Thursday, October 3, 2024

Thankful Thursday October 3, 2024, More Fall Decorating Part 3

The Lord is close to the brokenhearted
    and saves those who are crushed in spirit.
Psalm 34:18 NIV

Hello Sweet Friends,

Hope you have had a safe week.....and that
you are all okay...........We are all okay, but,
 It has been a rather sad and grievous week 
as we have seen so much more devastation
that what I wrote about in my thankfuls,
 thru the week. Each day has brought more
 and more sad information thru watching
facebook reels and posts.
If you have seen it... in all these states I am
sure you probably are horrified by it all,
and feeling so grateful you are okay, but
yet feeling such a heavy heart for those
that are not okay.  It is a helpless feeling,
and I am thankful that there are a few
things we can do, if we live at a distance,
and that is pray, pray, pray, for people
to be rescued and for their needs to be met 
for food and shelter, and give to a good 
place like "Samaritans purse," who go 
into help all of those misplaced people.
Can't believe it is over a week already
that this disasterous situation started.
As you read my thankfuls realize that they
were written daily as the week went on.

Pictures today are of more Fall decorating. 
 This time in the dining room area.
If you missed part 2 and would like to

Now on with my Thankfuls

Thankful for a reel I saw on facebook
today (Thurs.) that made me tear up.
It was a video of  like a mile or more of
Power Co. trucks stationed on a road
out near Disney World waiting for 
hurricane Helene to come ashore, so
 they can get to work.  These guys are
unsung heroes for sure. 
 We are so grateful for our Power Co. 
Workers.  You are very appreciated.

Thankful for our first pot of Chili
for the season.  Haven't had any since
last Winter.  It was delicious.


Thankful that we and all our loved ones and 

friends faired well in Hurricane Helene.

 It was a humdinger for all those who live on 

the west coast and  directly in it's path tho. 

 The flooding is devastating from all the pics 

I have seen of our West Fl coastline.

  So sad for all those folks, but thankful for those

 that have survived and praying for those who

 have to rebuild their lives again.

#4 and  #5

Thankful that our Daughter and hubby's rental

 lake house was spared in the horrible flood at Lake

 Lure, N.C.  The damage there is horrific, looks like

 a tsunami hit the area.  Their Lake house is high

up on a mountain, so away from the water , but

they were concerned about trees, and they did

hear they have a few trees with problems, one

down, another one leaning that will need to

come down. Their boathouse is underwater, but 

it sits in water all the time,  so it will  hopefully

 be fine. They have evacuated everyone in the

 town and nearby towns as they were afraid 

the Dam will break. 

 We are all especially Thankful that the folks 

that the were staying in their rental house

 at the time are all okay,  as nobody could 

get thru to them due to all the cell towers 

being down.  Also thankful that she was

able to talk Vacasa into refunding their

money, as this all happened the afternoon

they checked they certainly

didn't have an enjoyable stay to say the


Thankful for all the reels we have been able
to see, as gut wrenching and  heartbreaking
as they are............
The devastation in Fl, NC, SC, Tenn, Ga,
and Va, is just overwhelming to see in
pictures and videos.  In our 70+yrs. of life,
we have never seen anything like this, in our
country, and pics don't usually even begin
 to capture it. So I can't even imagine seeing
it in real time.
It really makes you pray.....a lot....

Thankful to be able to go to church and
sing on Sunday, as it seemed to be a very
somber day for everyone. Certainly was
for us.....but singing and praising the Lord
pulled us out of it for a bit.


Thankful we got to go out to lunch with our 

friends as it has been a few weeks.


Thankful to see and hear on facebook of

all those that are helping in all the hurricane

affected areas, and thankful to be able to

give to Samaritans purse since we are not

near any of the affected areas.


Thankful that my Daughter finally found

out on Monday that all her friends in Asheville 

are all okay. 

Our Daughter and her husband used to live 

in Asheville about 8 yrs. ago.


Thankful for a number of our friends who

called or text to make sure our Daughter

 and Son-in-love were okay as they know 

about their place in Lake Lure, N.C.


Thankful to be alive.......have a roof over my 

head, food to eat, electricity and water to

drink and use and normalcy.


Thankful that we know Jesus!

and hope you do too.....if not,  now is a

good time to cry out to him.


This is the Hurricane Helene edition.

That's it for cozy place this week.

Thanks for coming by 


Hope you have a week that puts 

everything into perspective for you.

Love, Hugs and 

first of October Blessings,


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May the Lord Bless You!!

Thankful Thursday October 3, 2024, More Fall Decorating Part 3

The  Lord  is close to the brokenhearted      and saves those who are crushed in spirit. Psalm 34:18 NIV Hello Sweet Friends, Hope you have ...