Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Good Morning It's Tuesday (Bedroom pics 1)

Good Morning, and I do mean Morning, it is 2:14 a.m.,

and I am still awake, not that I haven't tried to sleep,
even got up and had a bowl of cereal cause I felt
hungry and thought sure that would do it...............

So figured I might as well make myself useful!! ha

Thought I would make today a fun day with some pictures.
I know how yall love pictures, course, so do I!!

I remembered that I promised last week I would show you some
pics of the changes I have made in my bedroom.

Our bedroom has yellow walls still, but our comforter
and valances had yellow background, with blue, berry red,
green and white floral fabric. I liked it very much, but
it was looking rather shabby and not so chic.

So I happened on this quilt type spread at T.J.Maxx
last Fall and fell in love with it!
The Quilt, sham, a throw all match, Originally I planned
to use the throw to make valances, but didn't think about the
way the pattern runs, so that didn't work out.
I have other plans tho, I will tell you about later.

The green comforter at the bottom of the bed is really
a duvet cover with my old comforter inside. Found it at
Target with the 2 shams for $30.00, and it is such a nice
smooth comfy fabric, we loved it for the winter, but
when it started to get hot, we had to change their locations.
So the light quilt became the focal point, and the duvet
cover took a back seat.

These next 3 pics are just some closeup shots of the fabric
on the quilt, shams and throw.
I just love all the colors, and it is quite different from
what we had before so I really am enjoying that.

These pics below have been around for a long time,
like almost 30 years. A dear friend of mine, the
same one I get so many good recipes from took them herself and
had them framed. She was into photography back them.
I have always loved them, nature scenes...... you know how
I love nature.
She used to use them in her
home, and when we moved here she let me borrow
them. They were in the dining room and living room
years ago, and my son even had them in one of
his apts. I have asked her a number of times if
she wants them back and she always say "just
hang on to them" one day I might decide to use
them. Anyway, I drug them out and thought
hey, they go great with my new spread.

The small corbels are really for curtains, I bought
them for that purpose, but then decided I didn't like
it so I repurposed them, and did have them in my
dining room one flanking each side of a large picture.
Just got some small bowls and put some sytrofoam
and moss in them and stuck some small silk plants in,
and there you go.

This is the striped dust ruffle I made. Got the fabric at
Walmart for just $4.99 a yard, it is like the decorator fabrics
at JoAnn's for $15-20 a yard, so always check walmart
just in case. I also just made 2 panels of fabric and slid them on
quarter round molding so I could just stick them under the
mattress so if I want to remove them or take them off
to wash them it is very simple. I will also be making
Valances for the windows out of the same fabric,
when I get to it!! ha

This is a little birdhouse I have had for some years
as well, given to me by someone very special,
it is on my night stand.

This is also on my night stand, the color is a little
washed out, it is more of a golden yellow,
I got it at Old Time Pottery for $2.00.
I love the intricate details for the bowl.

This is on hubbies night stand. I can't think
of what they call it right now, but I have
had it for about 10 years or so, but still
love it. Just moved it to a different location
is all.

oh yea, and the wood lamps you see on our night stands
were given to me by my mom probably 35 years ago,
as a housewarming present for our 1st home.
I had given them back to her to use cause she needed
some lamps and I wasn't using them at the time, so
when she passed away over 4 years ago,
I got them for my son (hard to get something
for a guy from a Grandmother) plus I knew he would
like them cause they were wood and he likes to do
woodworking, so now that he is back with us he is
letting me use them again. I think it is neat!!
Well, there is more but think I will have to do it
in another post or this is gonna be a mile long.
So hope you enjoy looking at the pics as much
as we are enjoying our new bedroom.
Oh Yea, An update on my son for those of you who
have been following his trip. This will be his
4th day of his 2nd Trek. He has now hiked
130 miles. He called on Fathers day from the
top of a mountain. He met some fellows at the
lodge where he was staying, and they have all
been hiking together, and he sounded very
happy about that, he was saying yea, it is
kinda nice having them. I am sure it is nice
to be able to share the experience with someone
besides Joey, so he can talk about it.
He should be getting to the next town
by Friday unless they decide to stop at a
closer town tomorrow.
Well gang, I am gonna try again for some sleep.
It is 3:10 a.m.
God Bless You
Keep you!!
Nighty Nite!!
Hugs & Blessings, Nellie


  1. Love the colors in your room! And I'm glad your son was able to call home for Father's Day! Enjoy your day!

  2. i love your quilt! you have some very pretty things in your bedroom. great update from your son. I'm glad he was able to call on Sunday too!

  3. Hi Nellie!! It all looks so pretty! YOu have done a great job, gal! Love the story behind the lamps. Such treasures!

    We went on a bike ride, swam, had an early lunch, did school, and are now off to the library!!

    Remind me to tell you what I do to sleep, ok?
    Love and hugs!!

  4. Hello, I happened upon your blog today and enjoyed reading your post. Your bedroom make over is beautiful.

  5. Somehow I missed this post but here I am now. I love that you are sentimentally attached to so many of the things in your room. It is wonderful when you can look around and see memories and people that have given you these fun gifts. The room looks very cozy and inviting. When someone comes to me to help them design their home and wonders where to start I always say the master bedroom. It surprises a lot of people but I think it is probably the most important room in the house. Every couple need a get away, a nice place to be just for them. So many people use it as a dumping ground for everything that doesn't have a place. Great job, Nellie!

  6. Your bedroom is lovely. I like how you used the corbels. That is a great idea! Your room looks so peaceful and restful. So if it looks restful, why is it you can't sleep? heehee. Probably hormone changes doing that to you I bet. Happens to me sometimes.


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

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