Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Fall table makeover..........2016

Happy Tuesday Sweet Friends,

Hope this finds you well and happily
embracing Fall since it is officially
just 2 days away now..........

I am happy to say that all my
inside decorating is finished!!

Just came in from cleaning off the
 front porch entry way and walkway,
 so I can Fallercize that area too.
Waiting for it to dry,  so..........
 figured I would just come and 
work on this post of our family
room sofa table all doody up 
for Fall............lol

It was in the upper 70's outside,
and felt so good out, course I was
also working in the shade, but it
made for a lovely way to start the
day, and there are actually leaves 
falling off our Sweet Gum tree!
So it is starting to hint at Fall 
here in Florida, thank Heavens!!
I am getting excited to leave all
this heat behind.....course, we will
still have warm days but they will
be cooler in the early morn and 
late evening.........my fav times to
work outside anyway!!

Well, this area started off with me
making a picture from a free Fall
printable from Ann at On Sutton
Place,  she really has some darling
printables for all seasons....
If you have never visited Ann
go by and check out her blog,
think you will really enjoy it,
she is quite a talented lady.....

It is very hard to get a picture without
the glare,  cause if it isn't from the
lights it is from the light coming in
thru our front windows....so this was
the best I could do............I bought
these frames on sale last year,  just
for the purpose of being able to use
all the free seasonal printables out
there.  They already had matting 
and they have lil easy to use tabs
to take the back off,  which makes
it super easy to change them out.

Sorry this pic is so dark, I could have
sworn that I did a light fix on this, but
guess not............
Thought some leaves around it would
be nice, and don't know if you noticed
some lil orange things on top of the 
frame or not,  but they are tiny lil
orange pumpkins.......they look much
better in person of course.

Have to say, we really embrace the 
traditional Fall colors in our home,  
since we don't get to see all those
 lovely and colorful leaves changing 
like you more Northern gals...........

course, I love the neutral colors
too,  so I do have my living
room done in those.........as you
will see in the weeks to come.

I really enjoy using  natural elements like
 acorns and acorn caps and whatever fun 
finds we have out in our yard.........
especially in the Fall.....

and of course, some faux Fall 
flowers..........as I just love flowers
of any kind...............

These were florals bushes that I just
cut apart and stuck in there.

and here is the other lil cutie patootie
 figurine we have......
his sister got broken....boo hoo!! 
Love the lil smile on their faces and
those lil button noses....so cute.

Well, you have a fun time getting
ready for Fall.................

Thanks for coming by..........

Love  Hugs and 
September Blessings,


  1. Hi, Nellie. I was thinking maybe to do away with the glare on your pictures in the frame, maybe you could remove the glass just for taking your pictures, then replace the glass back for your displaying. Maybe Friday before I go to get my hair done, I can come by to give you the ceramic pumpkins I have. I don't use them. I love your figurine! I know how it feels to break one. I have my little hen, but the rooster got broken :-( I love you all, Susan

  2. Hi Susan,
    That is a great idea and it would surely work, but too much work for me.......lol
    I had a hard enough time getting it in the frame right with the glass, but thanks for the idea.
    As far as I know I should be home Friday morning , so maybe you can run by for a cuppa Joe
    and a bagel or pumpkin bread as well. (if there is any left). Jimmy made it in your bread
    maker you gave us, and lil bit took quite a shine to it, so sent some home with her!! lol
    If anything changes I will let you know..........otherwise, will see you then.

    Poor Henny Penny has no Rooster, sniff sniff..........lol It's too bad when it breaks a cute set. but such is life.

    Have a great evening,
    Love, Nellie

  3. I love using natural elements as well Nellie. God and Mother Nature give us such wonderful gifts! Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  4. Amen to that about God's wonderful nature gifts. I just came in from checking on some plants
    that I had moved off my porch while back when we redid our porch, cause they need to be repotted. There is a philodendron and a hydrangea bush......it looks like the philodendron
    has grafted itself into the hydrangea bush, and their is philodendron growing out of the
    hydrangea stem..........quite an oddity......can't wait to show my son, as he has an Agriculture degree and works in that field, and will really get kick out of seeing it probably. Also saw a few holly shuts that are about 3 ft. tall in a place where I have
    never seen them before, loves these kind of lil nature surprises.

    Thanks for coming by hon, and for your fun comments....also thanks for hosting SYC so we
    can all join in.

    Blessings, Nellie

  5. whoa just saw a bunch of misspellings, guess I had better check before I hit publish the
    next time.........lol


  6. Don't worry about misspellings Nellie, think most of us have one or two of those now and then. Love your arrangement on table, I love to see how other people make things pretty in their homes for holidays.
    Love your saying on wall with leaves around it. I mostly get frames at thrift stores then paint them to whatever color I need at time. Always look for frames on sale at stores also. Like to change things on gallery wall and for holidays, so many wonderful things to hang thanks to talented and generous bloggers. Almost all art I have up is from bloggers and sites like The Graphics Fairy.
    When our daughter comes over she looks at all on walls to see what's new, often wants me to make some for her.
    Have wonderful Fall Floridian weekend

  7. Hi Srpprcrftr,
    Nice to meet you here in blogland. Tried to visit your blog and see what your name is,
    but couldn't find anything but blogs that you follow. Thank you for your visit and your
    warm and friendly comments. I too, really get a kick out of seeing how others decorate as
    well. Yes, you are so right, there are many generous bloggers who share their wonderful
    talents with all of us. Such a Blessing.....that is nice you share that with your daughter.
    My daughter also likes decorating and we made some things for her last Fall to use for
    Christmas from free blogger printables as well. Again Thanks for your visit and hope
    you come by again. Have a lovely weekend,
    Blessings, Nellie

  8. Very cute and cozy. I love how it really welcomes fall with open arms and makes the place look so inviting. ca I have Thanksgiving at your place?? lol Would love if you can link up to  http://the-wardrobe-stylist.com/2016/09/18/diy-floral-crown/

  9. Hi Rania,
    So nice to meet you here in blogland, thanks for stoppin in for a visit and for all your
    sweet and thoughtful comments. Thanksgiving, sure!! lol
    I did come over to find your blog.....that is where I found your name...lol So will come back and link up....soon.
    Thanks so much for the invitation.
    Blessings and Happy Fall,

  10. You've done a nice job bringing fall colors to your Florida home! I especially love the acorns in a bowl. It makes me wish I lived where acorn trees grew, just so I could gather them for fall! Thank you for sharing your ideas with us at the #HomeMattersParty this week.

  11. Hi Nicole,
    Thanks you for your visit and for your sweet comments. Also thank you for hosting at Home Matters Party, I always enjoy it. My lil grandaughter who is 3+ yrs. loves collecting acorns and has since she started walking........they are quite fun to search for especially with her........lol

    Have a lovely week,
    Blessings, Nellie


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

Happy March to You!! Hugs, Nellie