Sunday, October 30, 2022

Scripture Sunday


      We are certainly seeing this quite a bit in our
world today..........I certainly know how I feel about it,
and this just shows us what the LORD
feels and has to say about it.  

Have a Happy Day!

Hugs, Nellie  

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Friday, October 28, 2022

Thankful Thursday October 27, 2022, More Fall decor - our family room

I will sing the LORD’s praise, for he
 has been good to me.
Psalm 13:6

 Welcome to Thankful Thursday
Sweet Friends,

Hope this finds you well and happy.
It has been a much better week here,
my back is not totally back to normal
but way better, so very grateful and
happy about that. Still trying not to
sit a lot!  lol  So it has been a pretty
productive week actually.  Cause
I have tried to think of everything
that I can to stand up!!  lol

Pictures today, are from our Fall
decorating 2022, again!
This time from Hallway, and
family room.

So on with my Thankfuls........

Thankful to be enjoying my "use what I had",
 guest bathroom refresh, I did last week, and
a new bathroom freshner, "Vanilla Lavendar"
scent.  It smells and looks so nice,  and I was
able to use some "Beauty Berries" from our
bush outback to bring a lil Fall
 nature indoors.

Thankful for another lovely day with our Sweet
 lil darling. Had some schoolwork but not as
much as normal, for some reason,  so had more
time to play.  She gave me a pedicure, and later
 she turned our living room and dining room
into her restaurant, she got it all set up hoping
for her lil friend next door to be able to come
over and play once she got home from school, but that didn't happen unfortunately.  So once her
Dad came we ate and we played the wii some
and visited some with her Dad.  It was a good
day, I was tired by evening, but it is always
a good tired!

So Thankful and just can't quit Praising the Lord
for a miracle that occurred this week for the 24 yr.
old Granddaughter of a dear childhood friend.
She got Preeclampsia about 6 weeks ago and they
had to deliver her baby early, and the baby is doing great, but her Mom was so impacted by the preeclampsia that she needed a heart transplant.  It is truly a miracle she has been alive all this time.  Last night (Friday) the Lord provided a donor heart, she was in surgery 4 hrs., and is in ICU and doing great. We were already praying for her (Jackie) is her name, but then my friend put a picture of her baby on face book, and after I saw that baby the Lord just put it so on my heart that
I have been praying off and on all day long
every day for that babies Mommy to be healed,
and of course, she had tons of others praying for
her as well, but it was just such a Wonderful
 thing to hear how it turned out.
  She of course, has quite a long recovery I would imagine, at least 6 weeks I would say...but she 
was pretty weak and thin going into the surgery.
So if you feel so led please pray for her continued

Note:  Heard from her Grandmother today that
she is up walking the halls and is able to wear
normal clothing, and may be going home by
next Monday.  PTL!!

Thankful my back is much better, still not
quite there yet,  but slowly getting there.

Thankful that Lord willing my Daughter and
 Son-in-love with be able to be here with us, for
 Thanksgiving and Christmas.  So we are very
excited about that.

Thankful for the beauty of the sun streaming in through our trees in the woods out back. Such
a beautiful orange glow -  along with lower
temps. are a reminder that Fall has finally
 arrived here in Florida, even tho it is 59 degrees right now, it will be 77 by  noon, and our high of
 81 by 3 P.M. - but that is our Fall in Florida.

Thankful for an all girl get together on
Sunday afternoon to celebrate one of my
long time friends, Son and wife and their 
recent marriage and to introduce his new
 wife to so many ladies that had  been a
 part of her new hubbies life over the
 years.  It was light hearted and so much
fun and so good to see so many ladies 
that I haven't seen in years.  It's been
awhile since I have been to an all ladies
gathering and it was quite energizing
I must say.........Loved every minute!!
Their Mom did a spectacular job on
 everything from the food to the 
decorations and even a fun gift 
giving idea.  She is and always has 
been a very talented lady.
So Thanks Ann!

Thankful to finally have gotten 
some drawers in our Mastor Bath
vanity cleaned out and organized
again.  Been on my list for awhile

Thankful to have restyled some shelves
in a cabinet in our guest bedroom.  
Still making progress lil by lil.

Thankful we got our porch cleaned
finally, after the hurricane, and chairs
cleaned and the porch put back togehter
and it looks great!

Thankful that Cece Winans won 2 dove
awards.  Love her singing! I loved that
 when she won the 2nd award, she didn't say
anything but sang "To God Be the Glory"
in accapello.  One of the songs she won
for was "I believe for it", if you would
like to hear it just type In I believe,
by Cece Winsans in your browser address
bar and they have quite a few videos.
I tried to put one on, so you could just
click on it,  but just couldn't get it to work.
  We see her quite often on the "Better Together"
show we watch on TBN.  She is not only
an awesome singer but just such a
lovely woman of God.

Thankful that I got a treat bag all
done for lil darling today since we want
see her on Halloween, so always give
it to her early.  We will be picking her
up school (thursday) so got to see her
for about 3 hrs.


Well, that's all for Cozy Place
this week.............

Thanks for stoppin' in
Have a Gorgeous Friday
and weekend.

Love, Hugs and last
days of October Blessings,

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Sunday, October 23, 2022

Scripture Sunday


It truly does lead to life.....

It doesn't mean you want have any troubles.....

it just means you won't have the same worrisome

anxious response to troubles, and will  live

a more peaceful and contented life,  if you 

are staying close to the Jesus!

Have a Lovely Day!

Hugs, Nellie

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Thursday, October 20, 2022

Thankful Thursday October 20, 2022, and More Fall Decor from 2022

Praise the LORD. Blessed are those who fear the LORD, who find great delight in his commands.
Psalm 112:1  NIV

Greetings Sweet Friends,

How are you today?  Hope you are 
feeling great and are happy and healthy.
I am happy to report that as of yester-
day I am feeling so much better not
completely there yet, but almost!!

Pictures  today are of more Fall decorating for 2022.  These pics Still in the living room area!

# 1 

Thankful for several long conversations

with my lovely Daughter this week.

They had a flood in their office so

she was off work all week.

#2 and 3

Thankful that we decided we liked the mirror

we got last week for our guest bedroom, so we

got her hung, then restyled the dresser top,

 and we both really like how it came out.

So thankful for another few steps on our

guest bedroom, and reasons to have to

stand up doing something as my back is

still giving me trouble, and sitting just

makes it way worse.


Thankful for all I got done today inspite

of my back.  I do okay as long as I am

standing up!  


Thankful that Friday was Dee and Jerry's

11th Anniversary.  They are so good

together and had a nice time.


Thankful for our first pot of Beef Stew

for the season.  Always love it....

and other one pot meals too.


Thankful that I was feeling well enough

to go to church yesterday, and out to lunch

with our friends, and later to the grocery

store.  Afraid I might have overdone it

tho.....cause today is Monday and not doing

so great with my back again.


Thankful for my hubby and how he takes

care of me.  On Monday we decided that

maybe I just needed to lay down instead

of sitting,  So I did that when I wasn't

standing or walking around.  At least

it did relieve the pain, but got up in

hopes that would be the end of it, but just took some Alleve Back

and muscle pills, my Daughter told

me about so, will see how that goes.

It has been a long 8 1/2 days, I have

to say.......


Thankful that our local Publix Super

market has a Seasonal Sub that is

really delicious.  It has Turkey and

Cranberry sauce and bacon and

cheese (not a cheese that taste real

cheesy. We had them last year and

were glad to see they are back again,

just as delicious as last years.


Thankful that my back is somewhat

better, and I am trying to pamper

it and not overdue again, so trying

 to lay down rather than sit down

 and stand as much as possible, 

so decided it was a good time to 

refresh my guest bathroom.


Thankful to not feel like hollering

or hollering every time I get up 

from a sitting position.  lol  


Thankful for the Beautiful view I had

this morning......a large group of beautiful

white Ibis birds having breakfast on our

front lawn. There was probably 30+

of them.  They come at times but it

has been quite awhile since we have

seen that many at once.  Lovely sight!


Well, that's it for Cozy Place this

week.  This has been the

"Threw my Back Out" 

Edition.   lol

Thanks for coming by.....


Have a delightful rest of the week.

Love, Hugs and nearing the end

of October Blessings,


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South House Design

Sunday, October 16, 2022

Wise Perspective we all need to hear or be reminded of.....

Good Sunday Morning

Sweet Friends,

This is not  my typical Scripture Sunday post, but think it will be just as inspirational. 

I Don't know about you, but lately we have just seen so many friends and others who are just going thru such really tough situations, that just break our hearts and makes us really wish we could rescue them out of those situations somehow.

So I saw this post on face book and don't know who the person was that wrote this, but she is a very wise and discerning woman, and this is a good word that we all need to hear and be reminded of.....during these crazy times in which we are living.  Hope it brings hope to your heart!!

  It sure did mine.


It is an excerpt from something.....and just in case you don't know she is talking about real Bible characters and things they went through.......

She was obviously feeling some what like us.....

“I would have pulled Joseph out. Out of that pit. Out of that prison. Out of that pain. And I would have cheated nations out of the one God would use to deliver them from famine.

I would have pulled David out. Out of Saul’s spear-throwing presence. Out of the caves he hid away in. Out of the pain of rejection. And I would have cheated Israel out of a God-hearted king.

I would have pulled Esther out. Out of being snatched from her only family. Out of being placed in a position she never asked for. Out of the path of a vicious, power-hungry foe. And I would have cheated a people out of the woman God would use to save their very lives.

And I would have pulled Jesus off. Off of the cross. Off of the road that led to suffering and pain. Off of the path that would mean nakedness and beatings, nails and thorns. And I would have cheated the entire world out of a Savior. Out of salvation. Out of an eternity filled with no more suffering and no more pain.

And oh friend. I want to pull you out. I want to change your path. I want to stop your pain. But right now I know I would be wrong. I would be out of line. I would be cheating you and cheating the world out of so much good. Because God knows. He knows the good this pain will produce. He knows the beauty this hard will grow. He’s watching over you and keeping you even in the midst of this. And He’s promising you that you can trust Him. Even when it all feels like more than you can bear.

So instead of trying to pull you out, I’m lifting you up. I’m kneeling before the Father and I’m asking Him to give you strength. To give you hope. I’m asking Him to protect you and to move you when the time is right. I'm asking Him to help you stay prayerful and discerning. I'm asking Him how I can best love you and be a help to you. And I’m believing He’s going to use your life in powerful and beautiful ways. Ways that will leave your heart grateful and humbly thankful for this road you’ve been on.”

- Kimberly D. Henderson


Thank You, Kimberly Henderson
for your encouraging outlook! and Prayers!!

It was so helpful for this lady(me),
to be reminded of those truths from scripture.
Hope it was helpful for you as well.

Hugs, Nellie

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Thursday, October 13, 2022

Thankful Thursday October 13, 2022, Fall decor for 2022


Now, our God, we give you thanks,

 and praise your glorious name.

Chronicles 29:13 NIV

A Fall Hello 

Sweet Friends,

Hope this finds you doing well and

enjoying Fall and it's festivities.

Our week has been slow and uneventful

because I threw my back out on Monday,

 and was hoping to report today that I

 was totally back to normal, but NADA.

I have to say at times it is better but

if you have back issues you know when

it is normal and when it is not quite

there yet!!  lol  Well, it is not quite

there yet, for sure!!  Maybe tomorrow!!

If I just didn't have to sit down it

would be great!!  lol

Pictures today are from our 2022 

Foyer and living room;

Imagine that!!   lol

Finally had some time to take pictures!

So on with my Thankfuls.............


Thankful to have found a few Christmas 

presents while out shopping and then,

 enjoyed having din din at Olive Garden.  


Thankful for a great day with lil darling once she

 got a nap,  she was very tired as she has had a lot

 of activity in the last few weeks, and guess it finally

caught up with her.  Got a lot of school work

done and did some painting for fun, and then

she even got to have her lil friend over too.


Thankful for lil darlings great attitude 

and Sweet and Wonderful heart. 


Thankful for the opportunity to help out with

someone down South who had lots of hurricane

damage by purchasing needed items for some

one else to take there.


Thankful that we got to go to the birthday party

 of the lil gal hubby tutors once in awhile, and

we had a really nice time talking with the

adults, as she was busy with all her friends,

which is what we expected!!  lol  but we

did get a few hugs!!  lol


Thankful that someone asked us to text them

and let them know we made it home okay.

I ask that of my family/ friends a lot, 

mostly at night or if they have a long trip,

 but have never had anyone ask me that but 

my Daughter.  I feel it is a good thing to

 ask , just in case!!  Not every one sees it

 that way..... I think it is a way of showing

love and caring. Anyway, I loved that 

He asked.  Maybe it is because we are

getting up there in age, but whatever

the said love to me!!


Thankful that it has been a quiet and uneventful
 week, with nothing much on our plate that we had
 to do, since I somehow threw my back out and the last 2 weeks have been pretty busy.  
So it's been a good thing!!


Thankful to hear that Tulsi Gabbard left the

 Democratic party.....don't know how she ever

 got there to be honest. She is a pretty astute lady,

 hope those she invited to leave with her.......

do just that!


Thankful that we finally got several

pcs. of furniture from the guest bedroom

and a lot of others things donated to

a charity and out of our house.  Yea!!

So happy to have that off our To Do list.


Thankful for a few cards we got finished

 up and into our shop.


Thankful for something really neat that I read on facebook this week.  I am gonna share it with you on Sunday (for Scripture Sunday) and hope you will come check it out on Sunday and that it blesses your perspective on life the way it did mine.


Thankful we got to pick lil darling up from

school today and see her for a few hour.

The time just flys by, but better than not

seeing her for sure.  Thankful we went

to our pitiful mall (so many stores have

closed) to walk some, thought it might

help my back, but didn't.  Thankful

we found a mirror that might work

for our guest bedroom, will see how

we like it tomorrow, and then din

din at Outback steakhouse.  It was

very good, and we had the same

server last time we were there, she

is just adorable and just a bright

spot in the day. So cute!


Well folks,  that's it for this week

at Cozy Place.

Glad you came by 


Hope you have an extra special rest of the week.

Love, Hugs and Mid October Blessings,


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Between Naps on the Porch

Scripture Sunday

  Let's praise the God of Heaven Every day! Blessings,  Nellie