Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Tablescape Thursday, Birthday/Christmas table

Hello Sweet Friends,

How are you this fine Wednesday???

Busy as a beaver I'll bet!!

I am sort of on hold right now.............
can't decorate the tree cause hubby ran
into snags with the lights and then we had
to buy a few new strings yesterday but were
out all day and tired when we got home,  so
no work on the tree,  but we did watch a 
really great Hallmark movie called "an old
Fashioned Thanksgiving".  I know we are 
a lil late on that,  but it was a great movie
in case you want to rent it thru Netflix,  we
highly recommend it!!

Hubby went to a seminar with his old boss
today.  His boss signed him up just in case
he wanted to go.  Can't wait to see what
the Lord is up to in this!!  Probably teaching
on something he needs for his new business
I would be willing to bet!! Well,  not really
bet $$, but you know what I mean!! lol

Well, guess I had better get it together
and talk about Tablescape Thursday 
or lose a few people!!  lol

This cute lil gal below is my new
daughter in love to be!

and this post is about her birthday 
celebration table.  Her birthday was
really Nov. 29th,  so I tried to make
it not quite so Christmasy and maybe
a lil bit Wedding looking since they
just got engaged and are starting
to plan the Wedding.
So see what you think!!

Thought the green print china looked Christmasy
but like a wedding as well, as all the white !

 This was the napkin for the guys plates...
it is a suppose to be a small candle fold.
Got it idea from

This is a view from above the table.
This is the Christmas tree I made from
coffee filters.

I sort of ran out of time and used what
I had to decorate it.  Liked the wreath
around it,  but would have liked to do
something more with the tree itself,  but
haven't figured out quite what yet.

This is the girls placesetting, I added these
beautiful ornaments that a sweet friend
made for me last year!!

another candle fold napkin shot!!

This was my Wedding China from 40 years ago,
just in case you are new to my blog.

This pic was taken at night

This pic was taken in the daylight!!

Got these lovely satin poinsettias years
back at Kmart,  they are from Martha
Stewart Living.  I just love them!!

Here is a closeup of the ruffles on the tree!
No one could believe it was just coffee
filters. Megan said she thought it was
some sort of nice fabric.

This was a closeup of the pick on the wreath.
Loved that I was able to catch some the irridescience
of the bulbs on it!!  It is really even prettier!!

I like the candle shining thru the goblet.

This has a posterized affect on the picture.
Gotta love photoshop!!

This shot is equalized and in film grain.
Love how it made things pink!!

These are repurposed yankee candle lids.
Turn them over pull off the plastic with
 needle nose pliers, add some epsom salt
 to look like snow and insert candle,  looks
 very pretty.......... and you don't need to
 throw them away, cause they are quite useful!!

This is also my wedding silverware and crystal.
Love it as much today as the day I picked it!!
Only wish it was dishwasher safe!! lol

Lens flare affect.

This is a stainglass affect!!
thought it was very pretty and different.

I am still trying to figure out where to put this
lil tree next!!

Posterized affect!!

  This is a palette knife and posterized affect.

One last look at the tree..........
Can you tell I really like her!!  lol

Well,  sweet friends..........
hope you enjoyed your visit!!

Can't wait to see all the new Christmas
inspiration that the Tablescape Thursday
 gang have come up with this week!!
Be sure to go over to Susan's at between
 naps on the porch and check them out
for yourself. Click Here!

See ya tomorrow!!

Hugs and Christmas Blessings,


  1. Hi Nellie,
    Second try, wouldn't let me comment before.
    I hope your future dil enjoyed that table. Very special!

  2. What a sweet table for your future Daughter in Law. I can't believe that tree is made of coffee filters! It's so cute!!!

  3. Totally beautiful, Nellie!!! My son's birthday, also, is November 29th. He turned 19 this year...seems like he was just born, so how can he be 19? And, how can he be 19 when I'm only 30, right? I must've been breeding quite young!!

    Anyhow, again, huge congratulations on the engagement. Not only are you getting a precious daughter-in-law, but Megan is getting lovely parents-in-law as well.

    I had to go to the ER on Monday due to horrendous kidney stone pain. I've been on pain meds since then and am quite loopy and groggy from them. So, I'm not spending much time on the computer.

    Your table is lovely though. The china is beautiful...and I totally love the little white trees and the way you've decorated them.

    Have a lovely evening.


  4. So sweet of you to do a table for your DIL to be! I don't ever remember seeing that candle napkin fold. I love it! I'll have to see if I can Google some instructions.

  5. Love the satin pontsettias and the napkin fold is adorable.

    - The Tablescaper

  6. Congratulations on the wedding to be and the new member to your family. Your table is so pretty. I am sure that she felt very special sitting at your lovely table.

  7. Nellie

    I love the tree. It looks very delicate. What a beautiful tablescape too and such a sweet picture of your DIL to be.
    I like Martha Stewart stuff too but our KMart closed a few years ago. I really miss it.
    Are you being affected with that cold weather in Florida? It is rainy and 50 here in Oregon.

    Have a woderful week!
    Blessings & Love

  8. Your future dil is gorgeous as is your table celebrating their engagement!!! Love your Christmas tree!!! Have a wonderful Christmas season!!!

  9. lovely table. I grew up in Florida and just love the ocean.

  10. What a sweet MIL to make this lovely table. Love the tree, what a great idea. I will be using the napkin candle fold without a doubt. What agreat idea. Happy Holidays,

  11. Coffee filters? Really? Looks BEAUTIFUL! Your table looks really nice as well, as usual!

  12. Hi lovely lady.
    I love your your lovely tree and the Beautiful Tablescapes, you have a lovely home also. your eye for design would make Martha Stewart Blush ~~~~~ Im your newest follower on you blog. Thanks so much for your lovely comment ! I hope you and your family have a Merry Christmas.

  13. First, congrats on gaining a daughter-in-law! Your table is the napkin fold.

  14. congrats on the upcoming nuptials. I love the candle napkin folds. Your tree is darling.

  15. That tree is very beautiful as is your daughter in law 2 be! Your table looks beautiful, I bet the dinner was great

  16. I know that you must be so excited about your prospective daughter-in-love. I'm sure tha tshe felt very special at your lovely tablescape. Thank you for sharing your charming design. Cherry Kay

  17. So exciting for your whole family!
    So pretty as well.
    Blessings always,

  18. What a pretty table and it works in so many ways! Your future d-in-l looks so great to have a new addition to your family!! Has she been bitten by the "tablescaping" bug? ;-)

  19. Aren't you clever? Love the centerpiece made from coffee filters. Congrats on Daughter-in-law to be.


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Hope you all had a lovely Valentine' Day! Hugs,  Nellie Sharing with: