Thursday, June 4, 2009

Welcome to Thankful Thursday

Hello My Cheery Friends,

Welcome to Thankful Thursday,
Hope you are feeling thankful for something today!!

I am feeling very Thankful for the Gift of Prayer.
I Have been thinking about what a gift it is!!

1. It is one of the best ways to get to know and commune
with our Lord. Helps to feel you are talking with a
divine friend and He truly is!! But don't forget He is
also a Holy friend and Holy God!!

2. It is amazing the impact that prayer has on our spirit.
When I am troubled, and pray, it amazes me how the Lord just
makes all those troubles melt away as He takes on those burdens of mine.

3. It is incredible that God has given us the ability to impact
the lives of others thru prayer. It is so neat to me that I can
pray for someone that lives in my home, neighborhood, church
or miles away, and it can affect a change, cause someone to
get the help they need, or calm their spirit, or heal a sick
child or relative.

4. It is wonderful that I can pray for myself, and get
answers to my prayers. It is neat that God says, He is
our ever present help in time of trouble, all we need
to do is cry out to him.

5. It is awesome that we can pray about anything and
everything, because the Lord is concerned about anything that
concerns us. He is our concerned and caring Father.

6. It is humbling that we can come boldly before His throne
of grace. That we have an audience with the Lord,
because we are his precious children.

7. It is comforting to know that when we have fears
and anxiety we can bring them to our Heavenly Father,
and He can bring comfort and peace to our soul.

8. It is also comforting to know that when we have
material needs we can bring them before the Father
and He can meet our needs, not wants necessarily,
but sometimes He even does that!!
And oh how we need to learn the difference
between the two.

9. It is refreshing to know we can come to the Father
for physical needs, and have him heal them
if it is his sovereign will. He has healed me
many times in many different situations.

10. It is Priceless to know that the Very Best Thing
we could every do for ourselves or another human being
is to pray for them. The Lord surely cares for us,
all our family and friends and even acquaintances.

As my son is leaving soon to hike the Appalachian Trail,
I am so incredibly thankful for the gift of prayer
because I know that is what is gonna get me thru
this time (cause it is gonna be a real stretch for Mom)
and I also know it is what is gonna get my Son
thru this time as well.

We will be praying but
so will many others that love this sweet young man.
What a comfort, what an encouragement,
what peace, what help, what hope.
I know in my Heart Prayer
is the Best Thing Possible
to do for my Son and for myself!!

I read somewhere once that God rules the world
by the prayers of His people!!
Wow, what a thought,
and whether it is totally true or not I am
not sure, but I do know it certainly motivates
me to prayer!!

Hope you too, are Thankful and practicing Prayer
daily in your life, if not, give it a try..............
It will rock your world for the Good!!

Hugs and Blessings,

1 comment:

  1. Amen to the thoughts of this post, Nellie. I think prayer is so important. My husband, Jim, and I pray together every morning and most evenings (he will often go to bed way before me), at meals when we go on trips for safe travel and for our kids and grandkids daily. Those things and many more fill our prayers all the time and I to love the peace that praying brings. Also the unity of thought and purpose for a family and particularly for a couple.

    It is hard to send a son or daughter off to far away places for extended periods of time. We have sent our son off to Brazil, and China to live and our daughters, Jen to Scotland twice and now Laura is living in Italy. Each time they have been living in these foreign lands for about two years and Laura will be in Italy 3 years all together. But they do fine and learn and grow and are protected through God's grace and our fervent prayers and the eventual reunion is priceless. Your son will do well, have an adventure and heal his heart on his journey. He'll be home before you know it!


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Have a Lovely Sunday. Hugs,  Nellie