Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Thankful Thursday October 10, 2024

Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will                   rest in the shadow of the Almighty.  

  Psalm 91:1 NIV

Pre-Hurricane Greetings, Sweet Friends,

Been a crazy week here again.....All about Hurricanes...either Helene or now Milton that is on it's way.  All our Hurricane prep is done and now we wait for this ominous storm.  It is suppose to come ashore tonight.  We are thankful we are not close to where it will come ashore, and praying everyone that should evacuate... did.

Will try to post once it is passed us to let yall know we are okay.  Course, it might be awhile if our power goes, and it probably will.

Sorry no pics today as google photos is not

cooperating with me.   lol

So on with my Thankfuls.....


Thankful, once again, for our wonderful Governor

 DeSantis. I don't know this for sure, but I think...

 he really helped to postpone this longshore men

 strike, because he decided he was going to put our

 national guardsmen to work in the strikers place

 because of the national emergency we have going 

on from Hurricane Helene.  This is not a time

for a strike when so many or in so much distress

 devastation, and with life and death needs. These

people need all the help they can get.  I am sure

 they figured more Governors might decide to do 

the same as Governor DeSantis, because they 

truly care about the American people. 


Thankful for all the wonderful organizations

like Samaritan's purse that go in and help

people at times like this.  Also thankful for

so many who are giving financially and 

going physically to help, and sending goods

that are needed.


Thankful that lil darlings other Grandmother

is doing much better as she has had a bout

with pneumonia and was in the hospital

for about 4-5 days.  She is home now,

and better,  not quite 100% yet.


Thankful our son has started his new job and

is getting set up with all he needs for the new

 job, and already has his first customer.


Thankful that some family members had the

courage to deal with an abuse situation

where their precious daughter was violated.

They have really been thru it.....

for years now, and it is still not over but

we are so proud of their perseverance and

courage and strength and are praying

for justice and protection for others kids

that could be victims as well.


Thankful we got to see one of our previous

Pastors and his wife.  They look great and

it was so lovely to see them.  He is retired

as a Pastor as such, but they are working

in a new ministry to married couples which

is so needed these days.


Thankful for a sweet call from my nephew

who lives in the Fl  panhandle.  He called

cause he was worried about us due to the

new Hurricane coming, and wanted us

to come there.  We had such a fun con-

versation about family members who

are in heaven now,  his Dad and my

Mom, his Grandmother.

#8 and 9

Thankful that we have a lot of our hurricane

prep done,  just a few things to go as far

as putting things up like our grill and 

outside chairs.  Trying to make some food

ahead that we can heat up on the grill

if need be.  Made some beef stew and

already have some chili in the freezer

and some soup.  Gonna do some steaks

tonight for dinner and a few others

for the next night.  Making stuff ahead

seems to help if we lose power.

We are in the cone this time but we will

be on the least destructive side of the

storm, if there is such a thing.....and if

it goes where it is supposed to go.

We are thankful that our hurricane 

protection is psalm 91.

If you have never read it,  read it,  it

is very encouraging and  peace bringing.


Thankful that Dr. Phil has gotten involved

in helping the Hurricane victims in N.C.

as they need so much help, think he plans

on highlighting Fl next, as we are gonna

need a lot of help too.  Our west coastline

is already a mess.  


Thankful that I have worked myself up

to 30 mins. on our treadmill.  When we

first got it........I could hardly stand 5

mins. cause it hurt my hip joints so badly.

So I just decided to just keep doing my

Leslie Sansonne walking videos,  but

recently I decided to try it again, and

lo and behold it wasn't so bad, as long

as I hang onto the handle that goes

across the top, but I couldn't swing

my arms, so now I am able to even

do that some now. 

 So happy about that especially since

it was my idea to buy it in the first place!

Hubby has been using it which is great.


So Thankful for our Wonderful  Governor

DeSantis, he is taking such good care of us.

  He was just on tv telling us all of the 

preparations and things he has set in place

 for after Hurricane Milton comes thru,

and encouraging people to go to shelters

that are nearby in their community if 

they are now thinking they should have 

evacuated but didn't.  Cause the storm

is now gonna be a Cat 4 instead of a 

Cat 3........and will be moving across

Fl for 12 hrs.  So praying that thing

downgrades a lot before it hits.

Note: It has downgraded back to a Cat 3,

and praying it keep downgrading before

it hits, or better yet just goes away.


That's it for Cozy Place this week,

Decided to post early since I don't know

what tomorrow will bring,  probably 

no power for sure.  

Thanks for coming by and 

prayers please for Florida.

Love, Hugs and Blessings,


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May the Lord Bless You!!

Thankful Thursday October 10, 2024

Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will                   rest in the shadow  of the Almighty.      Psalm 91:1 NIV Pre-Hurricane...