Tuesday, March 31, 2015

My Birthday Table - Happy Birthday to Me........lol

Happy Tuesday Sweet Friends,

So.....How are you???  Having
a fun week???  Having some
great spring weather?? 
I hope so!

My week has been great, if it was any better
 it would take 2 of me to enjoy it!!   lol

Thought I would show you my Birthday table 
since my b-day was on Sunday.  Sorry, I took
too many pics, as usual. Really don't know how
 I wind up with so many.  Course, it is probably
cause I take some then, realize I forgot to get
 a shot of this or that, then go back to take it
 and then take a few more, and after doing
that a few times I forgot what I did take the
times before......ahh forgetfulness...it is 
such a wonderful thing!!  lol

Remember I told you last week that I set my 
own table this year since I was feeling so
 creative after all that rest and relaxation I
 got on our trip. So it was a fun thing to do. 
 It really could be an Easter table too, if you
 threw a few colored eggs on there,or a 
Spring table, or anytime table really........

This was the table runner I happened on at
Wally World for just $7......and I found this
nice French looking wooden basket at Michaels
crafts on sale for $12,  so those were my new
Spring pieces.

Added some clear glass candle holders
with white candles, to match the lace
 in the runner, of course, candlelight
is always a welcoming and enjoyable

I wanted a subtle yet elegant affect,  so used my 
Shabby Chic dishes and Wedding Silverware.

Along with my pretty clear Victorian glasses.

Put salt/pepper shakers at each place
and some chocolate 

Only had dishes on one side of the basket,
  so put some on the other side as well, and
 put some more pink and white hydrangeas
 around the basket.

added some lil birdies to each side as well.
This would be considered the backside
of the vignette/centerpiece.

Love when I can actually catch the flame
with the camera.

An overview of the front side of the vignette
centerpiece. Really love the look of the burlap
and lace on the white tablecloth.

I even poured a glass of Raspberry lemonade
so you could see how it adds pink color to the
table.  lol   Also, it tastes awesome,  have
you ever gotten any "Simply Lemonade"??
If not, you are missing out.  It is in the dairy 
case of your grocery store with the orange
juice typically. They have regular lemonade,
 Raspberry lemonade and limeade and other
 flavors as well.  If you haven't tried it let me
warn you......you will be hooked!!  lol

The napkin rings are just scrap booking paper
cut into strips, and taped with double stick
 tape in the back.  I liked that it looked so
lacy looking...

 Bliss candies,
Couldn't find any pink ones so these
were burgundy and had to do,  and
they taste yummy!

Already had all the faux hydrangeas, candles,
and birdies, napkins and scrapbook paper.

With the lights off, love the look of the light
coming into the room thru the window.

 With Colored Pencil affect

Loved how the glow of the candle showed 
up when I turned the lights off.  The basket
looks green but it is really a gray color,
with a hint of green.

With Posterized Affect 

Side view

front/side view

Nice you could drop by for a visit,  hope you 
enjoyed yourself.

Can't believe tomorrow is April already
shew........March just flew by....

You have a good rest of the week!

See you on Thursday for Thankful Thursday
 with some Easter Decorations.

Love, Hugs and
 April Blessings,


Sharing over at:

Dwellings with Cindy

Domestically speaking with MaryAnn

A Stroll thru Life with Marty

Saavy Southern Style with Kim

A Tray of Bliss with Mimi

Ivey and Elephants with 
Patti and Paula

Shabby Art Boutique with
Kerry Anne and Friends

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Thankful Thursday March 26, 2015 and Gluten Free Lemon Scones

Then Jesus declared, "I am the bread of life.
 He who comes to me will never go hungry,
he who believes in me will never be thirsty.
John 6:35 Niv

Greetings Sweet Friends,

So what is going on in your corner 
of the world??

Yesterday our world was all about lil darling,  she 
wasn't feeling great,  but was sooo good,  she has
 the croup, but think she must be about over it 
already as she didn't really cough that much and
 we didn't have to give her tylenol but once, and
 not really sure she really needed it then, but it
 was more of a precaution. So we were very happy
she is feeling quite a bit better, but not quite up
to par just yet. The only time she did cough was
 if I took her outside, think cause it was pretty 
warm out,  so only did it twice, then realized
 maybe this was not a good thing to do right now,  
but she just loves to swing so much........it's 
hard to keep her away from it. lol

Thought I would show you some pictures of when I
made the gluten free scones a few weeks ago.
I told you about it the day I made them, that it was
my first time to have scones, so wasn't really sure
what they were suppose to taste like, but I just
expected them to taste a bit more lemony, since
they had so much lemon zest, and the batter
smelled so lemony too.  Hubby found some lemon
scones at our Publix grocery store yesterday, and 
they were good and tasted about the same as these,
 so guess they were fine for how a scone is suppose
to be............but you will see I found a lovely
helpmate for them........as you read on......

Well, with that said.......
 on with Thankful Thursday.....

I am thankful.....

for a safe and uneventful trip back from 
Asheville last weekend, and also that we
made good time,  knocked over and hour
off our typical 10 hr. drive somehow, and
we had lots of rain too.

that my Sweet SIL Susan  was still able to take
care of our sweet kitty Molly, cause I was thinking
 we might need to board her this time, but Susan 
has made such a miraculous recovery she wanted
 to do it............and we always can rest easy
cause we know Molly is in good hands with her.

that we are all unpacked and everything put
away and back to our normal schedule.
Always something to be said for normal routine,
as much fun as vacation or changes are.

Tried these toppings......
 and they were okay!

for a few fun things I picked up while we were away,
 some pretty appetizer/bread and butter plates, a new 
cream pitcher for my collection, a Life Beautiful
 magazine, (thought they were no longer in business, 
so was happy to see they are) , some Easter Tree
 ornaments, bunnies  and a squirrel that look like
 they are covered in moss, and a lovely robins egg
blue colored candle called Beach blossom that
has the loveliest aroma............

As the Julia Andrews song goes.........
and These are a few of my favorite things!!   lol

that I was asked by another blogger to do a
post for her blog in June. 
 What a fun and sweet surprise, and I was
just tickled pink that she asked.
Thanks Kris!

that Dee and Jerry might have an offer
on their townhome now have a contract
on their townhome.

for campfire burgers......I made them this week,  and 
they are delicious.  You get a large pc. of  heavy duty
aluminum foil, then season your burger with granulated
 garlic, lawry's seasoned salt, and pepper, then lay your
 burger on the foil, then add some onion slices on top,
then add slices of potatoes, carrots, and bell peppers,
as much or as little as you like. 
Then fold the foil up to make a packet, put on a 
cookie sheet, and put in a 350 degree oven for 1 hr.
After 1 hr. take it out, and open to let the steam out,
 then eat it right out of the packet if you desire,
 then wad it up and throw it away.

easy clean up!  Love it.....
You can do the same with chicken.
  Both are delicious.

This is the lovely helpmate.
It is really Delicious and really
makes a lemon scone for sure!

for the really fun, refreshing, relaxing time we had
with  Dee, Jerry and Rosie last week, Know I have
said it before but just have to say it again, as the
 times linger in my mind.........

for how good it was to see Scott, Megan and the 
baby upon return..........
such a wonderful thing to have family
you enjoy so much....

with posterized affect

for "Cutest blog on the Block" where I
get almost all of my blog backgrounds.
They have so many cute backgrounds,
and I have sure appreciated being able
to use them over these last almost
6 years. Love my new one for Easter.

that Dee and Jerry decided on another
house that can be amazing if they do
some work on it, as it is a much better
choice monetarily, the really amazing
 one we saw is way overpriced they
 found out,  so they are making a wise
 choice and letting it go..............
Think once this one has some updates
they are gonna really be glad this was
their choice, will just take a lil time to 
get there is all, but they are shakers
and movers, so it want be too long.

Lemon Scones + Lemon Curd =
Yummy to the Tummy!!

 With Extruded Affect for Fun..........lol

that I took down the last of the wintry things 
in the living room today, now just have to add
 a few Easter touches tomorrow. So glad I did
 the family, dining room and kitchen before we
 went away,  since Easter is so early this year.
Didn't move a lot around just took the dark 
things out and put in Easter pcs.for the time
 being,  will change things up a bit more after
 Easter is over so that it looks more like Spring
than Easter...............

Well, that's the run down on
 Cozy Place Blessings.......
and Scone making!!  lol

So glad you came by,  always
 good to hear from you.

Have a Wonderful Weekend,

Love, Hugs and
Lemon Scone and Curd

Sharing over at:

Walking on Sunshine
with Lois

A Tray of Bliss with Mimi

Life with Lorelai with
Lorelai and Kristin

Dwellings with Cindy

A Stroll Thru Life with Marty

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Spring Bathroom Refresh

Hello Sweet Friends,

Are ya enjoying Spring?? 
 I probably don't even need to ask
 that question, right??  
Course, guess that depends on if
it feels like Spring where you are.

It has been great here, can't
 believe that all the bushes  we  
cut back before we went away all
have buds on them, and my rose
bushes are full of leaves and you
would never know I cut them back
so drastically either.

 I have just been visiting, Scott, 
Megan and Brooklyn, going to the
 grocery store, getting unpacked and
 settled back in to normal life the
 last few days, and have been so full
 of creativity I can't do all the things
 my brain is conjuring up.  lol

Before we left on our trip I had
 accidentally found  a very pretty 
burlap/lace table runner at Wally
 World, and a new wooden french
 basket at Michael's that I had already
 done my dining room table with, so
was thinking how pretty my dishes
would look with that, so decided
to play some yesterday, liked it
so well, decided to just leave it
for my birthday celebration on
Sunday. One less thing for hubby
to do......and it was fun for me.

It is so amazing to me how being
in a different environment,
 resting, relaxing, having fun and
 no responsibilities for a week, 
 can transform me!
 Have just never experienced the 
no responsibilities part of it until
 the last few years, and I must say
 it is wonderful... after years years 
of taking care of everyone and
Not complaining, just saying!!
So we had a marvelous time to
say the least..............

Thought I would show you my
bathroom refresh I did when I 
was in process of getting rid
of all the Winter reds. We have
wallpaper in there, and there
is no pink in it, but decided
to try it, and it blended in
well, and looks very nice for
a Spring bathroom. So here
goes.....when you walk in,
to the right would be the
vanity with sink, so will start
there and go around the room
counter clockwise.

Added the pink hydrangea's and soap

Special coconut oil soap someone sent me from
 Hawaaii.  It looks like a pineapple.  When  we
got home our house smelled sooo good,  and 
guess since the temps were high and the
a/c wasn't running that much, it caused it too
fragrance the house.... and it was lovely.
 Thanks Noreen.......

I typically accent this bathroom with
lavender or green, so the pink is a nice 

Searched the house for all the pink things
I could find.  Found some bath and body
things that worked and this lil jewelry
box and pin that belonged to my late
Mother-in-law,  and some dried
 hydrangea petals.

Found some pink lace ribbon and just
wrapped it around the bottom of one
of the jars to add a lil more pink.

Here's a close up of the pin,  Isn't it darling.

This is the wall next to the vanity.  Have
had this shelf sitting on top of the vanity
 before and had had this lil statue in my
 master bath then bedroom for ages,  so
 decided to try it in here since I have that 
verde green in the wallpaper.
You will see the wallpaper soon,  I only
have this subtle one on 2 walls and a floral
on just one wall.

Just threw a lil pink towel in with the rest
of the towels.  This idea all started with me
finding 2 pink towels in my linen closet.  lol

I love this statue,  think it is very sweet.

Towels look pretty tied up with a bow.

Added a lavendar towel to the tub since
I didn't have any more pink ones. and put
a  pink candle in a glass candle cup and added
 some hydrangea petals in the corner,

Saved the box the soap came in and just set it on top
of the towel for the pink accent.

Added some pink and purple bath and body
products to the shower.

This is the one wallpapered wall that is floral,
 course, there is a border that goes all the
 wall around all the walls to pull it together.
  Never thought
to take a picture of that!!  oh well.............
Did this look a lil familiar to you???  If so,
maybe that is because of the pics by the
 vanity....I made all those from the wall

Found this lil cardboard basket in my Easter
goodies and just pinned it on..........thought
it looked cute..........and Eastery!

Then changed the shelf a bit.  

Added a pink washcloth, and pink body spray.

A hydrangea picture from a friend and more hydrangea
petals, and the cute lil candle birdhouse was another
Christmas gift from Dee this year.  

Here's just a shot in the mirror, so you can
see it all blended quite well.  I am enjoying
the nice change.  

Oh and did I mention this did not
 cost me a penny???  I really enjoy
that type of decorating the most.

Before we left ,Dee gave me a beige shower curtain
 she had, that she said she will proabably never use
I have been looking for something like that for 
ages to use for Fall/Winter,  so will be looking
 forward to using that in the Fall.,  but for now
just enjoying the Spring look..........

Thanks so much for visiting, 
 it is such an encouragement to
 know that you come by.

Have a Relaxing Rest of the Week,

Love,  Hugs and 
Sweet Spring Blessings to you!


Scripture Sunday

  Let's praise the God of Heaven Every day! Blessings,  Nellie