Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Heart Tips Tuesday - Pumpkin Butter Recipe

(Isn't this gorgeous - compliments of Public Domain photos)

Morning Sweet Friends,

So how are ya today???

I feel like I am still trying to wake up for some reason!!  lol

Hmmm.....Maybe I need breakfast......Be back in a bit!!  lol

I'm back......and guess what I had for breakfast???

A peanut/pumpkin butter sandwich, they are really great!!
 and go wonderfully well with a cup of coffee.
We are practicing Fall over here already!!  lol

A few of you asked if I was gonna share the Pumpkin
Butter recipe,  so I am here to say Yes,  I am!!

I have made it with several different recipes,  but
this year I found one that was made with agave
syrup instead of sugar,  most pumpkin butter recipes
 call for about 4 1/2 cups of sugar,  course, I never use
 that much myself,  I usually use about 1 1/2 - 2 cups, 
 but still that is a lot of sugar..... but.agave syrup is like
 a cross between honey and syrup,  but the great thing
 about the agave syrup is it has a low glycemic index,
and low glycemic load, which means it doesn't make
 your blood sugar elevate like sugar does, 
 so decided to try it,  and we loved it!!
So here goes!!

Pumpkin Butter
Recipe was from About.com

1 -15. oz. can pumpkin puree

1/2 cup agave syrup 
(note: 1/2 cup agave vs 4 1/2 cups sugar)
(you can get it at the health food store but I actually
found it at Wally World in the syrup section)

1 tsp. cinnamon

1/2 tsp. ginger

1/4 tsp. ground cloves

1/8 tsp. nutmeg

pinch of salt (didn't use that myself)

Below are my tweaks to the recipe, which are
of course, optional

1/4 slice of lemon or lime - squeeze all the juice
out of it right into the pumpkin mixture.  
No seeds, of course
 (I added this because it helps preserve it longer and
 I like the lil zip it gives to the flavor)

Pumpkin Pie spice
(I added a few shakes of that as well for more flavor)


Combine the pumpkin and agave nectar in a small 
saucepan over medium heat, mixing until well combined.
Stirring constantly, cook for about 10 minutes, or until
thickened.  Stir in the spices, salt and lemon juice (if desired)
 and cook for about 5 - 10 mins. more.  Remove the pan
 from heat,  and transfer your pumpkin butter to a small
 heat proof dish or jar.
Let cool completely before covering, then refrigerate.
Pumpkin butter will keep about 2-3 weeks in a covered
container in refrigerator.

Makes 2 cups

Stirring is crucial in this recipe to prevent burning your
pumpkin butter.  If you must walk away,  add a few
tablespoons of apple juice and turn down the stove
heat to medium low, still continuing to stir as you can
(add about 5-7 minutes additional cooking time if you
do this).  This info came with the recipe so I wanted
to share it!!
if it were me,  I would probably just remove it
from the burner a few mins,  then pick up where
I left off,  when I came back,  especially if I
didn't have apple juice on hand.  That is only if
it was for less than 10 mins. time.  Also I used
my non stick cookware!!

Pumpkin butter is great on toast, on pumpkin
bread, or on top of pumpkin pie, or on top
of cheesecake (haven't tried that yet, just saw
 it on another recipe as a suggestion  for uses,
 but will sure try it soon),  and of course, you can 
also make peanut/ pumpkin butter sandwiches.
Our favorite.

Just make sure to use a natural peanut butter
with no hydrogenated oils,  and a great whole
grain bread to keep it heart healthy.

We would highly recommend Arnolds
Oatnut bread,  and Smuckers Natural Peanut
Butter,  crunchy or smooth.  It only has peanuts
and salt. 

 My son taught me to store it upside down in the
 pantry before you open it,  because it has a lot of
 oil,  that way all the oil isn't on the top when you
 open it and you can mix it in easier. Then it goes
in the fridge. Sometimes I do dump out some of
the oil before I mix it.

Just a note,  there are some downsides to agave
nectar for some people, so it would probably be
 good to read up on it a bit if you decided you
 wanted to use it a lot, or even in this recipe.
This was one site I found.

Didn't know there was a downside before
I did this whole thing or probably just
would not have posted it,  but they aren't
 for everyone, so hope you can enjoy it!!

Well,  Sweet folks
Hope you have a Agave Sweet Evening!!

Hugs N Blessings,


  1. Hi sweet friend, Love the autumn feel you've got going girl. Thank you for this recipe, it is one our entire family can utilize and we love using Agave vs sugar.
    How are you? I pray this finds you walking in His joy today Nellie.
    Hugs, Noreen

  2. This is certainly an easy recipe. I haven't tried the agave syrup...just read your link and I'm not sure I won't stick with regular sugar. The digestive issues concern me a bit, but I like the idea of just using a can of pumpkin for this!

  3. It's got to be good with all of that sweetness, ha! I know what you mean. I have several recipes that I use less of some ingredience. Happy Tuesday!
    I love you all very much!

  4. This one is new to me! I would probably love it.

  5. I have had agave in my pantry for sometime but haven't used it yet. Nice to know it has a low glycemic number and load. I'll have to go to that other site to see the downsides. Hope you rested today ad got your energy back!

    Love, B

  6. I've never heard of pumpkin butter. My mom loves everything pumpkin, so I'll pass this recipe on to her. I have to say I'm not ready for fall. It's one step closer to cold. I dread the winter!! I want summer all year!!


  7. ooooo, this sounds so good! Hope I can find the time to try it! I LOVE agave nectar! Sometimes I put just a drop or two on the kid's unsweetened cereal so they think I added sugar. Never noticed any downside, but I'll keep a watch for it. I even used it in place of pancake syrup when I ran out. Used to only be able to get it in the high priced health food stores, but now it is showing up at our local discount store. I have some natural peanut butter here so I'll try your suggestion! Yum girl, you are making me hungry!

  8. Nellie

    That does sound yummy. Thanks for sharing. I have been hearing about this agave nectar so I am going to have to look for it when I am shopping. My tummy is rumbling now.


  9. Thank you, Nellie, for sharing this scrumptous recipe. I can't wait to make a trip to the store to try it, yum! I am so glad that it is a recipe with agave nectar. I have been wanting to try this sweetner; seeing how I cannot use the fake sugars.
    Thank you, too, the tip on the natural peanut butter. I have been trying to stir it without making a mess.
    You are such a sweet heart!


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Hope you Sunday is blessed in everyway!! Hugs, Nellie