Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Table Top Tuesday

Hello Sweet Friends,

How are ya???

I am feeling chipper today, slept in
till 9:15, cause I woke up about 4:20 a.m.
 and couldn't get back to sleep till around
6:30, I would say.  My neck was bothering
me............Ugh......probably from welding
those hedge trimmer shears yesterday.  I 
really tried to make sure I didn't overdue it
too!!  Fortunately,  I have a chiropractor
appt. tomorrow!!  

Thought it would be fun to do Table Top
Tuesday with Marty, over at " A stroll
thru life" today,  since I am sure there
will be lots of fun Fall decorating ideas.

Here of some of mine:
This is the mantle decorations for the fireplace.
  I Was looking for something for under the cloche, 
so decided the best thing that fit was this wooden 
pear, but it didn't show up so well against the brick,
 so added the lace behind it,  and sort of draped
it on each side of the cloche.
This is on the right side of the Cloche,
Added some berries, pinecones, and potpourri and
a neat oak branch I found in the backyard, and
a cranberry colored apple
This is one the left side of the cloche,
a berry oil candle, and more berries
and cones.  Should have remembered
to light the candle, guess I didn't think of it
cause I took the pics in the daytime.
The top of the cloche needed something, but tried an apple and pear
 and something else can't remember now,  but just didn't look right, 
 so went out in the yard to get some grapevine to have it kind of drape
 out of the top, but it didn't look right, so decided to make a small
 wreath,  and thought it looked good, but it will look great 
once the leaves turn brown.

I already removed the oak leaves today cause they got
 too limp and didn't look good anymore!!Oh Well!!

When you use fresh things from the yard they don't
always last very long,  so your arrangement is always
sort of evolving,  keeps things from getting boring!!  lol

This is on the right side of the mantle, a small cloche, really
it used to be a candle holder for an outside holder we used
to have.  Set it on some classic books we have, and
just added more berries and pinecones.

Up close and personal look
I turned it so you see the other side.

Here is the whole fireplace. I'm not happy with the inside
so think I might put some candles or something in there yet.
Not the greatest pic,  but hard to get a closeup of the
total thing.

Hope you have  enjoyed my mantle decorations.

Please be sure to go over and visit with Marty
and see all the other lovely table tops vignettes,
Click Here

Hope you have a warm fuzzy evening!

Last days of Summer.......
                     blessings and Hugs,


  1. Your fireplace is so pretty and your mantel vignette is stunning. I love that you used your cloches and using the lace and leaves with the larger one is sheer genius. Stunning. Beautiful vignette. Thanks so much for linking to TTT. Hugs, Marty

  2. Well, Nellie, as I was scrolling down, I kept thinking, "I wish she'd show that whole painting." I was getting little tempting bits of the roses in the upper photos, and I really wanted to see the whole thing, so I'm thrilled that at the end of the post, you showed a full shot of that gorgeous painting above your mantel. It is SO beautiful!!!!

    I love your cloches. You did a great job making lovely fall arrangements with them. I don't have a cloche, but after looking at Marty's lovely blog so often, I definitely want to get one.

    Oh, and I have a set of books that looks exactly like yours. It's a set of 10 classics, and I've had it since I was a little girl. I love books, especially books that have a history to them. And these definitely do, as I remember them on the bookshelf of the home where I lived until I was 15. Then they were packed in a box, until I pulled them out of a box when I had my own children. But they are laden with memories.

    As always, my comments are long and windy. Sorry about that.

    I had wanted to email you today, but time got away from me...hopefully tomorrow or Thursday.


  3. Hey Nellie, just flying by to say hi. Your decorations look great. I love cloches. Jen gave me one for my birthday that is metal and really cute. I threw some little pumpkins in it. I'll try to take a quick photo of it tomorrow before we leave on Thursday. I am almost ready I just had a bunch of stuff to do for church and to get things in order and buy some clothes...you know how it is. But I paced myself and I think I will actually get on the trip without being exhausted.

    And I started a new little photo blog about SF and have wanted to schedule some posts before we leave. Honestly I must be nuts. It is on my sidebar and blogroll if you want to see it.

    So I will keep in touch and hopefully be blogging while I am gone. You'll hardly notice I'm in a different place.

    Praying for your neck and Jim's flexor muscle...finally got a diagnosis. He seems better finally. These injuries take time. Take it easy, OK?

    So sorry to hear that Susie cannot retire like she had hoped. Bummer. Bless her heart I know she is so ready to get out.

    Well here I go..Love you so much. Take good care.

    Love, B

  4. Your mantle looks great and all ready for fall! Love it! It makes me want to get busy with mine!

  5. I love decorating with nature like this. Your cloches are beautiful.

  6. The pear is so cute! And I love your romantic roses on that picture.


  7. Hope you are feeling better after your appointment. I love the natural looking items on your fireplace. That is the fun part about this time of year!

  8. I love it. You are so creative. I love your picture of the roses too. You home looks very inviting and COZY.....

    Blessings & Hugs

  9. Your fireplace mantle is sooo pretty. I love that you used fresh things from the yard...and your cloches are beautiful. Your pic. over the fireplace is an ABSOLUTE STUN....I love it. Don't ya just love decorating this time of year? Hope your neck is doing better. So frustrating I know. Have a wonderful week-end. HUGS, Debbie


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Hope you Sunday is blessed in everyway!! Hugs, Nellie