pastors we typically watch on
 Sunday evening. It turned out
 to be a really great movie.

that I finally found a pair of sports
shorts online that are long enough
for me to wear.  Most of them are
so short they are ridiculous, and
definitely not for a lady in her......
 60's.  lol  Believe it or not I have
been looking for some for well
over a year.  Just hoping they fit
and are not too long.....they are
a lil longer than my old ones.
So will see..........


for seeing a lovely story on yahoo
news about some white police
officers who bought a bicycle for
a black male teenager, who was
walking 4 hrs. to work and back 
daily trying to save money for
 college.  One of the officers gave
 him a ride home one day and
 found out his story, so he told
his police buddies and they all
chipped in and bought the kid
a bike,  which cut his travel
time in half......the kids last
words were  "not all policemen
are bad"...........
So happy to see the news print-
ing something positive about
our law enforcement.

that DeeAnna and Jerrys (our
daughter and son-in-love) left
permanently for Charleston 
Monday afternoon, and that
the movers and all that had to
be done in Asheville, all went
 well.  The closing on their house
there was Tuesday,  but they had
 already signed papers so they didn't
 have to be there, but it is all a done
 deal as of  3p.m. this afternoon.

They are now officially.......
 Charlestonites!!  lol
So 2 hurdles down...........
 3 more to go!


that the last 3 hurdles are done
and Dee and Jerry are now once
again proud homeowners. They
had their closing Thurs. morning,
then their furniture was delivered
 right after their early morning closing
 and everything was in good con-
dition and fit nicely in their new
 place.....and Jerry even wound
up having the day off.......

Their only bad thing was they
were greeted by a snake!!  lol
I told her well, it figures...right
after the Lord blesses...Satan
always shows up to try and
take your joy away!!

that we got new cell phones
which arrived this week, but now
 we are about the process of 
learning to use them...........
I am so technically challenged,
that is why we still had dumb
phones.........that were 16 yrs.
old, but they were starting to
give us trouble so I finally had
to  Have to say 
we certainly got our moneys
 worth.  lol  It will be nice to
be able to skype lil darling 
at times .....especially if we 
are away. and learn to text...
and use the camera, so guess
it will be interesting and hope-
fully exciting to come into this
My daughter is very excited

that we are invited over to 
Scott and Megans on Sunday
afternoon.  It has been a while
since we have been there.
Between my being sick and
both of them traveling, our
schedules just aren't gelling!!
So we are really looking for-
ward to getting together for
longer that a few minutes. lol


Another week passed.......

where do these weeks

So grateful that you come by

to visit when you can.

Hope you have a lovely day
 and Weekend.

Keep your light shining


Love, Hugs and 

last day of September

Sharing with:

Walking on Sunshine with Lois and Friends

Life with Lorelai with Lorelai and Friends

The Craftberry Bush with Lucy and Friends

Monday, September 26, 2016

Things you might like to include when styling a coffee table - Fall 2016

Hello Sweet Friends,

What cha' been up to lately??
Working hard?  or hardly working??

Since it was like playing for me,
as I was doing my Fall decorating,
 I have been working hard this past
week and Mon. as I am in my sense
 of accomplishment mode
As all play and no work can make
me a lazy
 Monday is typically a cleaning day
anyway, as I need to catch up from
the weekend.  I would imagine it
is the same at your house too!!
Am I right???
We can never get accused of 
working too hard on a Sunday,
we take that day of rest passage
quite seriously at our house!! lol

Thought I would show you how
our coffee table came out and
give you some ideas of things
you might like to include when
styling a coffee table and

Adding natural elements to fit the season
are always great and just sorta brings

Also adding something of sentimental
value is always nice and can also be
a point of conversation if need be.

This fluted bowl belonged to my Mom, 
and it was the one thing she most wanted
 me to have, when she passed away.
My parents were divorced when I was
3 yrs. old, and my Dad had won it for
her at the guess she thought
it would be something that would 
remind me of them together, as I have
no recollection of them every living

The bowl is made from what they call
 carnival glass, and it is really beautiful.
Should have taken a pic of the underside. 
 If you turn it over it has embossed lilies
 on it,  so pretty.  It doesn't go with any
thing in my house normally,  but it is
perfect for this time of year,  and very
 special to me when I get to use it!

I have used it for fruit, candy, potpourri 
and this year pine cones.

Flowers always add color and
a fresh look whether they are
real or faux, and you can choose
them according to season and color.

This year I decided to use the copper 
mercury glass pieces we found a few
years ago for a song..............

They are 3 candle lanterns - l large
and 2 small.  They had wire holders
like a paint can, but I took them they were aluminum
colored, and I thought they looked
tacky, probably the reason no one
had purchased them and  why we
 got such a

I love the look of copper.....
especially this time of year.

I heard that there were gonna be
some earth tone colors trending
next year, yet that copper was
going out.........that doesn't make
any sense to me, as copper is
perfect with earth tones.
Course, I really don't worry 
about trends....I decorate to
please myself and my family.
As long as we love it who

Don't you just love mercury glass??
No matter the color, 
 love it especially as candle holders.
 I think it is just so beautiful............
and it is always nice to have some 
candlelight on your coffee table.

This book, called "Give Thanks"
always  winds up coming out every 
Fall, and I usually reread it.......
Haven't as of yet....but will soon....
maybe with lil darling, she seemed to 
love the pics last year.
 It was a gift from a dear friend, and is
 just such a nice cheery book. It was
written by a lady named
Karla Dornacher.

I think it is always nice to keep a book 
or some magazines on your coffee table,
so if you have a visitor and in the event
 that you might get called away to the 
door, phone or whatever,  then there is 
something for them to look at rather 
than just twiddle there thumbs.

Also a great idea to keep coasters
 on your coffee table as well, 
especially if it is wood, that way
when guests are given a beverage
of any kind, they aren't wondering
what to do with it or if they are 
gonna damage the table top.

Did you notice I changed up the throw
 from it being folded to just sort of thrown
 on the sofa,  I think it look more homey 
like that...........and isn't that the look
we all want....homey and cozy......
yet pretty.............

To me, pine cones are perfect
for this time of year thru the
Winter I use
them a lot..........

I know,  I know.......
This has nothing to do with the 
coffee table but just thought I 
would throw it in as an easy idea.
This pillow is just a plain cream
 colored pillow, but I had this pretty
 lil dish towel a friend gave me
 some years back, so I just draped
 it over the pillow and got......
a whole new look in seconds.
Works for


Hope you enjoyed your time here,
so happy you could visit today.

Also, If you are as concerned 
about our country as I am....
I thought I would tell you about
an opportunity to pray for 3l
days for our country along with
others that care as well.
Just click below to get more
Focus on the Family or type in

Have a really delightful week,
Keep your light shining brightly!

Love, Hugs and last week of

September Blessings,

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Thankful Thursday Sept. 22, 2016, Pics of Fall's Past #4

Be glad, people of Zion,
 rejoice in the LORD your God,
 for he has given you the autumn
 rains because he is faithful. 
He sends you abundant showers,
 both autumn and spring rains,
 as before.
Joel 2:23 NIV

Happy Fall
Sweet Friends,

How ya doing?? 

Has it been a good week??
Hope so......

Well,  Fall........she has finally
 officially arrived, and I am happy
 to say all my Fall decorating has
 been done now for a few days!
So now we are just basking in
the glow of it............

Thought I would show you some
more pics from Fall's Past.......
and will just get on with my post
as it typically speaks for itself.

I am thankful

that today day is my paternal
 Grandmother's birthday, the one I am 
named after, she has been gone from 
this earth for about 27 yrs. now.....but
 I am thankful to know she resides in
 Heaven and spends her birthday with
 Jesus every year now!!
She was my favorite Grandmother,
so remembering her always contains
warm and good memories, and I sure
 look forward to reuniting with
 her one day.

Just in case you don't know you can
click on any pic to enlarge them all.
It makes for better viewing pleasure.

That the Sun rises and the Sun sets
every single thing we
can surely count on...............

that I woke up this morning to
 see a new day and spend it with
those I hold dear.

that I can see..........all of God's
beautiful creations, and the faces
of others, especially the faces of all 
those that I hold dear, and also nice
to be able to see where I am going!! 

that I can hear..............all of the
wonderful sounds around me, even 
that sometimes annoying barking
 dog next door.  lol  and best of all I
 am able to hear others speaking and
 hear the sounds of laughter,
 especially of those I love. We so
 enjoyed hearing lil darling belly
laughing and having so much fun
 yesterday as hubby and I were 
swinging her hammock style in a
 blanket, such a joyful and happy 
sound.....and we hear that at least
once every Wed. from different
things, but there is not too much
that compares with it...I have to
say...for me anyway.........

that I have a very comfy new bed
to sleep in (6 mos. old now).........
some people don't even know where
they will be sleeping tonight.....

that I have a roof over my head,
and a beautiful one at that!

for a wonderful Sunday, feeling
good, Sunday School, a special
service, morning and evening,
lunch at Cracker Barrel then
browsing their gift shop, a quick
nap, going out to Perkins after
evening church, and good fellow-
ship with a couple close to our
 age....that we have wanted to
do something with for a while
now... it was all a delight!

that my son-in-love was able
to find gas finally on Sunday
afternoon,  as he had to head
back to Charleston, and they
were having a gas shortage all
of a sudden in Asheville.....
some of you might be in one of 
the 5 states that are experiencing
Hope you are able to find gas!!
I find it strange that there has
not been much in the news
about that!!

colored pencil affect

for a talented  and humble man
 named Marquis Laughlin, who is
 in a one man ministry called
 "Acts of the Word".
He was the one who did the
Special Service this Sunday
at our church. Marquis is a
performance artist, theologian
and missionary to the church
in America.  His dramatic solo
 scripture presentations are 
amazing.  He has completely
memorized  Genesis, Exodus,
Ecclesiastes,  the gospel of
John (which is what he did
for us on Sunday), Acts of
the Apostles, and Revelation.
(Which he did for our church
at another time) He truly 
makes the bible come alive.

If you would like to know
more:  You can check it out

that we just made our last Van
payment yesterday.  Whoo Hoo!
We can check one more thing off
 our pre-retirement list.  lol

for lil surprise gifts from God in
his nature all around us. I just came
 in from checking on some plants that
 I had moved off my porch awhile back
 when we redid our porch, cause they
 need to be repotted. I found that my 
philodendron (that I have had nearly
 40 yrs.) and a hydrangea bush....have
grafted themselves together. So there
are  philodendron leaves growing out 
of the a hydrangea stem..........
quite an oddity.....
Also discovered a few holly stems
growing that I have never seen in
that area before.
Just loves these lil delightful gifts.


There you have it... another week
at Cozy Place...........

Thanks for poppin by..........
and hope you have had lots to
be thankful for too..........

Have a lovely Friday
and weekend........embracing
Fall..........hope it feels like
Fall where you are!!

Love,  Hugs and
Fall Blessings,

Sharing with:

Shabby Art Boutique with Kerryanne

Walking on Sunshine with Lois and Friends

The Craftberry Bush with Lucy and Friends

Life with Lorelai with Lorelai and Friends

Dwellings with Cindy

Life and Linda with Linda and Friends

Stone Gable with Yvonne and Friends

A Stroll thru Life with Marty

The Dedicated House with Kathyrn

Art and Sand with Carol and Friends

A Tray of Bliss with Mimi

McCall Manor with Holly

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Fall table makeover..........2016

Happy Tuesday Sweet Friends,

Hope this finds you well and happily
embracing Fall since it is officially
just 2 days away now..........

I am happy to say that all my
inside decorating is finished!!

Just came in from cleaning off the
 front porch entry way and walkway,
 so I can Fallercize that area too.
Waiting for it to dry,  so..........
 figured I would just come and 
work on this post of our family
room sofa table all doody up 

It was in the upper 70's outside,
and felt so good out, course I was
also working in the shade, but it
made for a lovely way to start the
day, and there are actually leaves 
falling off our Sweet Gum tree!
So it is starting to hint at Fall 
here in Florida, thank Heavens!!
I am getting excited to leave all
this heat behind.....course, we will
still have warm days but they will
be cooler in the early morn and 
late fav times to
work outside anyway!!

Well, this area started off with me
making a picture from a free Fall
printable from Ann at On Sutton
Place,  she really has some darling
printables for all seasons....
If you have never visited Ann
go by and check out her blog,
think you will really enjoy it,
she is quite a talented lady.....

It is very hard to get a picture without
the glare,  cause if it isn't from the
lights it is from the light coming in
thru our front this was
the best I could do............I bought
these frames on sale last year,  just
for the purpose of being able to use
all the free seasonal printables out
there.  They already had matting 
and they have lil easy to use tabs
to take the back off,  which makes
it super easy to change them out.

Sorry this pic is so dark, I could have
sworn that I did a light fix on this, but
guess not............
Thought some leaves around it would
be nice, and don't know if you noticed
some lil orange things on top of the 
frame or not,  but they are tiny lil
orange pumpkins.......they look much
better in person of course.

Have to say, we really embrace the 
traditional Fall colors in our home,  
since we don't get to see all those
 lovely and colorful leaves changing 
like you more Northern gals...........

course, I love the neutral colors
too,  so I do have my living
room done in you
will see in the weeks to come.

I really enjoy using  natural elements like
 acorns and acorn caps and whatever fun 
finds we have out in our yard.........
especially in the Fall.....

and of course, some faux Fall I just love flowers
of any kind...............

These were florals bushes that I just
cut apart and stuck in there.

and here is the other lil cutie patootie
 figurine we have......
his sister got hoo!! 
Love the lil smile on their faces and
those lil button cute.

Well, you have a fun time getting
ready for Fall.................

Thanks for coming by..........

Love  Hugs and 
September Blessings,

Scripture Sunday

  Let's praise the God of Heaven Every day! Blessings,  Nellie