Wednesday, September 15, 2010

A Sweet Morning on the Porch

This looks just like our dragonflys,  when I went looking for a pic,  I
realized there were other colors too,  this photo is compliments

Good Morning Sweet Friends,

How is your morning or day going???

I have just come from my favorite place to be
on a cool morning..... well,  cool for Florida anyway.
Our back porch,  I simply love love love sitting out
there and spending time reading the bible,  praying
and then watching and listening.

  I asked the Lord for some special wildlife this morning
and right away my cat, Molly, came in and wanted to be
 petted,  lol, and I said Lord, that wasn't quite what I 
expected, maybe He thinks I am taking her for granted
 and not appreciating her the way I should!!  lol 

Then along came a dragonfly, I think they are so pretty, 
love the shade of blue, and their double wings, 
 they remind me of a lil helicopter,  and also of a character
 in the Disney movie "Rescuers", I think it was, his name
 was "Evinrude", and he was a dragon fly as well,
we went to see that movie when I was pregnant with
 our son over 33 yrs. ago!!  Amazing the things that
 trigger your memory.  I remember Jim and I both
saying I think we are gonna love being parents 
cause it will give us an excuse to go to all these
kiddie movies!!  lol

Then along came  2 pretty orange butterflys chasing after
 one another,  then a yellow b-fly  flitting about,  I was trying
 to watch the paths of all these neat insects but it was
 almost dizzying to watch them, they are so fast.   

Then came a female cardinal and a dove,  and also
all morning I had heard the sounds, calls and chirpings
of various birds,  all delightful in their own right.

I love that I can sit outside for a bit and just watch
and listen and see God's creation, for it reminds me of
 how good He is to us,  to give us all these delightfully
special gifts (that you can't tack a dollar bill to, as my 
dad used to say).  

For they recharge my batteries and energize me
and fill my soul with warmth and gratitude,  and
refresh my spirit,  with peace and tranquility,  and
lets me know it is good to be still,  just like the 
scripture that says,
 " Be Still and Know that I am God"

Hope you are having a delightful day today!!
But If not,
 take some time to be Still,  you want regret it!!

Warm Cozy Hugs and Blessings,


  1. Good morning, sweet friend. Your time on the back porch sounds totally lovely!!! What a balm to the soul it is to sit quietly for a bit and just enjoy the lovely world God has blessed us with...just because he loves us, huh? And not because we deserve it.

    I was thinking, though, Molly COULD have brought a mouse and dropped it at your feet. I don't suppose THAT is the kind of wildlife any of us would enjoy.

    Blessings and hugs,

  2. I too love the times I'm able to be out on our back deck and listen to the birds and watch them flit from tree to tree. I did a little bit of bible study out there this am even though I had the two grandkids and kept getting "interrupted" to fill their watering cans. The sun was just right, not too hot, but just warm on the back of the neck. So I wasn't very "still" but I was happy to be able to do the reading out there that I did. Nellie, you are such an uplifting spirit! How are things with the job situation?

  3. Nellie

    I loved your post today. I too love to sit and read in the cool weather. It sounds like the Lord answered your prayers and sent you some beautiful creatures. I laughed when you cat came over first.
    I am back to blogging so come over to visit.

  4. I really need to do exactly that. I tend to run in and out...I need to take a moment to just be aware.

    Good advice.


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Hope you Sunday is blessed in everyway!! Hugs, Nellie