Sunday, December 30, 2018

Scripture Sunday

Happy Sunday Morning
Sweet Friends,

Thought this was a great verse
to be reminded of, as we are about
to enter a New Year!

For I know the plans I have for you,” 
declares the LORD,
“plans to prosper (to thrive, flourish or
 suceed etc, in a healthy way)
you and not to harm you, 
plans to give you hope and a future.

Jeremiah 29:11 NIV

Have a very Blessed Sunday!

Friday, December 28, 2018

Thankful Thursday December 27, 2018, Christmas in the Family room #2

The shepherds returned, glorifying 
and praising God for all the things
 they had heard and seen, which 
were just as they had been told. 
Luke 2:20 NIV

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope this finds you rested up a bit
 from all the Christmas Festivities.
 We are still basking in the glow
of it all............

Not much going on around here
today but blogging and talking
to my daughter and hearing about
our new addition to the family,
which you will read about below.

Thought I would share the rest
of our Christmas in the family
room pictures today.

If you missed part one and would
like to see it,  just click here!

So on with the real reason
for this post......

  Thankful for my brother Jerry
who has been spending his
birthday with Jesus for about
18 years now as of Dec. 22nd.


Thankful for just the most
Wonderful time with our family
over the Christmas Holidays.
 We all enjoyed it so much, and 
we had so much fun, laughter,
 great treats, delicious food, and
especially gratitude for Jesus,
since it was his birthday we
 were celebrating!!
 A little slice of heaven on
earth, for sure!! 

Thankful that our daughter
and son-in love made it
home safely on Wednesday.

Thankful for some much
 needed rest and recuperation 
on Wednesday after all the
festivities were over.


Thankful for the help with
cooking from everyone in
the family. Many hands do
make the work light as the
old saying goes, for sure!

Thankful for wagon rides with
 lil darling: our daughter, our son,
(her Dad), and my sister-in-law 
and myself, all went for rides
with her. We were all dying
laughing the whole time.
  So cute!!
and so much fun as well!!

Thankful for all our yummy
leftovers that have been such
a blessing these last few days
since Christmas, when I was
so tired, and the last things
I wanted to do was cook!! lol


Thankful that lil darling is next 
door with hubby and playing
with their lil girl who is about
 her same age.  They wound up
coming over here about noon
and she was here till a lil after
5, and they had the best time,
neither of them wanted to go think they are
gonna be fast friends.

As I have said before
 Thankful for Free printables from Ann 
over at
On Sutton Place.....
I simply love her printables!!

If you have never visited her, just
click here to visit.  or go to

Thankful that my daughter
and hubby got their new
puppy on Thursday and all is 
going well.  He is learning 
schedule already, and She and
 hubby are tickled pink with him.
He is a Mini Golden Doodle.

Thankful for my amazing
hubby (Mr. Fix It) who can
fix anything. We were having
some plumbing issues again
and it is working fine now
due to hubbies expertise and
hard work.

Thankful for all the lovely cards
and Gifts we got for Christmas.

Thankful that Christmas is still 
alive and well in my heart......
and I wish to keep it there 
all year long......

Thanks for coming by......

Have a great week!!


Keep your light shining 

Love, hugs, and
After Christmas Blessings,


Monday, December 24, 2018

Merry Christmas with a song and video of "Mary Did You Know"

for there is born to you this day
 in the city of David a Saviour, 
who is Christ the Lord.
This will be a sign to you:
 You will find a baby wrapped
 in cloths and lying in a manger.” 
Luke 2:11-12 (New NIV)

Happy Birthday Jesus!


Merry Christmas
Sweet Friends

Hope you have a lovely Christmas
 celebrating the birth of our Lord. 

Praying you will enjoy
 this Special time with family 
and/ or friends.

I will leave you with this beautiful song.

Mary Did you Know Song and Video

type it in for yourself

Merry Merry Merry Christmas
to you and yours,

Love, Hugs and Blessings,


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Sunday, December 23, 2018

Scripture Sunday

Christmas Greetings
Sweet Friends,

Here is the verses for today!!

“For God so loved the world that he
 gave his one and only Son, that
 whoever believes in him
 shall not perish but have eternal life.
 For God did not send his Son into
 the world to condemn the world,
 but to save the world through him. 
Whoever believes in him
 is not condemned, but 
whoever does not believe 
stands condemned already because
 they have not believed in the name
 of God’s one and only Son.
 This is the verdict:
 Light has come into the world, 
but people loved darkness 
instead of light because
 their deeds were evil.” 

John 3:16-19 NIV

Have a Sweet day remembering
His goodness to us all,

Love and Blessings,

Friday, December 21, 2018

Thankful Thursday December 20, 2018, Christmas's past 4

Seasons Greetings
Sweet Friends.

How are coming along?  Are you 

about ready?  Hope so......

We are getting ready to have a
wrap- a- thon over here.  Got every
thing out and getting ready to set
up a wrapping station.....

Pics today are from Christmas's
Past again.

I will let my post do the talking
as I have been adding to it all

Thankful for my Daddy who has
been spending his birthday with
Jesus for 24 years now, as of
December 15th.......

#2 and 3
Thankful for our annual Christ-
mas program at church,  it is
always great!  and Thankful
that our granddaughter and
Daughter and love got to 
come with us this year.

#4 and 5
Thankful to hear from a long
time friend of 46 years that will
be in town and wants to meet
us for dinner on Tuesday night.
Love surprises like this!!

Thankful for a fun dinner visiting
 with's been about 4 yrs.
 since we last saw him.

Thankful lil darling got to see
our neighbors Christmas display
on Sunday evening. They are new
neighbors and they have a whole
yard full of blow up characters,
but every time she sees them it is
 in the daytime and they are all
 deflated and laying in the yard
not looking so hot!!  lol  So she
has been dying to see them at

Thankful that we have our guest
bedroom and bath all done (Mon.)
and ready for our daughter and
son-in-loves visit next week. 
One more thing off our list.

Thankful that we got our trip to
Sam's done on Tuesday, one
more thing off our list.  lol

Thankful that hubby and lil darling
finished their Christmas project
today (Thursday).  Hubby did the
hard parts and she did a great job 
decorating it with stickers and
stick on pcs.....really came out
very was a kit!

Taken 2 days ago.  Click on the pic
to get a better look.....

Thankful we are having another cool
front  and looks like we will be in the 
low 70's for Christmas, which is way
better than the mid 80's here in

Thankful that our son, daughter
and son-in-love who were all
 traveling  to Florida yesterday
during some bad rainstorms all
made it to their destinations
safe and sound.

Thankful that my cousin up north
got her  Christmas gift yesterday. 
 Last year I sent her flowers and
 she lives in an apt. bldg. with a 
lobby and the delivery person just
 left them in the lobby without 
telling anyone,  and someone just
 happened to see them and let
 her know......Thank goodness!

Well, that's been our week here
at Cozy Place........

Thanks for coming by.....

Hope you get everything 
done that needs doing, and
have a great time doing it
as well.

Merry Christmas Blessings,

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Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Christmas in the family room 2018

Merry Christmas Season
Sweet Friends,

Hope this finds you with your
JOY still intact.  If not, sit down,
take a deep breathe and then spend
some time in prayer, (I know, you are
probably thinking but I don't have 
time for that) but I submit to you
that you don"t have time not to!!
Spend some time thanking God
for some specific things he has
 done for you this year. Then put 
on some Christmas music to help
 boost your mood some more.

Been a busy but Joyful week
here as we are winding down to
the big day. Now it is only about
 a lil last minute food shopping,
as most of the major stuff we
 have already gotten and food
preparation.  Oh yea, and still
need to do some wrapping, that
will we happening on Friday,
and we are anxiously awaiting
our daughter and son-in-loves
arrival sometime on Sunday.
  They are on their way to his
 parents house in the morning.

Thought I would show you
some more Christmas scenes
from Cozy Place today.

This is our mantle.....
 in case you can't

It has the Bake Shop, the candle shop
 and the Christmas shoppe.

Here we have the General store along 
with the  Christmas Shoppe.

Decided to use our lil village boxes
 there this year.  Hubby loves those
 lil ceramic village towns people have. 
 They are so cute and quaint.  Our's
 are village town boxes.....
but we like them!!
Just don't have any place to put the
other kind where you can light them
up and we just enjoy them
at other peoples

Here we have the Bake Shop and 
the Flower Shop

and here is the whole thing.....
  hearth and all.  Am loving these
new battery operated candles
that turn themselves on every I don't have to...
or forget

Here is our coffee table

Love my angel.......and she is look elegant 
near the Christmas tree......She has been
with us a long time now....

Thought she looked nice on this silver
tray with gold beads, and red balls,
and pine cones and greenery.

Paired her with my Thomas
kincaide Christmas book.
I loved this man's art, he was 
so talented and his works of art, 
just make my heart sing!

A cozy chair to snuggle up in,
guess I should say a cozy throw to
steal to snuggle up on the sofa,
but it looks nice here until then.  lol

Christmas magazine to top off our
garden stool (which sits next to this
nice cozy chair) with a small
  poinsettia arrangement made from
 a tooth brush holder.  Just stick
 5 flowers in and wella......
you have a cute lil bouquet, easy
 enough for a child to do......
in fact, lil darling did one for me
a few years ago,  and also one
for her Mommy for Mother's
day a few years ago......and she
is only 5 now.....

Well, that's all for today.

Thanks for your visit.

Blessings for a Peaceful and Joyful
Christmas Season,


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Saturday, December 15, 2018

Scripture Sunday

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Here are the verses for today!!

"In the sixth month, the angel

 Gabriel was sent by God to 
a town in Galilee called
 Nazareth, to a virgin engaged
 to a man named Joseph, of the
 house of David. The virgin's 
name was Mary. And the angel
 came to her and said,

 ‘Rejoice, favored woman! 
The Lord is with you.' 
But she was deeply troubled 
by this statement, wondering 
what kind of greeting this 
could be. Then the angel told
 her: ‘Do not be afraid, Mary,
 for you have found favor 
with God. Now listen: You will
 conceive and give birth to a son,
 and you will call His name
 He will be great and will be
 called the Son of the Most High,
 and the Lord God will give Him
 the throne of His father David.
 He will reign over the house of 
Jacob forever, and His kingdom
 will have no end.'"
 Luke 1:26-33

Merry Christmas!!

Hugs,  Nellie

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Scripture Sunday

  Let's praise the God of Heaven Every day! Blessings,  Nellie