Saturday, June 27, 2009

Have a Restful Sunday

Happy Sunday to You!!
What does the Lord your God ask of you
but to fear the Lord your God, to walk in all
his ways, to love him, to serve the Lord your
God with all your heart and with all your
soul, and to oberve the Lord's commands
and decrees that I am giving you today for
your own good.
Deuteronomy 10:12&13
Hope you have a Wonderful and Relaxing Sunday,
I am taking a blogging break this week,
so see you next week!!
Blessings and Hugs to you all,

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Welcome to Thankful Thursday June 25, 2009

Hello Dear Friends..............
And Welcome to Thankful Thursday!
Hope your morning is going well and that you
had a good nights sleep and your are as peaceful as these doves,
unfortunately, I didn't sleep but I did get a lot of blogging done, and I am
as peaceful as these doves even tho I have not heard from my son
since early Monday morning. It is 3:32 a.m.
and I am having fun, so what else is there to say
Except God is at work!! and I am so thankful He is
and thankful for your prayers.
Today I just want to say how incredibly Thankful I am for
anything to do with nature because it makes me
so aware of God's Presence all around me.
Psalm 19:11 says,
"The heavens declare the glory of the God;
the skies proclaim the work of his hands.
Job 12:7-10 says,
"But ask the animals, and they will teach you,
or the birds of the air, and they will tell you;
or speak to the earth, and it will teach you,
or let the fish of the sea inform you.
Which of these does not know that the hand
of the Lord has done this?
In his hand is the life of every creature
and the breath of all mankind."
In fact, the last time it was cool enough to sit
on my porch I was inspired to write a poem,
that only happens on rare occasion but usually
it is nature that inspires it.
So thought I would share it with you.
Displays of His Glory

His presence is in the breeze
that rustles the leaves on the trees.

His presence is in the sky so blue
we can't help but know that it's true.

It is in the sweet song of a dainty bird
that He can make himself be heard.

It is in the delicate beauty of a flower
we get just a glimpse of His great power.

He shows His majesty in the greatness of a mountain
and in His waterfalls and geyser fountains.

He shows his grace in the beauty of a swan on the lake
and His oceans show His power all for our sake.

The pristine untouched beauty of snow in winter
causes us know that He is at the center.

The inescapable loveliness of a field of Phlox
causes us to take Him out of our small box.

His presence is in the tranquility of the forest
the subtle sounds seem like a heavenly chorus.

His presence is even in the dry desert of desolation
yet even there, we can be reached with His consolation.

God is Everywhere, and this we know
because our hearts and His love letter tell us so.


Thanks for stopping in,
Hope you have a truly blessed Day!

Hugs & Blessings,

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Oh My Heartsie Girl

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Hope you are the answer........

Good Afternoon Sweet Friends,
Hope you day is going well,
Mine is going fine, not a lot going on today.
So thought today would be a good day to explain
the closing I left you with yesterday.
It was "Hope You are the answer to someone else's prayer!
We have some dear friends who own and operate a lovely
Bed & Breakfast and they also have cabins (5 of them now,
but last spring a year ago only 3).
Spring of 2008 they called us and asked us if we would have
any interest in house sitting and running the business
so they could get away for a few days, and they even
insisted on paying us. ( We have said many times
we think it would be so much fun to do something like that),
so we were available to do it and of Course, we said yes.
We went over the night before and learned the ropes
of knowing where all the supplies and keys were,
which person went where, and how to greet
and check them in and out!
They had no guests that were staying in the
house only people lodged in the cabins,
and lovely cabins they are, we had the priviledge of
staying in one after the 3 in a row hurricanes hit
4 or 5 years ago, and it was such a blessing.
So this would be a break in our routine, and something
fun we have always wanted to experience.
The grounds and house are just so quaint, cozy, peaceful .
But there was some work involved too,
but a lot of it was things we like to do anyway,
like watering the plants, and talking with people.
I washed sheets and did some cleaning
in the cabins as well, but I could do that
while hubby was working. He took a couple
of half days, so he would work in the morning
and then have all afternoon off, so it was
a perfect situation really.
We got to stay in the honeymoon suite
"The Victorian Room"
and it was very nice!!
One morning I was washing up a few dishes
we had in the sink, and I happened to look
up and see this mug sitting on the shelf,
and it said.............
"May I be the answer to someone else's prayer"
I thought what a neat thought that is!!!
and then I thought that is exactly what they
have been to us!!
We had wanted to go on a vacation but didn't really think
we should spend the money cause we still had our daughter
in college, but we needed a break, a get away,
just a change of scenery and something different,
and our stay there was all of that.
We swang on the front porch swings of every cabin and
the main house, we walked about the beautiful grounds
and property and watered the plants, we watched
HGTV and Animal Planet on the cable, (we don't have
cable, so that is always a treat for us.), we talked
to their guests, read their guest book, and it was
such an encouragement, not one bad comment in
there. Enjoyed the lovely Honey moon suite,
with the jacuzzi tub, got take out food,
and snacked on whatever.
And we became like B & B entrepreneurs for a
a few days. How fun is that!!
So their prayer had been answered,
they had given us a change of scenery
and a quiet respite of peace, and we got to
experience what it would be like to run
something like that. Not sure now that
I would want to do it, but it was fun,
and they are the perfect people to run
it - they are warm, gentle, loving and
sweet spirited folks, and people that
come there can tell their genuine hearts
right away.
I also let them know they were an
answer to our prayer!!
They were happy about that.
That has been my prayer many times
since we experienced our time
at their place.
Thought you might like to make
it your prayer too!!
Have a great Evening!
Love and Blessings,

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Happy Tuesday Again, Bedroom pics 2

Good Morning,

and How are you this fine day???


I am feeling remarkably good for a person
with only 3 hrs. sleep.
Figured I would finish up with the Bedroom pics today
since I didn't do a post yesterday. The middle of the night
post seemed like Monday anyway.


Before I do............ I want to share something I read in
my quiet time with the Lord this morning that I thought was so neat.


This is twice this week that I have been struck with something
about singing, not that I don't already know
singing is a good thing, but I also know that anytime
something seems to be a repeat theme, the Lord
is trying to teach us something new or help us to
I think he is in the process of teaching me how to do
what Philippians 4:8 says about setting our minds.


We had a few days last week where we did not
hear from our son, I will spare you all the details,
but we were concerned especially since he was
in a town and then left without calling, he and
my daughter both are very good about
returning calls. It was probably the cell
service, but you don't know that for sure.


Anyway, on Saturday morning
I happened to pick up a charles Stanley
devotional booklet, I say happened but really I think it
was definitely a divine intervention.


The article was about going thru trials and testings
and they used the scripture in 2 timothy 1:12

"For I know whom I have believed and I am convinced
that He is able to guard what I have entrusted to Him until
that day."


And I thought that sure fits our situation
with our son, and then I realized it is a song we used
to sing quite often in church, so I started singing
it to myself everytime I started to feel worried
or was pinged by the enemy with fearful thoughts.
Cause my true desire is to not be worried and
stressed over this, cause I know it is the trip
of a lifetime for him, and he is really enjoying
himself, and in my mind and heart I know God
can protect him, yet at times, those uneasy,
fearful feelings creep in, and I really hate it!!
Sometimes don't you just wish you could rip
those feelings out and toss them away,
course, then we wouldn't feel the good
ones either, so bad Idea, but we do have
to learn to control those dratted lil things!!


Trust me I did a lot of singing off and on for a
few days until we finally heard from him, cause I know more
about what has gone on with his trek than before and it just
gives the enemy and my flesh more info to work with.
I have a friend that always says concerning our children
more as a joke, "Ignorance is bliss", and there is sure some
truth in that, what you know doesn't hurt
you or make you worry!! ha


Then this morning I was reading in 2 Chronicles 20:1-30
It was talking about all these armies coming against
King Jehoshaphat and Israel and he was afraid,
but he didn't run away or he didn't just launch out and
go after them, he inquired of the Lord first and
called for a fast. He also recounted in his prayers all the times
the Lord had defended them, and recounted how powerful the Lord
was and asked God to judge his enemies.
I like that he recounted God's goodness in the past.
(that is a very powerful reminder to oursevles when we do that!
and sure helps to conquer fear, we have to remind ourselves
that God is bigger and better than anything we can come up against)
and I am sure the Lord loves to hear us bragging on him a bit!!

The Lord answered their prayers
and told them not to fear, the battle was the Lords
but to march down against them, and told them
exactly where they would be and what would happen.


I just love this next part................

Jehoshaphat appointed men to sing to the Lord
and to praise him for the splendor of his holiness
as they went out at the head of the army saying

"Give thanks to the Lord for his love endures forever"



this was just such a great reminder to me that I
need to have my praise music on and be singing
and recounting all that God has done in the past,
during this time of testing so the Lord
can defeat my enemy who prowls around
like a roaring lion looking for someone
to devour!!


God is so good to instruct and teach us.


Hope you gained some encouragement from that
cause I sure did!!


Well, I will show you the rest of the bedroom shots,
I realized that if I put them to the right and left
you can click on them so you don't need the extra
single item shots if you should want to see the details.

Added this again,

so you could click

on it for details if

you want.

I am going around the room

clockwise and this come next.

Like those sayings, it came

from Kirklands I think,

I have had it for about

3 or 4 yrs. - It was in the guest bedroom.

I have had this cute lil plant stand about 12 yrs
and I still love it, got it at Ross for $10 bucks.
I use to use it sort of like a table by the loveseats
at least someplace to set a drink.

This round table sit next to the loveseat, the table and cloth came from the guest bedroom, and the
ye floral arrangement was made with a toothbrush holder from Target
that cost $1.50 and some flowers I
already had, the cute little birds came
from big Lots and they were about the
same price. See that book on top,
called Lost in the Middle, everyone in mid-life should read it. It is fabulous
and chock a block full of insightful
information. The pic is of me and my
daughter when she graduated from college this past December. We are so proud of her.
She finally landed her first job in her field, she is a radiology tech, and works at a walk in clinic
outside of a major hospital in the area. She is really liking it.

This is our reclining loveseat which we love to sit and read or talk on, but it is not looking as good as it used to so I put this comforter over it, not sure how it will look once I get my valances up,
but we'll see. Not crazy about the wall behind it either, but I had already done it
before we decided to redo the bedroom early, and the colors matched, I just had to add the green plates which I already had, and buy some new blue candles, which I need anyway. Evenutally I want to do something different there, but for now It is good. Guess I am sorta tired of the pic cause it has been hanging in our bedroom a long time now, just in a different spot.

The armoire is centered
over the corner of the room,it looked the best like thatRecognize the smile sign
from the earlier post!!

This was a lovely gift my husband gave me for our 30th Anniversary.

He is such a great guy!!

Our exerciser, a gazelle goes right in front of this. Didn't plan it thatway but it is the only spot it fits.but it is a nice remembrance everytime I get on it,which is pretty often.Here is our dresser and pics of two of our greatest joys in life. You will notice this is more potporri that my daughter gave me for christmas in the clear container and the candles you saw before, and the orb over on the other side is sitting on a stand for a glass candleholder, a lil repurposing there. Need to do something differentwith the frames of their pics yet. Just haven't decide what yet!! The frames matched where I had them before, but now don't look as good. The least expensive would be to paint them, but not sure what color would be good! Also, am keeping an eye out for a good deal on brass frames since the pics over the bed are brass and sort of contemporary looking.

If you have any ideas, would love to hear them????

And last but not least is my trusty rocker thathas been with us since I was pregnant with myson. We bought it for his nursery but it nevermade it past the living room cause it looked sogreat in this one area. So it is about 32 yrs old and was an antiquewhen I got it from another family who had it in their nursery and we thought we would have to paint it and it was the perfect shade of green for our house. About 5 yrs. ago my stepbrother who is agreat furniture builder and refinisher redid it for me in bright white and recaned it as well. I love it justas much as ever and hope to rock a grandbaby in iton of these days.See the throw that matches the quilt, and the pillow came from the guest bedroom again.

Well gang that is it, hope you have enjoyed your tour of our bedroom, once the bathroom is completed I will show you what we did in there, but it will be quite awhile yet.


Hope you have a great day today, and that you are the answer to someone else's prayer.


I will share how I heard that statement before, but another time cause this is gonna take a week to read already!! ha


P.S. Just came back to say sorry some of the writing is messed

up tried to fix it but it just want fix!


Hugs and Blessings,


Good Morning It's Tuesday (Bedroom pics 1)

Good Morning, and I do mean Morning, it is 2:14 a.m.,

and I am still awake, not that I haven't tried to sleep,
even got up and had a bowl of cereal cause I felt
hungry and thought sure that would do it...............

So figured I might as well make myself useful!! ha

Thought I would make today a fun day with some pictures.
I know how yall love pictures, course, so do I!!

I remembered that I promised last week I would show you some
pics of the changes I have made in my bedroom.

Our bedroom has yellow walls still, but our comforter
and valances had yellow background, with blue, berry red,
green and white floral fabric. I liked it very much, but
it was looking rather shabby and not so chic.

So I happened on this quilt type spread at T.J.Maxx
last Fall and fell in love with it!
The Quilt, sham, a throw all match, Originally I planned
to use the throw to make valances, but didn't think about the
way the pattern runs, so that didn't work out.
I have other plans tho, I will tell you about later.

The green comforter at the bottom of the bed is really
a duvet cover with my old comforter inside. Found it at
Target with the 2 shams for $30.00, and it is such a nice
smooth comfy fabric, we loved it for the winter, but
when it started to get hot, we had to change their locations.
So the light quilt became the focal point, and the duvet
cover took a back seat.

These next 3 pics are just some closeup shots of the fabric
on the quilt, shams and throw.
I just love all the colors, and it is quite different from
what we had before so I really am enjoying that.

These pics below have been around for a long time,
like almost 30 years. A dear friend of mine, the
same one I get so many good recipes from took them herself and
had them framed. She was into photography back them.
I have always loved them, nature scenes...... you know how
I love nature.
She used to use them in her
home, and when we moved here she let me borrow
them. They were in the dining room and living room
years ago, and my son even had them in one of
his apts. I have asked her a number of times if
she wants them back and she always say "just
hang on to them" one day I might decide to use
them. Anyway, I drug them out and thought
hey, they go great with my new spread.

The small corbels are really for curtains, I bought
them for that purpose, but then decided I didn't like
it so I repurposed them, and did have them in my
dining room one flanking each side of a large picture.
Just got some small bowls and put some sytrofoam
and moss in them and stuck some small silk plants in,
and there you go.

This is the striped dust ruffle I made. Got the fabric at
Walmart for just $4.99 a yard, it is like the decorator fabrics
at JoAnn's for $15-20 a yard, so always check walmart
just in case. I also just made 2 panels of fabric and slid them on
quarter round molding so I could just stick them under the
mattress so if I want to remove them or take them off
to wash them it is very simple. I will also be making
Valances for the windows out of the same fabric,
when I get to it!! ha

This is a little birdhouse I have had for some years
as well, given to me by someone very special,
it is on my night stand.

This is also on my night stand, the color is a little
washed out, it is more of a golden yellow,
I got it at Old Time Pottery for $2.00.
I love the intricate details for the bowl.

This is on hubbies night stand. I can't think
of what they call it right now, but I have
had it for about 10 years or so, but still
love it. Just moved it to a different location
is all.

oh yea, and the wood lamps you see on our night stands
were given to me by my mom probably 35 years ago,
as a housewarming present for our 1st home.
I had given them back to her to use cause she needed
some lamps and I wasn't using them at the time, so
when she passed away over 4 years ago,
I got them for my son (hard to get something
for a guy from a Grandmother) plus I knew he would
like them cause they were wood and he likes to do
woodworking, so now that he is back with us he is
letting me use them again. I think it is neat!!
Well, there is more but think I will have to do it
in another post or this is gonna be a mile long.
So hope you enjoy looking at the pics as much
as we are enjoying our new bedroom.
Oh Yea, An update on my son for those of you who
have been following his trip. This will be his
4th day of his 2nd Trek. He has now hiked
130 miles. He called on Fathers day from the
top of a mountain. He met some fellows at the
lodge where he was staying, and they have all
been hiking together, and he sounded very
happy about that, he was saying yea, it is
kinda nice having them. I am sure it is nice
to be able to share the experience with someone
besides Joey, so he can talk about it.
He should be getting to the next town
by Friday unless they decide to stop at a
closer town tomorrow.
Well gang, I am gonna try again for some sleep.
It is 3:10 a.m.
God Bless You
Keep you!!
Nighty Nite!!
Hugs & Blessings, Nellie

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Happy Father's Day

Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord,
whose confidence is in him.
He will be like a tree planted by the water,
that sends out its roots by the stream,
It does not fear when heat comes;
it's leave are always green.
It has no worries in a year of drought
and never fails to bear fruit.
Jeremiah 17: 7&8
A Good Man obtains Favor from the Lord.
Proverbs 12:2
Happy Father's Day to All the Great Dads Out There,
May the Lord Bless you Immensely for All the
Sacrifices you make for your Families!!
We are Celebrating the Wonderful Husband and Father
We have at Our House..............
Hope the same thing is happening at your house!!
Blessings & Hugs, Nellie

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Welcome to Thankful Thursday June 18, 2009

Good Evening, and welcome to Thankful Thursday!!
No, this is not my son but it sure looks like it could be.
Bet you can't guess what I am thankful for????
We just got a phone call from our son about an hour or so
ago, and he is at his first town after 100 miles of hiking.
To say I am thankful is truly an understatement,
I am overwhelming ecstatic and hubby almost needs
to scrape me off the ceiling!!
Our son is good, but tired, he hurt his knee a little
so that is why he slowed down some. It was so
neat to hear that God sent along another hiker
who happened to have an extra ace bandage for
him to use on his knee. Could that be an angel
in disquise, wouldn't surprise me!
I am so thankful for God's provision and protection
of him as he has been in the wilderness for 8 days.
He said he did not spend a night alone out there,
every night there were other hikers that came.
He only had to set his tent up one night, the rest
of the time he was able to stay in a lean to.
He said he hasn't seen a lot of wildlife, 10 snakes
(one would be enough to make me want to come home)
and a porcupine. He tried to get a pic but Joey was
barking at it and scared it away. Something tried to get
into his backpack last night, they hang them up on the
lean to, and they rig them so that if something jumps
on them it makes them fall off, so he heard this really
loud sound of something falling and guess he looked
outside and it was a huge rat. Yuk!!!
Joey has done very well, he has had to carry her
across the streams, one was waist deep, but he
says she has learned to hop the rocks.
He also had to help her some when they were
climbing up the mountain, cause she couldn't
get over some of the big rocks.
I was asking if he thought she was getting enough
to eat cause their food was so rationed, and being
out in the fresh air and exerting all that energy
usually makes you hungrier than normal.
He said he was concerned about her the first
few days cause she wasn't eating or drinking too
much. (Could have been missing us since she has been
with us 24/7 for 6 months now or possibly just readjusting
after the plane trip, and strange hotel and new surroundings)
but then she started eating and has done fine every since.
That was a relief I'm sure!
Says he took lots of beautiful pics, and a few
videos as well. Said there were lots of wildflowers
so he was trying to get some good shots for me.
Their food supply held out fine, he just ran
out of food for Joey, so he has to get her some
now that he is in town. Also got his package
we mailed for the next leg of his journey.
He is trying to find a public library so he can
download his pics to facebook. I am hoping hubby
can figure out how to get them from there to
my blog so yall can see some, but I might
have to wait till he (meaning my son) gets home.
Just have to wait and see!
Said he didn't like hiking in the rain too much,
but it's all part of the experience. Someone told
him he needed to get a walking stick and it would
make it easier on his knee, so he did and they
were right it made things quite a bit easier.
He is gonna stay in the town for 2 nights to let
his knee rest, and plans to leave out early
Sat. morning for the next trek which will
be 7 days, but this time there is another
town in between. He doesn't plan to stop there
but if he needed to he could, so that is good
news to my ears!! ha
He was very happy to get a nice shower,
and to give Joey a bath. Says he has
been checking and cleaning her lil feet everynite
with wet wipes and then putting horse
hoof lotion on the pads of her feet.
Didn't know he even took that with him,
that was a great idea.
Well, that is all I can think of for now, we
will probably talk to him again tomorrow night,
so for now, I am off to help hubby with the
lawn. I mow on the John deere while he
weed eats and edges. Such a Deal!!
Have a great evening,
and remember to find something to be thankful for!!
Love, Hugs and Blessings,

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Some new discoveries

Hellooooooooooooo, and Happy Wednesday to you!!

Hope you are having a Wonderful Wednesday,
mine has been very good for as tired as I am!!

Well, since my pic thingie is working today
I will show you what I have been wanting to show
you for the past few days.

Discovery # 1 - Have you seen this new Multi-grain
sandwich thins bread by Arnolds. It is delicious, and only has
100 Calories for the whole bun, with no trans fats or sat. fat.
Our regular bread is 220 cal. for 2 pcs. It is great to make
toast out of as well, nice crusty crunchy toast. I am a crunchy
food eater, so I like my toast like that!! Also makes a killer
hamburger, cause you can actually taste the hamburger
more than the bun! We used them Memorial day for our
burgers, and everyone was wanting to know where to
buy them, so thought you might like them too!!

You can see I was getting a lil hungry while taking
these pics.

This is what I like to do with it. I toast them and put laughing
cow cheese on them. Laughing cow is great too. One of
those lil wedges is perfect for 2 pcs. of bun or bread,
and goes great with ham or I enjoy putting cucumbers
and onions on top. Good Eating, and a good way to
get some veggies down you. It is also low in Sat. fat
and has no trans fat and comes in 3 flavors.
It was a great find for us since we are on a low-fat
eating plan cause of hubbies heart issues.

Doesn't that look scrumptious! I had heard of but never had cucumber
sandwiches until a few years ago when we went to an Afternoon Tea
Wedding reception for some friends of ours daughter. It was just
lovely, big tent on the lawn, great finger food, and tea, and the bride
and groom arrived in a horse drawn carriage, it was great, a memorable
wedding and reception. they collected teacups and saucers that were
in great condition from thrift and garage sales and we got to take it
home at the end of the day. What a nice idea!!
I like to put candles in mine!!
Course, they are fun to drink tea out of too!!

Back to the pic above, (sorta got side tracked) see the lil things
on the plate those are a mix of the seeds that they put on
everything bagels (that is what is in the grated cheese shaker).
We used to buy something called Everything bagel bread and
loved it, but they quit making it for some reason.
Probably the price of the seeds, I would guess!
The mix of seeds is poppy, sesame, and sunflower,
and then add some granulated garlic as well.
I just do an equal amount of each. I do grind the
sunflower seeds up some or else they want come
thru the holes on the cheese shaker.

Try it you will definitely like it, especially if you
have ever had an everything bagel and liked it!!

One lil warning: If you happen to work where
they do random drug testing, probably not a good
idea for you, cause poppy seeds can make you
fail a drug test, so if that is your situation you
could just leave them out all together.

Discovery #2 - Sweet Potato Fries by Alexia, think
I am spelling that right. They are a healthy sort of fry
made with good oils, and they have other regular potato fries
as well. We have tried some of those and they are delicious too.
We had the sweet potato fries for the first time last night, and they
are absolutely delicious. You just pop them in the
oven for about 18-20 mins. They taste good hot or cold.
A nice compliment to our grilled burgers.

Discovery #3 - A Quick Cure For Zits
Seriously.........I had read in something from an email once
that said if you got a zit to put peroxide on it, so yesterday,
I had two pop up and they were sore (I rarely get them but have
been eating some wonderfully delicious fat free brownies
lately) oh, that is another discovery, I will make it #4,
anyway, I put the peroxide on a cotton ball and wiped
it on and a few hrs later, I happened by the mirror so
decided to have a look and it didn't seem as red, and I
touched it and it was no longer sore, so I went back
and put some more on, checked again some hours
later, and it was not red anymore, so put some
more peroxide on, and wella...........
when I got up this morning it was gone!!
Oxy Pads eat your heart out!!

Discovery #4 - Course, you might not want this one
now since I revealed that bit of info about the 2 zits.
Should have made this 3 and that 4 , Sorry!!
But I will tell you just in case you dare!!
The brownies are a new discovery, I have never
seen them before, so don't know if they are new
on the market, but they are new to me.
Anyway, the mix is made by "Krusteaz" and
they are no fat brownies and they are delicious.
I made them Memorial day and added walnuts
and everyone raved about them.

I don't typically use any boxed anything for the
most part because of the hydrogenated oils,
but I have discovered that the Krusteaz mixes,
only the no fat ones tho, have no hydrogenated
oils. So they also have all sorts of muffin mixes
and a cornbread mix, I have even used that to
make an upside down berry cake, and it was very
good. They are not all that prevalent in the
grocery stores, I have found them at Walmart,
Target super center, and publix, but they
usually carry different varieties.

Krusteaz mixes are a very good thing,
as Martha would say!!

Well, hope you found something appealing
to your taste buds, and can try it out!!
Let me know what you think.

Hope you have a wonderful Evening,

we will...........cause we are resting tonight
and that is all we are doing.......... but exercising!!
Ugh!! I forgot about that!

Hugs and Blessings,

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Today is T day

Good Morning Sweet Friends,

Hope you all had a great night's sleep,
I slept like an absolute rock!!

This is the first thing I saw when I walked
out of my bedroom this morning.

This is Molly, our lil sweetie cat,
who is waiting for her Mommy to get up
and feed her. She stayed out last night
which is very unusual for her lately.

The window was all fogged up, and just
thought she looked so cute, so I would share
it with you.

Well, I was gonna post some pics of something
and once again I can't get the pic thingie to
work, it was working fine just a few mins.
ago when I downloaded Miss Kitty.

I must be doing something to disable it or
something, have to ask Becky or get hubby
to look at it when he can.

I have been in the garage painting the
baseboards for the bathroom. Last night
Jimmy finished the trim and it looks so nice.
Today is T day, we are hoping to install that
toilet, and then we can relax for a bit.

My daughter just called and is coming over
for din din. That always makes us happy cause she is a
busy girl, and we only get to see her once every 7-10
days, Course, I know some of you are thinking I wish I got to
see my kids that often. I hear you and I feel for you. It is hard
having them live so far away, we have experienced that with our
son already, but somehow you do adjust to it over time.

Speaking of our son, we rec'd a text from him already
this morning and he was underway to the next
lean to, that is the last text we will get until he
arrives in the next town on Thursday, as his power
is low on his phone. Course, once he arrives @ todays
destination he will only be 15 miles out from the town.
Once he gets into town then we will finally get to talk with him.

He asked us to hold his next package until we talk
with him, so that either means he needs more supplies,
or maybe he is coming home. Guess we'll have to wait till
Thursday to find out the scoop.

Well, tried again with the pic thingie,
no go!! sorry maybe tomorrow.

Well, thanks for dropping by, gotta get that vacuum going!!

Have a Blessed Day!

Scripture Sunday

  Let's praise the God of Heaven Every day! Blessings,  Nellie