Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Hope you are the answer........

Good Afternoon Sweet Friends,
Hope you day is going well,
Mine is going fine, not a lot going on today.
So thought today would be a good day to explain
the closing I left you with yesterday.
It was "Hope You are the answer to someone else's prayer!
We have some dear friends who own and operate a lovely
Bed & Breakfast and they also have cabins (5 of them now,
but last spring a year ago only 3).
Spring of 2008 they called us and asked us if we would have
any interest in house sitting and running the business
so they could get away for a few days, and they even
insisted on paying us. ( We have said many times
we think it would be so much fun to do something like that),
so we were available to do it and of Course, we said yes.
We went over the night before and learned the ropes
of knowing where all the supplies and keys were,
which person went where, and how to greet
and check them in and out!
They had no guests that were staying in the
house only people lodged in the cabins,
and lovely cabins they are, we had the priviledge of
staying in one after the 3 in a row hurricanes hit
4 or 5 years ago, and it was such a blessing.
So this would be a break in our routine, and something
fun we have always wanted to experience.
The grounds and house are just so quaint, cozy, peaceful .
But there was some work involved too,
but a lot of it was things we like to do anyway,
like watering the plants, and talking with people.
I washed sheets and did some cleaning
in the cabins as well, but I could do that
while hubby was working. He took a couple
of half days, so he would work in the morning
and then have all afternoon off, so it was
a perfect situation really.
We got to stay in the honeymoon suite
"The Victorian Room"
and it was very nice!!
One morning I was washing up a few dishes
we had in the sink, and I happened to look
up and see this mug sitting on the shelf,
and it said.............
"May I be the answer to someone else's prayer"
I thought what a neat thought that is!!!
and then I thought that is exactly what they
have been to us!!
We had wanted to go on a vacation but didn't really think
we should spend the money cause we still had our daughter
in college, but we needed a break, a get away,
just a change of scenery and something different,
and our stay there was all of that.
We swang on the front porch swings of every cabin and
the main house, we walked about the beautiful grounds
and property and watered the plants, we watched
HGTV and Animal Planet on the cable, (we don't have
cable, so that is always a treat for us.), we talked
to their guests, read their guest book, and it was
such an encouragement, not one bad comment in
there. Enjoyed the lovely Honey moon suite,
with the jacuzzi tub, got take out food,
and snacked on whatever.
And we became like B & B entrepreneurs for a
a few days. How fun is that!!
So their prayer had been answered,
they had given us a change of scenery
and a quiet respite of peace, and we got to
experience what it would be like to run
something like that. Not sure now that
I would want to do it, but it was fun,
and they are the perfect people to run
it - they are warm, gentle, loving and
sweet spirited folks, and people that
come there can tell their genuine hearts
right away.
I also let them know they were an
answer to our prayer!!
They were happy about that.
That has been my prayer many times
since we experienced our time
at their place.
Thought you might like to make
it your prayer too!!
Have a great Evening!
Love and Blessings,


  1. What a sweet story, Nellie!! I often thought about a B & B, too, but know that it is a ton of work, and I don't think I'd want to live where all that work was.

    Glad you had fun and were the answer!!
    Love ya,

  2. This is a fun story and something Jim and I have talked about doing someday. There is an organization that seeks people to do just what you did, providing respite for B&B owners.

    We don't have cable either...are we the only two on the planet? We'll have to compare notes on that sometime.

    Have a great weekend!

  3. Oh I forgot I think you just click on follow on the following part of the blog to become a follower. I tried it and it brought me to the right place. Sorry you had trouble with it.

  4. I like that quote. I should write it on something and put it in a promient place. Like on a plaque or something. That is a very good reminder. How cool you were able to help out at the B&B giving them a break and you two a change of routine. What fun that was for you!


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Have a Lovely Sunday. Hugs,  Nellie