Sunday, April 30, 2017

Scripture Sunday - Peter's word about Jesus

 Though you have not seen him, 
you love him;
and even though you do not see him now,
 you believe in him and are filled with an
 inexpressible and glorious joy,

1 Peter 1:8

Said about Jesus by Peter,

 one of his disciples to Jesus's 
followers.....and it is for those
 of us who know and Love Him and
 those who desire to know Him.

Have a Lovely Sunday


Thursday, April 27, 2017

Thankful Thursday April 27, 2017, final golf cart tour of Charleston #6

Give praise to the LORD,
 proclaim his name; 
make known among the nations
 what he has done.
Psalm 105:1

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope you have had a good and productive
day or week.

Mine has been good and fairly productive.
Been working on our computer room where
I do all my blogging, and card making.
For some reason I am just over the color
Red,  and I had some red in here, and I
 have gotten rid of all of  
and have been adding blue in it's place, 
and can't tell you how happy that has
 made me.  Have more to do but have
 gotten a good start and have been de-
cluttering as I am happy

Today I am showing you the last of the 
golf cart tour of Charleston today,  hope
 you enjoy it.

Well on with my thankfuls.......

I am thankful

that the baby I have written
about several times now with
hip dysplasia actually got her
brace last Friday.  Please if you
feel so led to pray that she adjusts
very quickly and can sleep well.

that we have been working out
in the back side yard again several
times this week.  Looking much 
better all the time, but more to go.
But love watching the progress!

for dinner from Cracker Barrel on 
Monday night. There food is 
always so good.

for a new side item on the menu
 at Cracker Barrel called "Brussel
 Sprout and Kale salad."  
Really good!

for a good laugh over a cute pic
a friend put on facebook...It was
a cute lil chijuajua all dressed up
in a dress, with pearls, sunglasses
a purse, and she was standing up
behind a mini shopping cart.
Hysterical......and it reminds me
 of our lil furry grandaughter
dog Rosie.....probably the reason
I thought it was so funny.

a longtime friend gave me a pic of
 my daughter and I that she found
 that was taken when Dee was
 probably 6-7 yrs.old....she gave it
to me a few weeks ago, but came
across it again last night, so it 
reminded me.............

that my daughter in love got a new
 job that is only 6 mins. from their
 home. So it has cut her commute 
time in half I would think, and of
course, boosted her pay.

that my daughter has made the 
decision to have only 2 part time 
jobs now instead of 3........she will
 be working more on one job than 
the other but it is going to be
mostly from home which is nice.
and she loves the ladies she is
working with...............

for another wonderful good news
story about a young man with no
arms, what a victorious spirit
 he has. It will bless your heart.

Click here to read about him
or type it in yourself.

that our Daughter is also making several
 new friendships that she is thrilled about. 
They are 2 more new girls they have
added to the staff, plus the 2 ladies that
hired her. All of these girls are really 
nice ladies, and we are thrilled for her. 
She is starting to feel more at home 
there now.

for some tiny lil trees that we are growing
 from seeds.........they are about 4" tall now. 
 Love watching them grow daily.

for all that I have gotten done on our
computer room in the last 2 days.
Looking good..........

Well, here is to another week at
 Cozy Place

Thanks for stopping by

Have a Delightful Weekend.

Love, Hugs and last of
April Blessings,


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Walking on Sunshine Recipes

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The Craftberry Bush

Oh My Heartsie Girl


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A Stroll thru Life

Stone Gable

Saavy Southern Style

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Fun Changes to living room and Easter Egg tree....

Morning Sweet Friends,

Hope you are having a good
 Tuesday, so far.

Mine hasn't been long since I slept
in till 9, sure feel much
I didn't get much sleep the night 
before.  Gonna try to work in my
computer room today and do some
much needed clutter

Around the end of March we made
 some changes to our Living room,
which we are quite happy with.......
so thought I would show you that
and our Easter that will be
the last of the Easter things...

 We happily got rid of a very old sofa,
which was actually part of a sectional
we used to have. It had and was....
 deteriorating from the sun that comes in 
the front windows, and that our late
 Molly kitty had unbeknowst to us clawed
 on the right back side, evidently during
 the Winter nights when she stayed in, so
 it had been covered up for quite awhile
 with a white bedspread and quilt.
 As you can see in the above photo.

We got rid of her because.........

I actually happened on this cute lil
 love seat from world market and fell
 in love with it, and it's versatility, and
 the price was good, and got even better
 after they put in on sale.
So told hubby I would love it as a 
birthday present this year.....and the
rest is history and we have been
quite tickled with it.

I am not sure it is gonna stay in this
spot altho I do like it here but my
original intention was to Katy
Corner will see....

I decided to change out our coffee 
table which was my hope chest

Replaced it with the Parson table
 I used to have on the right hand 
corner next to the old sofa....
The table where I used to keep
all the family photos.....

I added 2 lil chairs that were my
 son's when he was little, so now 
lil darling and I can sit here and
do puzzles, writing, tea parties
 or whatever.
This will be a welcome break
for Grammy's

These chairs could use some paint, 
 but not sure what color or if I will
 paint them or not,  the contrast is
 kinda nice since we have the dark
 woodwork in this room......
and the knicks and dings add 
some character.....showing they
 were well loved like the skinned
 horse in the Velveteen Rabbit 
story. lol  Plus lil darling will
 only be using them a few more

The other things we love about this 
love seat is you can put one side down
 and make it a chaise lounge, and if
you put both sides down it becomes
a twin bed.......and it has a slip cover
as well....also all the pillows do too,
but they do need to be dry cleaned.
We don't sit in here a lot so that is
why I wasn't too worried about that,
but I probably would not have pur-
chased it if it was gonna be used
a ton, However, they do have other
 sofa covers you can purchase to
cover the white ones, but none of
them worked for us.
 I love lying here and looking
out the window and up at the
sky and tree. Great View.
Also a great place to sit and read
a book too........haven't done that
yet, but will be........

  1. Here is the view from the
  2. foyer area.

You can see the side here and the
frame, the sides very easily just
 pull up and drop down. 
Hubby and I both love versatile
 pieces like this. This love seat frame
 comes in black and gray wood.  
We got the gray as we thought it 
would look much better in our 
room, but for anyone with black 
and white, the black would 
look awesome.

Just so you know, I get no
compensation in any way for
any info here,  just telling you
about something we really like.

This is on the right side of the
 sofa. Just changed the table top
 accessories is all I did here.

and here is our Easter Tree..........

Had a topiary in it's place before but
once we made the Easter Tree had to
 find a place to put it.....and this was
 the perfect spot it seemed.

The first time I ever saw and Easter 
Tree was 45+ years ago when we
 lived in Germany. So think it is
a German Tradition, but it might
be a European tradition as well.

Believe it or not some of these eggs 
are actually 45+ years old, and came
from Germany. When we get them out
every Easter they are always a wonderful
 remembrance of the time we spent in
Germany when we were so young!  
I was 19 and hubby was 23.....
It was quite an adventure for us.... 

I will be showing you a few more 
changes to this room soon..........

Thanks for visiting with me, and
hope you will come again soon.

Have a really delightful week,

enjoy Spring... as we are half way
to Summer..................

Sunday, April 23, 2017

Scripture Sunday - Video of 4 yr. old girl singing

Good Sunday Morning to you......

Hope this finds you well and Happy!

I happened to come across this
 wonderful video this week of a lil
 4 yr. old girl singing, and since we
aren't that far out from Easter, I just 
knew I had to share it with you today.

Hope you will take the time to listen
to it... as I promise you won't be sorry.

or type it in yourself.......

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Thankful Thursday April 20, 2017, more Spring/Easter Touches

Jesus said:
surely I am with you always,
 to the very end of the age.”
Matthew 28:20

Thursday Greetings....
Sweet Friends,

Hope you are having a very good
week, and still enjoying the glow
of Easter Sunday!

My Monday wasn't the best as I
had a headache all day, and had
a situation where someone needed
some help, and it seemed like the
harder I tried to figure things out
it just wasn't working, you know,
one of those days you think you
just should have stayed in bed w/
 the covers over your head. lol
But Thankfully, I am happy to
 report, the rest of the week has
been great.........

Pics today are the last of my
Easter decor in the living room,
the rest of them which you will
see at a later date, just look like
Spring.........but also looked 
good for Easter.....

So on with my Thankfuls.....

I am thankful

for a lovely Easter Sunday
 Service at our church.  We
 had such lovely music and
 then a sermon about the
 resurrection.  So thankful
and happy we serve a 
Risen Saviour.

Free Printable from

for a lovely time with the 
family Sunday afternoon
 and evening.

for a great dinner...simple and
 easy, yet delicious, if I do say 
so myself. lol

for our first strawberry short-
cake of the year.  Always love
strawberry shortcake anytime.
Great...Easter Sunday Dessert.

for Easter favs...
reeses peanut butter eggs,
malted milk balls, and M and
M's candy eggs.......yum yum.
Been munching on them all
week......hubby has been eating
his fav, the jelly

that my SIL Susan got her stitches
out and things look good.  She had
to have a skin cancer removed but
it was not malignant, so we are 
definitely grateful for that.....

that the newborn baby I wrote
about a few weeks ago (one of
our students baby) that had hip 
dysplaysia has seen the ortho-
pedics Dr. and the baby should
 not need surgery, but they will
 put her in a brace this coming
 Friday for several months.

for the opportunity to help
someone out with meals this

that we got to hear my son 
tell about his experience of
going to preschool with lil 
darling to get her pics made.
It was hilarious..... and it
makes hubby and I laugh
or smile everytime we think
Like Art Linkletter used
to say "Kids say the darndest
things", so true!

that our grass seed hubby put
down in our backyard a few 
weeks ago is finally starting
 to sprout, and we are hoping
it grows

for a new Mexican restaurant
 we discovered on Tuesday night.
I would give it a 10 on a scale
to 1-10,  10 being the best.
The service was excellent, we
didn't have to ask for one thing,
and the food was wonderful.

We can't wait to go

a sneak peek at our new love seat.

for another good news story about a 
12 yr. old girl who thwarts a car
 jacker to save her 7 yr. old sister.

Great story, well worth the read.

Click here or type in


Thankful that you could come 
by today..........

Always great to know you are here,
so would love to hear from you!

Love, Hugs and
Middle of April Blessings,
(Can't believe we are only
11 days away from May)


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Shabby Art Boutique

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Life and Linda

A Stroll thru Life

Stone Gable

Saavy Southern Style

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Our Easter Table 2017

Happy Tuesday Sweet Friends,

I hope you all had a lovely Easter
Celebration and lots of fun with
your loved ones...............

Have to say we had a lovely day
 as well.  It was a beautiful day but
 it was a hot one....Everyone came
 later in the afternoon as they were 
with Megans family earlier in the 
day......which works out nicely
for us,  as we go to church then
come home and rest awhile 
before the fun begins again.....

Thought I would show you our
Easter table today, while Easter
is still fresh in our minds......
next week everyone will be think-
ing about Mother's Day!  lol

This years Easter table inspiration came 
from these cute Robins egg blue (my fav
 color) salad plates my daughter sent me
 for my birthday.......then to solidify that
 idea I ran across these adorable free 
printables and tags from a very lovely 
blog called Clean and Scentsible, 
so they were the perfect addition. I
think they are just beautiful and that 
Jenn is very talented.  You will also
 see her 8 x 10 printable when I show
 you our living room shots on Thursday.

Also if you would like to visit her
blog just Click here or type it in yourself.

You want be disappointed I assure you!!

Then I needed to come up with a
 centerpiece and I love these natural
 looking faux eggs and would have
 dozens of them if I could find  and loved how 
they looked on the small cake plate, 
so swiped them off the sofa table 
in the family room.

Then decided to use a white tablecloth
with these spring green placemats, since
the Happy Easter tags also had green in
them and the green looks great with
the blue too...........

Then decided to use the white
basket weave plates as they
show up so nicely on the

Then just sorted started with the
cake plate and eggs and started
shopping the house for different
items that worked.

Was thinking of using some
beautiful peach colored glasses
my SIL Susan has, and she
brought them to me,  but they
just seemed to steal the show,
and I was wanting to highlight
the blue for change, so decided
to go with the clear crystal
goblets instead. I have already
done a table with them just for
the fun of it, and used it for dinner
for hubby and I, last night..... so
 will show you in the near future

Lil darlings place.

Grabbed the bunny dish off the mantle
and a candle (that smells so yummy)
 from the bedroom.

The bunny is new....I have wanted a 
white bunny for awhile now, so had to
 make a birthday return for something
that didn't fit and saw this bunny that
lights up,  so hubby and I both liked
him, so brought him home, and he
was residing on the coffee table....
as you might

added a matching plate for color and took
 out some egg cups from the china hutch,
and of course, added some eggs.  lol

A look from the opposite end
 of the table..............

Found these pinky peach and
white carnations when I went
to the grocery store and decided
they might be a nice addition
as well.....cause who doesn't
love some fresh flowers.

Then added my lil hobnail bowls with
Easter M &M's and a candle to finish
off the vignette. Always gotta have
some candlelight for ambiance and

With Posterized affect

This has become my absolute favorite is a family pass down
from my hubbies side. It actually used
to belong to my hubbies cousin who
passed away from melanoma when
she was only 26 yrs. old. So it went
her Mother, to my late Mother-in-
law to my Sister-in-law Susan, and
the Susan gave it to me, which I
so appreciated.  The pattern is very
similar to my baby spoon, that my 
Mom gave me a long time ago. can click on any pic
to enlarge them all for better
viewing pleasure...........


Well, thanks for dropping by

Hope you have a Sweet
rest of the week.............

Keep Your light Shining 

Love, Hugs and
After Easter Blessings,

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A Stroll thru Life

Saavy Southern Style

Oh My Heartsie Girl

Between Naps on the Porch

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Walking on Sunshine Recipes

Life With Lorelai


Life and Linda

Scripture Sunday

  Let's praise the God of Heaven Every day! Blessings,  Nellie