Thursday, September 22, 2016

Thankful Thursday Sept. 22, 2016, Pics of Fall's Past #4

Be glad, people of Zion,
 rejoice in the LORD your God,
 for he has given you the autumn
 rains because he is faithful. 
He sends you abundant showers,
 both autumn and spring rains,
 as before.
Joel 2:23 NIV

Happy Fall
Sweet Friends,

How ya doing?? 

Has it been a good week??
Hope so......

Well,  Fall........she has finally
 officially arrived, and I am happy
 to say all my Fall decorating has
 been done now for a few days!
So now we are just basking in
the glow of it............

Thought I would show you some
more pics from Fall's Past.......
and will just get on with my post
as it typically speaks for itself.

I am thankful

that today day is my paternal
 Grandmother's birthday, the one I am 
named after, she has been gone from 
this earth for about 27 yrs. now.....but
 I am thankful to know she resides in
 Heaven and spends her birthday with
 Jesus every year now!!
She was my favorite Grandmother,
so remembering her always contains
warm and good memories, and I sure
 look forward to reuniting with
 her one day.

Just in case you don't know you can
click on any pic to enlarge them all.
It makes for better viewing pleasure.

That the Sun rises and the Sun sets
every single thing we
can surely count on...............

that I woke up this morning to
 see a new day and spend it with
those I hold dear.

that I can see..........all of God's
beautiful creations, and the faces
of others, especially the faces of all 
those that I hold dear, and also nice
to be able to see where I am going!! 

that I can hear..............all of the
wonderful sounds around me, even 
that sometimes annoying barking
 dog next door.  lol  and best of all I
 am able to hear others speaking and
 hear the sounds of laughter,
 especially of those I love. We so
 enjoyed hearing lil darling belly
laughing and having so much fun
 yesterday as hubby and I were 
swinging her hammock style in a
 blanket, such a joyful and happy 
sound.....and we hear that at least
once every Wed. from different
things, but there is not too much
that compares with it...I have to
say...for me anyway.........

that I have a very comfy new bed
to sleep in (6 mos. old now).........
some people don't even know where
they will be sleeping tonight.....

that I have a roof over my head,
and a beautiful one at that!

for a wonderful Sunday, feeling
good, Sunday School, a special
service, morning and evening,
lunch at Cracker Barrel then
browsing their gift shop, a quick
nap, going out to Perkins after
evening church, and good fellow-
ship with a couple close to our
 age....that we have wanted to
do something with for a while
now... it was all a delight!

that my son-in-love was able
to find gas finally on Sunday
afternoon,  as he had to head
back to Charleston, and they
were having a gas shortage all
of a sudden in Asheville.....
some of you might be in one of 
the 5 states that are experiencing
Hope you are able to find gas!!
I find it strange that there has
not been much in the news
about that!!

colored pencil affect

for a talented  and humble man
 named Marquis Laughlin, who is
 in a one man ministry called
 "Acts of the Word".
He was the one who did the
Special Service this Sunday
at our church. Marquis is a
performance artist, theologian
and missionary to the church
in America.  His dramatic solo
 scripture presentations are 
amazing.  He has completely
memorized  Genesis, Exodus,
Ecclesiastes,  the gospel of
John (which is what he did
for us on Sunday), Acts of
the Apostles, and Revelation.
(Which he did for our church
at another time) He truly 
makes the bible come alive.

If you would like to know
more:  You can check it out

that we just made our last Van
payment yesterday.  Whoo Hoo!
We can check one more thing off
 our pre-retirement list.  lol

for lil surprise gifts from God in
his nature all around us. I just came
 in from checking on some plants that
 I had moved off my porch awhile back
 when we redid our porch, cause they
 need to be repotted. I found that my 
philodendron (that I have had nearly
 40 yrs.) and a hydrangea bush....have
grafted themselves together. So there
are  philodendron leaves growing out 
of the a hydrangea stem..........
quite an oddity.....
Also discovered a few holly stems
growing that I have never seen in
that area before.
Just loves these lil delightful gifts.


There you have it... another week
at Cozy Place...........

Thanks for poppin by..........
and hope you have had lots to
be thankful for too..........

Have a lovely Friday
and weekend........embracing
Fall..........hope it feels like
Fall where you are!!

Love,  Hugs and
Fall Blessings,

Sharing with:

Shabby Art Boutique with Kerryanne

Walking on Sunshine with Lois and Friends

The Craftberry Bush with Lucy and Friends

Life with Lorelai with Lorelai and Friends

Dwellings with Cindy

Life and Linda with Linda and Friends

Stone Gable with Yvonne and Friends

A Stroll thru Life with Marty

The Dedicated House with Kathyrn

Art and Sand with Carol and Friends

A Tray of Bliss with Mimi

McCall Manor with Holly


  1. #1. Yes, what a joy that will be! As the song says, "What a joy that will be when Jesus' face we shall see..." as well as our loved ones-family and friends!
    #2. And, each day the LORD brings us His blessings and provisions! What a wonderful Savior!
    #3. Amen! (I hate I missed our coffee!)
    #4. Sight is so precious, physical and spiritual!
    #5. And, what a joy to have that inner "hearing" from the LORD's guidance! I love to listen to those noisy Sand Hill Cranes!
    #6. The LORD has so blessed us! I'm so thankful to Him to be able to live in my house!
    #7. Thank the LORD for so many blessings that we could spend the entire day writing them down and still have just touched the surface of His blessings!
    #8. "It is good to be in the house of the LORD!" Psalm 122:1
    #9. Wow! This is the first I've heard of it!
    #10. Wasn't he a blessing!!! I helped video tape both services.
    #11. Yahoo!!!!!! Praise the LORD!
    #12. You may have a new kind of plant! I can hardly wait to hear what kind of flowers are produce! I love you all, Susan

  2. Hi Susan,
    You are so right we could spend days listing our blessings as they are so many.........
    Being without water for awhile due to our plumbing situation, made me really think about
    how people in 3rd world countries live without running water or bathrooms every single day,
    and the water they do have is usually filthy and makes them sick. Our worst day here is
    nothing compared to what others in this world live is all about perspective
    for sure.
    Thanks for your visit and have a good weekend.
    Love, Nellie

  3. Hi Nellie! So glad to read your terrific list.That new plant of yours sounds interesting! Everything is going very well here too.
    big hugs♥,

  4. Hi Nellie. Gosh we don't have gas shortages here! What do people do if they can't find gas! I cannot imagine! So nice to hear you still remember your Grandma. And I agree that water shortage is another thing that is unimaginable. However we suffered severe water restrictions a few years ago, and continue to pay 'through the nose' for water in our part of the world. Crazy times! Have a great week Sweetie! Mimi xxx

  5. I'd sure like to see a photo of that plant!
    And what an amazing thing that must have bee to hear the Gospel of John quoted from memory.

  6. Hi Rebecca,
    Nice to hear from you hon. I actually took a few pics of it, but you really couldn't tell much......cause leaves on the plant got in the way.....maybe I will try again when hubby can help me cause someone needs to hold back the leaves.

    and yes, it is totally amazing to see someone quote a whole book of the Bible from memory, and he makes guestures and facial expressions that are aprepo as well, sometimes they are even funny.

    Hope all is well with you......thanks for stopping in and for your comments.

  7. Hi Caroline,
    So glad to hear from you as always, and Good to hear things are going well with you too.
    Thanks for coming by and for your encouraging comment. Yes, I was rather shocked at these
    2 plants melding together like that....God does some amazing

    Have a good day hon,
    Love and Blessings,

  8. Hi Mimi,
    The gas shortages were a local situation, due to a break in the pipeline. It affected just
    5 southern states, and fortunately Florida was not one of them. Things in North Carolina
    are back to normal and never was a problem in Charleston, but other parts of South Carolina
    were affected, but the states declared a disaster and they trucked in more gasoline, so think
    things are probably back to normal now. Course, we never heard much about it, which I am
    sure was a political I remember back in the early 70's they had gas rationing
    for a time, and the lines were long and you were only able to get some much.....thank heavens
    our apt. bldg. for catty corner to a station, so we could see when the lines went done and
    jump in our car and go over there. Dont' think it lasted but a few weeks if I remember correctly.
    Yea, we have water restrictions all the time.........we can only water certain days, and
    our water has gone up considerably.....the more you use the more you pay.........but on
    a brighter note..........we are blessed to have running water at all.........can't imagine
    having to walk miles to just get a bucket of nasty water......

    Hope you are doing well sweet friend,

  9. Nellie,

    What a wonderful post and a reminder to exercise gratitude every day.

    1. Mom & Dad in their 80s are still here and I can see them often
    2. A warm and dry place to sleep
    3. A supportive family
    4. The warm sun streaming through the window this morning
    5. The Word

    Thanks so much for sharing. Sylvia D.

  10. We all have so much to be thankful for and I count my blessings numerous times each day. I love this post and your pictures.

  11. Hello Sylvia,
    Glad you could come by today and thanks so much for your encouraging words hon.
    Love that you left some thankfuls too.........and great ones at that.
    Happy Fall to you and yours,

    Blessings, Nellie

  12. Hi Sandra,
    So nice to hear from you hon. You are so right about so much to be thankful for.....
    Glad you are a thankful counter too........doesn't daily counting just revolutionize your
    life?? It certainly has mine.............
    Thanks so much for droppin by and for your sweet and encouraging comments.

    Blessings Abundant,
    Happy Fall.............

  13. Lots to be thankful for and lots of beautiful fall photos from years past! Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  14. Thanks Jann for coming by and for your kind comments.

    Have a lovely evening,


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

Happy March to You!! Hugs, Nellie