Friday, December 30, 2011

Welcome to Thankful Thursday - December 29, 2011 and pictures of the Holyland Experience outside

All pics of lights and scenes from the Holyland Experience
in Orlando, Florida compliments of lil o me!!  lol

Ascribe to the LORD the glory due his name;
 worship the LORD in the splendor of his holiness.
psalm 29:2

Good Evening Sweet Friends,

How are you???  Still celebrating
the Christmas season??? 

Have to say we are.....especially
since hubby is off.  His being off
at Christmas time for almost 2 weeks
 has always been a tradition at our 
house,something the whole family 
looked forward to. When the kids were
still home and in school,  he was
 usually off the whole time they were,
 which made it such a fun time. We
would always watch lots of Christmas
movies, and Sometimes go out to Steak
 and shake or somewhere around 10 or 
11:00 P.M., just cause we could,since
we had no schedules to keep,
and just for the fun of it.
Our kids loved that...........course,
so did I cause I am a nite owl.  lol

Yesterday hubby and I went to the
Holy Land experience in Orlando.

So our
I am thankful 
is that Scott, Megan, Dee and Jerry had given
 us tickets for Mother and Fathers day this year,
and that we saved them till Christmas,
 cause we knew it would be cooler weather
 and decorated for Christmas. It was way more 
crowded than we anticipated, unfortunately,
 so we didn't get to see all the shows they 
had, but we enjoyed it was a nice day,
cause it was only 65 degrees, and gorgeous.

It has changed some since we were there
last, some of the changes were good,
and some not so good.  Some things
don't look as authentic as it did the
first time we went.  It is well,  how shall
I say it....more glamorized and glitzed.
Can you just imagine the disciples with
really bright colors, sequins and shiny
 metallic fabrics!!  Enough said!!

All these pics were taken in their parking lot

I am thankful
that we heard a guest speaker/evangelist
 they had and people were very moved by
 him, it was like a Billy Graham meeting, but 
on a much smaller scale, but it was great to
 see so many responding to his invitation,
 so we felt great about that!

I am thankful
that we didn't run into one rude person,
all day, so that says a
That made it a really lovely day out.

This was just one of their many nativities, sorry it didn't
turn out better, but I did get it looking better than it did.

I am thankful
that we found out upon entering the
park that you could drive thru there
after the park closed to see the
christmas lights.
We were disappointed that the park
closed at 6 PM cause that meant we
wouldn't get to enjoy the lights. They
leave the gates open for people to drive
 thru from 7-ll PM., 
 What a nice gift to their community!

The Bethlehem Innkeeper

I am thankful
we were in an area so we could go looking 
around for awhile and then have dinner at
 Olive Garden and go back to see the 
Christmas lights,
They were wonderful!
and we so enjoyed them.

The 3 wisemen,  sorry it's so blurry.

I am thankful
for an Olive Garden gift card our
neighbor had given us months back,
which made our whole day free............
Can't beat that!!

I am thankful
for just being able to rest and relax
and kick back for a few days as well.

I am thankful
for every lovely and sweet gift I got
 for Christmas.

I have to say this lil donkey reminded me of donkey in the 
Shrek movie, I loved that character!  So cute!

I am thankful
for the gifts we were able to purchase
and give this year,  cause at this time last
 year we were still in layoff mode.  lol
So what a joy that was..........

I am thankful
that being at the Holyland was a constant
 reminder about Jesus and who He is and what
 He stands for.........and I am so glad we have
the priviledge of celebrating His birthday
and this wonderful season of the year.

This nativity scene on the wall was done with lights
and nothing else, can you see all the lambs below it!
click to blow up the picture, if you want or any of them!

I am thankful
that a dear lady that goes to our church,
that fell a few weeks ago, breaking her
hip and leg, and jamming her arm, is
coming along so well....we saw her at the
 rehab hospital right before Christmas
 and she was up and walking so well,
with a walker still,  but the progress
was amazing,  and she just has best
attitude I have ever seen.  We went
to encourage her, and came out more
encouraged by her!!
such a sweetie............

This is inside the park taken thru the fence!  lol

I am thankful
  she feels so loved and cared for, because
so many have rallied around her, and she
has had so many visitors, as she is a widow
and has no children or family that lives here.
she said everyone at the hospital and
rehab hospital keep asking her, what church
 do you go to anyway,  we have never seen
anyone have so many visitors......
Think she could be the main reason......

This is inside the park too, see the pretty
fountain in the foreground.

I am thankful
that is such a good testimony for our
church family,  and maybe some might
decide to visit our church because of it.

Well, that wraps it up for this week.
Hope you are feeling thankful as well.

Thanks for stopping by, and I am
thankful for all the sweet comments
 you leave.

Love, Hugs,
and New Years Blessings.

Hopefully next week I can show you
some pictures inside Holyland Experience. 

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Tablescape Thursday - Christmas Brunch and dinner 2011 - Hope you all had a nice Christmas!

Hello there...... Sweet Friends,

Feels like ages since I have posted and heard
from many of you,  course, I know why???
All for the same reasons you haven't heard

So how was your Christmas???
Wonderful, and Delightful,  I hope!

Have to say ours was really Wonderful, and
we made a full day of it!!  Scott,  Megan and
Susan all arrived about 10:30,  and we snacked
a bit,  got some coffee,  then opened gifts,  had
 brunch, and yakked until 3:00 when Dee and 
Jerry arrived. (they were at Jerry's  parents in the 
morning for brunch,  and had a nice time there).  
We had to open gifts with them pretty quickly
once they got here, since Scott and Megan had
 to leave at 4 P.M.,  to go to her Uncle's house
 for dinner.
We had dinner here, then we played "Win,
 lose or draw" for awhile,  then watched the 
Disney animated "Christmas Carol" movie.
  It was great, and so was our day,
A day full of joy,  as always!!

Hubby and I have just been lounging around
the last few days, so nice not to have anything
we have to do............Yeah!!

Well,  guess I had better start posting some

Decided to use a Winter village scene for a centerpiece 
since it  went with the whimsicalness of the lil gloves.

Had seen mittens a few years ago at cracker barrel that you
put your silverware in, and thought they were so cute,  but they
were $3.00 each, and more than I wanted to spend,  then this
year I found these lil kids gloves at Michaels for $1 a pair,
so I got enough for 8 people and it was only $4.00 vs
$24.00 for the glad I waited!!

I always say "Good things come to those who wait!!  lol

I found these adorable lil Christmas trees and the cat and dog
at Sears this year, half price too,  so they made a nice addition
to my snow scene.  They are all ornaments, but fortunately,
they all  stand on their own as well.

Just love the shape of the trees.......
Hubby says they look like the trees on the grinch story

The gloves came in red and green stripe.

Cut lil spode salt and peppers, the other
side has misteltoe on it.   Meant to turn one to
 the other side so you could see, and forgot!

I found these village stores about 3 or 4 years ago at old time
 pottery.  They are actually boxes that you can wrap a gift in,
  but I liked using them this way instead.

Got this sled at old time pottery probably about 8 years ago,
and it was perfect for the center of my dining room table.
It is much bigger than the pic makes it look.

A view from above!

I used green and red plaid napkins,  not easy to see with
everything piled on top!! lol

similiar pic,  but posterized, my fav affect!

A view down the table in the early morning, can
you see out the window!! 

This is a view from the window toward the 
living room area.

Notice the red chargers my friend gave me several
months back,  they looked so nice with the white dishes.

Just a lil embellishment for the back of the
chair,  bows leftover from the reception,
might as well use them!!  lol

I adore these lil mugs, I have about 6 of them, and they
just make me smile everytime I look at them.

Posterized affect!

Finally realized oh yea, this is breakfast we will be
having coffee,  so we need mugs!!  lol

With a "Cut Out" affect

All the above pics were our brunch pictures,
now I will show you just a few dinner

I used my spode Christmas dishes for din din,  these belonged
to my late Mother-in-law.  So festive!

Fortunately,  since the tablecloth didn't get mussed at
brunch I was able to just use the same centerpiece for both.
I had a plan B just in case..............................

done with a "colored pencil" affect!

I just thought this was an interesting picture,  you can see
the lil village house thru the glass and then you can see the
reflection of the Christmas tree from the goblet on the knife. 
That is the cool thing about just never know
what my show up....good or bad!!  lol

Decided to use the green napkins with a 
chocolate brown ribbon tie,  actually think
it pulls out the brown in the tree. 

and love this lil Christmas tree plate,
I used it for the butter!

Know there is way too many pictures
 but it is because I am having fun doing
 affects, and hard choosing too.  Anyway, 
 hope you had fun taking it in..................

I am linking up to Susan over at 
Between Naps on the porch and
  if you want to see more creative 
tablescapes, just click here.

Thanks for your visit,  and for all your
 nice comments................looking forward
 to hearing from you now that Christmas
is over..........................

Have a Great Day!

Love, Hugs,  and
After Christmas Blessings,

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Welcome to Thankful Thursday - December 22, 2011 and continuation of white Christmas room decorations

And there were shepherds living out in the fields nearby, 
keeping watch over their flocks at night. 
 An angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory
 of the Lord shone around them,  and they were terrified. 
 But the angel said to them, "Do not be afraid. I bring you 
good news of great joy that will be for all the people.
 Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you;
 he is Christ the Lord.
Luke 2:8-11

Evening Busy Sweet Peas,

How are things coming along?
Almost ready for the big day??
Hope so.............

I am about there,  still need to come up with another
 tablescape, and just do some cooking, and then
 straighten up the house a bit, and also figure out
what to wear on Christmas day since it is gonna
be 80
which leads to my

I am thankful
that we are much readier than usual for the big
day, at this point in time. We will still need to make 
a quick last minute run to the store and the other
 things I mentioned above, but this is the first time I
 have had all my wrapping done a week and a day
 before Christmas!  So that is exciting!!
and we have not been stressed out once through
out the Christmas Season!
Know that is something to really be excited about!!  lol

I am thankful
for Christmas music, any kind of Christmas music,
it is all wonderful to me.  we have many Christmas
cd's and I love love love playing them, starting the day
after Thanksgiving is over,  and they are usually on
every day throughout the Christmas season.
Last year my cd player was broken, so I missed
it terribly so................


I am thankful
that hubby knew how much I love having my Christmas music
 and he got me a new cd player a few months ago,  so it has
 been an extra special treat this year!!  I love all  kinds of
 Christmas music, but playing the traditional Christmas songs
 are a constant reminder of the real reason for the Season.
So I just love it!!

I am thankful
for Christmas cards,  they are just such eye candy,
and such a source of joy, as we hear from our friends
 and loved ones, and they usually carry such wonderful
messages about the Christmas Season.  Believe it or
not I even love the Christmas letters that come along
with them,  albeit, rare these days.  I have read over
the years in the paper and places about people who
 just hate them for some reason.  I find that shocking,
 who wouldn't want to know how their friends and
family, especially that you don't see everyday is me!!  lol

(Decided to add to it a little)

I am thankful
that today is hubbies first day of vacation and that he
 will be home until Jan. 3, 2012.
A very nice and unexpected surprise since
he just started the new job the middle of June!  

I am thankful
that Dee started her training for the Mammography
Dept. this week,  and she is very excited!!
This will be a great career move for her.

I am thankful
that I got to visit with Dee and Rosie twice this
week,  a quadruple blessing!!  lol

I am thankful
for the gift of prayer.  It is a wonderful thing to
be able to pray for others, and an equally 
wonderful thing to sense the prayers of others
for your and yours, and it is a really wonderful
 way to minister to someone who is hurting,
sometimes to hear someone praying for you
is just what you need.
  Really doesn't get any better than that.

I am thankful
for God's love letter to us, the Bible, and that it is one
 of the avenues God uses to change our hearts and our
 lives.  I am always amazed by the peace, conviction,
 enlightenment, praise, direction, and the desire to be
and do good that it invokes in our lives.
Yep,  soooo thankful for God's Word or we would
have no real direction for our lives..............

I am thankful
for healthy fast food,  not too much of it around, but there
is some,  like veggie pizza,  and wholegrain subs, and
Black Beans and rice with Chicken or Pork from Tropichops,
and salads.  They sure come in handy this time of year!

I am thankful
for another great Christmas movie we saw last night,
it is called "The Christmas Lodge", and it is a really
sweet movie,  in fact, so good we want to watch
it again!!

(My fav Christmas Carol mixed with cutie pie
snowmen,  a gift from a friend some years back)

I am thankful
for another movie we watched this week too.
It is based on a true story,  and it is called "Ruby
Bridges",  I think.  It is an amazing story about the
spiritual attitude of a lil girl that was just 6 yrs. old.
Totally Touching! and Highly Recommended.
We got both from Netflix!

(I just turned this pic where it was more elongated
than wide, and stuck this lil angel girl on their
with tape)  loved the way it turned out!

Well,  that is my list for the week.

Great to hear from you, and happy
 to know you came by to visit,
and if you happened to miss the
first part of my white Christmas
room,  and would like to take a 
peek,  just click here.

My prayer is that you and yours
will have one of the Most Meaningful
and Blessed Christmas's Ever!!

Love, Hugs,
and Merry Christmas Blessings,

Scripture Sunday

  Let's praise the God of Heaven Every day! Blessings,  Nellie