Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Welcome to Table Top Tuesday

Hello Sweet Friends,

Thought we would continue ourTour of......
 Table Top Tuesday today!!

Can you say that outloud and 3 times fast!! lol

Well.......I was able to download pics today, not necessarily in the order
I wanted but, at least I have pics,  now I can't get it  to center align my writing
like normal..........gotta love these changes!!!  lol
That was a bit of sarcasm,  just in case, you didn't catch it!! lol

These are pics of  my new Fallercized Coffee Table,  it actually used to be
 my daughter's table when she was a child, and I had it redone years back
 when our house flooded, one day it will be her child's hopefully!!

This is a Fall arrangement that I throw together every year in some container that I have,
there is not styrofoam they are just stuck in there however, I think looks best!!

Love this lil pumpkin my SIL gave me a few years back. 

Guess you recognize this book from last weeks post.

I love the color combinations in these flowers,  some are flowers I already had,  some were
in a bush that I cut apart.

Found this lovely pc. of fabric at Old Time Pottery about
5 years ago, and decided to make a runner and squares
that I could put in the magazine basket and on the chairs.

This is my most cherished and favorite Fall decoration.

Why you ask???  Some of you might remember from last year,
but it belonged to my Mom,  and it was the most important
thing she wanted to leave me when she passed.  That is because
my dad won it for her at a fair when she was pregnant with me.
They divorced when I was three,  but think she wanted me
to have it because it was a symbol and remembrance
 of their relationship!!
Course, that is what I am!!  lol

 I love the flowers that are embossed on it,  they are really
daffodils which are spring flowers,  but the orange carnival
glass makes it Fallish for me,  since it is the only time it
matches anything in my house.
My Mom always kept fruit in it when I was a lil girl.

 Now it houses candy,  and who doesn't love candy,  Heart Healthy Dark Chocolate,
of Course.  I love that they make candies with colored wrappers to match the seasons.
People that make candies must have had a decorators incite on that one, 
don't you think???

This is the actual color of the pumpkin.

It looks a bit oranger here,  but I love how it looks here too!!

This is my other fave Fall book,  my son gave it to
me some years back.  I just love Thomas Kincaide
anything!!  What beautiful paintings he does!! 

 The first time I saw his book at a book store, the
book was called "Simpler Times".
It literally took my breathe away,  and it was near
Christmas time,  so I went home and told hubby
I saw this book today that I really really would
love to have for Chirstmas, and of course, he
gave it to me!!  and the prose in the book is
as wonderful as the pictures.
It just transports you back in time!!
to a simpler time!!

Another side to the arrangement

and yet another!!

Hope you enjoyed your time with me today,
and Hope you have a lovely evening!!

Make sure to go over to Marty's over at a stroll thru life, 
 click here and see what all the other wonderfully creative ladies
 have come up with for today.


Blessings,Hugs and Creativity to you!!


  1. Oh I love your coffee table vignette. YOur floral arrangement is so pretty. I love a mix of flowers the best. The books and the pretty pumpkin on the runner are so lovely. Your carnival glass bowl is such a precious and special treasure. How special to fill it with some fall candy treats. Thanks so much for linking to TTT. Hugs, Marty

  2. What a lovely arrangement of flowers! Cute pumpkin and love anything Thomas Kincaid.
    I feel like I came over to your home with a warm welcome.
    Thank you, Nellie, for sharing.

  3. I love your table tops. I wouldn't dare film mine, lol! I need to straighten up my table tops, ha! I do have pictures I could take of the stem ware that dad's mom got out of the boxes that had washing powder in it (in the early 1900's.) I don't know how they didn't get broken in transportation to the store. The glass is so thin!
    I love you all,

  4. Such a beautiful Fall tabletop Nellie. So glad you stopped by my blog today. Now, may I please have a piece of that chocolate??? ha!

  5. "Fallercize." Hahahaha ... love it!

    Also -- Carnival glass AND chocolate? You have me, I am following you home and staying.

    My mother adored that color of carnival glass, and sought it out in antiques shops, but rarely bought any; too dear for her wallet.

    There was a wonderful huge bowl that she coveted, and never got. I was a little child, but I remember wishing I could buy it for her!

    Your tabletop is beautiful, and beautifully FALL.

  6. I really like your tabletop...and especially that dark chocolate!!:) My weakness! No one else around here really likes it so I don't buy it often and I guess that is a good thing. A whole bowl like that would be my undoing! Such a sweet bowl you have there to treasure.

    Hope you are enjoying a great week so far. Thanks for stopping by today - its been great to check in and catch up with everyone! Hugs, friend.

  7. You have everything so beautifully done. I am so happy you stopped by my place so I could come to yours. God bless you and thank you for leaving such kind words on my post.

  8. Beautiful tablescape, I'm not sure if I like that beautiful flower arragement or the chocolate better, no kidding love the color combination of the arrangement. Thanks for visiting and your kind comments. Stop in for a visit any ole time.

  9. Your table decor looks like it came out of a magazine. You are so talented. Fall is my least favorite season for decorating, mainly because I don't care much for the color orange...so I work around it! You crack me up: "heart healthy dark chocolate"...

  10. Hi! Thanks so much for stopping by today and leaving such sweet comments and becoming a new "Friend"! I am now one of yours too and I look forward to seeing more of you here in blogland!
    P.S. I have made pillows out of that fabric before! :-)

  11. Isn't it fun to change things around a bit for the seasons? I'm drawn to those holiday candy wrappers too...they know how to get us to buy them!

    Your mother's bowl is a treasure.

  12. Beautiful autumn touches on your coffee table! The flower arrangement is so cheerful and the pumpkin is the frosting on the cake! (No, I guess THAT would be that dark chocolate!

  13. It looks so perfectly fall like! Gorgeous!!

  14. I love love love your flower arrangement. It looks like you are all ready for fall. Your bowl is also very pretty. You are so blessed to have a treasure like that.

    Thanks for sharing!
    Blessings & Hugs

  15. All your decorations are really pretty. I would eat that entire bowl of candies myself! :)

    Have a great day!


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Hope you Sunday is blessed in everyway!! Hugs, Nellie