Tuesday, December 20, 2011

TableTop Tuesday - White Christmas Living Room

Merry Christmas Sweet Friends,

Can't believe it is just 5 days away now!

How are you???  Hope you are enjoying
this lovely season of the year! 
 Have to say we really are.......but
Have to say our spirits have been dampened at times
due to a lot of hard things that are happening to a number
of sweet folks we know and love,  but we are doing a lot
 of praying for them,  so that helps us to stay focused on
 who is really in control of life and circumstances, and 
 really prayer is the best gift you can give anyone anytime,
but, especially when there is nothing else you can do!!

Some of you were wanting to see my white living room
all dolled up for Christmas,  so here are some pictures
for you,  know that nobody has much time for reading
these days.........................nor writing for that matter,
so just easier to download pictures cause we all
enjoy that when we can steal a few minutes away.

same pic posterized.

Our Christmas card tree.....
Just line up your cards on the floor the way
you want them on the wall,  roll pcs. of masking tape,
so that it is sticky on both sides, and so that it sticks
to the card and the wall.  Then put it on the back 
of the card, and stick it on the wall and
Wellah................a Christmas card tree

this is with the lights on.................. 

with lights off,  which is most of the time.
the wreath and the card tree are in my foyer
area, leading into the living room.

Now we are in the livingroom.
Our coffee table, my refinished  cedar hope chest,
I got as a graduation gift from my Dad and 
step-mom many many years ago.

Just thought this looked interesting cause of all the
shadows and lighting!!  

The magic of the posterizing affect!  love it!!

This front window wall and my foyer are green,  the rest
are a wheat color. I took the valances down at Christmas
last year and never put them back up, so doing something
nice with this window is a project I am hoping to 
accomplish in the New Year!  Always nice to have some
thing to look forward to........................

Thanks for coming by to see me,
 always good to hear from you!

If you want to see the rest of the room, 
 come back on Thursday, 
 for Thankful Thursday.........I am going
to add them to that post!!

Have a Lovely Day!
Merry Christmas!
We can never say it too much! 
 Especially these days!!

Love, Hugs,
and Sweet Christmas Blessings,

Oh yea,  I am linking up to Marty over
 at "a stroll thru life",  so if you want to see
 a lot of pretty and creative decorations
just click here.


  1. Thanks for visiting my blog! I hope you enjoy the pinecone cheeseball. I love all your white decor for Christmas time. Merry Christmas hugs to you. I love your blog name (we're kinda on the same wavelength!!)

  2. Hi Nellie, As always your home is so inviting and beautiful; I love seeing your Christmas decorations. I pray you and yours have a blessed Christmas.
    Hugs, Noreen

  3. Very pretty, Nellie! Thanks for taking the time to photograph and share :)

    Merry Christmas, friend!

    ¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨)
    (¸.•´ (¸.•`♫♪♫ JOY TO YOUR WORLD ♪♫♪♫

  4. Hi Nellie.

    your home is so pretty dressed up in white and holiday decor.
    I would love to spend just one day in that Kinkaid scene, where ever it is.. Thats always been my favorite..

    Merry Christmas to You and Your Family

  5. My favorite is your Nativity scene with the light behind it . That is really pretty!
    Love to you all,

  6. Looks beautiful Nellie! I love the touch of blue!!

  7. Hi lovely lady.
    Your home looks so Beautiful for the Christmas Holiday. you did a great job with the Decorations so sweet.I hope you have a wonderful Merry Christmas with your family.
    XXOO Diane

  8. I like your angels display. I always try to put out something specific to the Christ birth story at Christmas.

    Thank you for visiting our blog. I came over to reciprocate. We are following your blog now.

    Happy Holidays!
    Eldarose from http://re-inventedstyle.blogspot.com

  9. Your decorations are so sweet, Nellie. They have a soft elegance that is so pleasing. Very nice job.

  10. It looks beautiful, Nellie! I love your nativity too. Hope you had a great Christmas and that 2012 will bring you all that you desire. I don't know if I told you that I got a new job or not. It's technical writing (medical) for work comp claims. This is my 5th week. I hope it works out for me! So far I am in training.
    Love to you, Beth


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Have a Lovely Sunday. Hugs,  Nellie