Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Back to our bathroom renovations

Good Afternoon Lovely Friends,

How your day is going well so far!

I slept till 10:15 this morning. Can't believe it, but it sure felt good,

course, we went to bed around 1:30, so are we crazy or what???

We can be nite owls but we usually aren't that bad.

Just received a text message from our son, so that was heaven

for us. He said " so far, so good, we are on schedule,

finally was able to get a signal to text. Love u guys!"

It was a sweet and unexpected surprise from the Lord.

We were in a good mood before, but we are in a

great mood now!! We really did not expect to hear from

him until about next Wed. Also, thanks for your

prayers......we are definitely feeling them.

You are being a real blessing as so many
other friends are too!!

Well, we began again on our bathroom renovations

yesterday afternoon. Got the toilet taken out and

the rest of the tile that was under it, and got the insulation

put in the wall, my hubby is putting the new drywall

in as I write. We are hoping to get the wall finished

and the floor tiled in the water closet area today,

so it can cure overnight and be grouted tomorrow

evening. Hopefully, we can put the new toilet

back in by Saturday, if all goes well.

We haven't worked in there for awhile cause we decided

it would probably be easier to tackle this with just the two of

us here. Once we get the floor tile done then we will start

retiling our shower area. I am excited because I know that

once we start to see some "pretty" progress it will spur us

on to finish. Somehow when you are just tearing things out

and it looks awful it is not very motivating to me anyway.

I have already taken the wallpaper down in that area,

but still need to remove it in the dressing room area

but think I am gonna wait until we either start or finish

tiling the shower. I looks nice right now, so am not

looking forward to that part. It will be nice when it

is finished tho, cause the wallpaper does not match

the bedroom at present.

I had not planned on redoing my bedroom until

we finished the bathroom, but I had already found

a nice new bedset last fall, because my old one was looking

pretty sad. Then when our son moved back in with us

just before Christmas, he and his dad went and got all his

stuff around New Years, so I had to move a lot of stuff out

of the guest bedroom to make room, and a lot of the

decorations would match with my new bedroom decor,

so decided I might as well get on with it, so I did.

One day next week I will add some pics to show you

what I did. I really love it and didn't have to paint my

walls so was happy about that. Didn't want to have to

tackle that with all the bathroom work we still had before us.

Here is a little preview........This is the top of my
armoire in the bedroom. My colors in there are
peacock blue, avacado and lime green, brown
golden ye and cream. It is leaning more toward green
than to blue, not exactly how I planned it,
but I really like it.
My daughter gave me the potpourri for Christmas, and the silver
vase to put it in, but I couldn't get the potpourri to look right,
so I had these golden ye mums, so I stuck that in there, and put
the potpourri on a green plate I had. My friend gave me the birdhouse
for christmas and it was perfect for the room, and I already had the
silver gray box (for my everyday earrings) and the yellow candle,
and I had bought the smile sign at Target on sale for $5.00 just because
I loved it. So I was quite happy with the outcome. I also had potpourri
leftover for some other areas of the room. Which You will see next week.

Well, hubby is mudding the drywall, and I just finished putting the tape on.
Mudding is the tricky part but I know he will do a great job,
he can do just about anything when he puts his mind to it, and it saves
us so much money! It is great to have a handy husband!!

Well, I will talk with you tomorrow,
gotta go see how the mudding is going.

thanks for coming by.

Hope you have a great evening,

Hugs and Blessings,



  1. How exciting!! Post some pictures of the process! Love the colors you chose! And how funny that you didn't plan the colors, I feel that way with our living room, it's beige with blue accents and I didn't plan it that way either! Glad your son was able to get a text to you. Who is he traveling with? Or is it just his dog? Thanks for the kind words on my blog for my daughter! Enjoy your evening!

  2. i'm so glad you heard from your son! i'm still in awe of the adventure he has in front of him. it will be exciting to receive updates from you regarding him. can't wait to see the make-over!

  3. Glad you heard from your son! Sounds like you guys are working hard on the bathroom redo. Looking forward to the finished pictures.


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Have a Lovely Sunday. Hugs,  Nellie