Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Easter tablescape for Tablescape Thursday

Good Morning Sweet Friends,
How are you doing today???
I am having a good day so far,  just doing the usual 
household chores,  so it is a good day for uploading pics,  
 I am participating in Tablescape Thursday with Susan 
over @ between naps onthe porch.  I post it here on
Wednesday,  so that I can still do my Thankful 
Thursday post tomorrow.
Think once in awhile we just need a fun post!
My tablescapes are from our Easter Dinner
with the family and their friends.

My first centerpiece,  some of you have already seen it,
 but for those who haven't, I got the basket with the
 greenery and berries at home goods store,  and then
embellished it with ribbon and Easter Eggs and 
dried yellow flowers I already had.

This is the back of the basket.

Found the chargers at Bed bath and beyond
on sale for $1.99,  and had a $5.00 off coupon,
so got all 8 for $11.00,  plus I used a gift card
I got for Christmas!  Such a Deal!!
Thanks Susan!!

Made these lil candy bags for everyone.
Bought the flowers but made the Happy
Easter signs on Printmaster!
Made these lil bunnies tags for the guys!
Tied the napkins up with some white grograin ribbon
that was already cut in strips for something else I was
gonna do but never did,  so decided this would be
a good use for it!
Decided to use my plain silverware with one pc. of
my wedding silverware at each place setting,  just
for something different.  Don't think anyone noticed!! lol
But I liked it! 
The green trimmed china is my Wedding
China from over 39 years ago!
These I rolled differently cause they were Easter dish towels
 that matched the napkins. They didn't have enough napkins
 years back when I bought them, so bought the towels and
 thought I would cut and sew them and make them the same 
size and just never did!
They are just oversized napkins!! Works for me!! lol
The white dessert plates with the silver rim,
were a gift to Jim's parents on their 25th
Anniversary!  We were only newly weds
then,  but we were living in Germany at
the time,  so we saw this lovely Rosenthal
Coffee set for 12,  and thought it would
make a lovely Anniversary Gift, since
25 years is a gift of Silver!
Some years back she gave it back to me since
she wasn't using it anymore,  and thought we
 would get more use out of it!  and we have!!

All sorts of Easter Egg candies, Peanut butter
M & M's (my personal favorite), malted milk
eggs,  2 different types of jelly beans,
 Jordan almonds, and peanut M&M's too!
Found these cute lil Easter Egg candles
at Home Goods this year.  
This was from the other end of the table
that doesn't get as much light!

Happy Easter to Me too!! lol
I wound up making this centerpiece the night
before cause I had been aggravated with myself
for getting it cause it was too tall and impedes
the conversation,  and my son really does not
like that, and actually I don't either, so hubby
 said well, just take it off the table when we have
 dinner, but I  wanted to have something nice so
I just thru a few things together and thought it
looked nice enough.
This is the back side of it.

I love to create something pretty??  Bet you do too,
or you wouldn't be checking out this post!! lol
I think God loved to create and I think He 
loves it when His children create beauty,
after all, after He created, it says,  that
he saw that it was good!  I sort of picture
Him stepping back and saying to himself
ahh, this is good!  I think we should all feel
good about the things we create,  whether
it is a tablescape, a watercolor, a drawing,
a floral arrangment, some sort of craft,
or a story we write.  It is good!!
After all,  we were made in the image
of God and who is the best creator in
all the World???  God Himself, 
of course,  who else!!
Happy Creating Sweet Folks
Have a great evening and don't forget to go 
over to Susans @ between naps on the porch.
click here.
to see all the creative tablescapers out there.
See ya tomorrow,
Blessings n' hugs,


  1. Nellie, Your tablescape is beautiful. So sweet and elegant. Love your wedding china and the 25th anniv plates too. I like both centerpieces but understand what you're saying about tall ones "impeding conversation."
    Hugs, Beth

  2. Darling the table looks lovely. I love your little creative ideas here and there... the rolled up dish towels and the candy packets, very nice indeed. Take care darling and have a lovely rest of the week.

    Love & Hugs

  3. Believe me, these pictures were MORE BEAUTIFUL TO SEE IN PERSON! The pinks and greens were just gorgeous! I loved the round green placemats. I remember Nellie's china that she got at her wedding. But, best of all was the meal Nellie served on those pretty plates! She also had bags of NAME BRAND jelly beans; almond, peanut, and malted milk covered candies! Yum, yum. I just finished my sweet delights today! I can hardly wait until the next...when is that...
    Love you all,

  4. Hi Nellie

    I love this tablescape. Looks like you went to alot of work. You are giving me all kinds of ideas. Thanks for sharing.

    Blessings & Hugs

  5. The table looks lovely..all the different colors and textures..and the centerpiece is adorable!

  6. What a fun table! Love your basket centerpiece.

  7. Everything is so lovely! You definitely have a talent for this type of thing...all of it looks so sweet! I really love the basket centerpiece...and the little candy bags:) Terrific idea for place markers. I'm sure your meal was a wonderful time all together - thanks for sharing your pictures!

  8. Hi! Thank you for stopping by my blog and leaving such nice comments. That allowed me to find you! I love a pink and green combo. Your table is so springy/Eastery. You have gone all out adding such special touches to make this a great look!


  9. very sweet! I love your carnation arrangement. The placecards are adorable. I love the pink and green together.

  10. what a beautiful, beautiful table.
    you must be a delight to your family xxx

  11. Nellie, your table setting is beautiful.. Those are great colors ~!


  12. What a beautiful table!! Love that you mixed the flatware too! LOVE the napkins and especially the tea towels with the ribbon. It's all just perfect!!

  13. everything is beautiful! hope you had a wonderful Easter!

  14. Love the soft green with the pink, so pretty. The carnations are gorgeous!

  15. I love your table. What a cute touch giving your guests little candy bags!

  16. The pink and green together are SO pretty, and they really set off your wedding china. I love all the special touches you included, and I know your guests were delighted with the decorated bags of candy! A very festive table!

  17. Love your pretty settings! The pastel pink with the green is lovely. I also loved the treat bags filled with goodies. How fun was this!

  18. Love the Rosenthal and your plates are so pretty and it all comes together nicely for such a special Easter dinner. I like the idea of using the dishcloth as a napkin. I do that often and my guests seem to like it. Now those little candy treat bags are adorable.

  19. I love your pink and green tablescape too, Nellie. I also love all your little creations which are nice personal touches. The basket centerpiece is gorgeous...Christine

  20. What a pretty tablescape you have today, Nel. Your collections are so cuties.

    Happy SS

  21. Beautiful!!! I love those egg candles! You always set a pretty table! I'm sure your Easter dinner was as delicious as your table was pretty!

  22. Very pretty Easter tablescape! Love the pink and green colors!


  23. Nellie, these photos are so yummy! I love all you did to make it look so beautiful. It is an act of love for sure and you get a big star! I love the mixing of the silverware. I had never heard of that what a fun idea. The carnations are so pretty and I adore your tags! Can we come next year?

    I have been so busy. It is almost 8:00 we haven't eaten dinner yet and I am still cleaning out my bookshelves. Yikes. I was lucky to get a few posts done in the last few days but we are really getting to the bottom of things and it feels so good!

    Love you, gotta fly for now! B

  24. Thank you Nellie for sharing your tablescape and your ideas.
    I love your comments about how it must please God when we create. It's no wonder that it is an expression of who we are, as we are made in His image.


  25. Such attractive ideas and dynamite centerpiece. -- Jane F.

  26. I love pink and green -- I really enjoyed both centerpieces!

  27. Your Easter table is beautiful. It's obvious you put it together with a great deal of love. I especially like the treat bags you made for your guests -- wonderful!

  28. Pretty table! Everything complemented each other and the last minute centerpiece worked well. I forgot to do that and took mine of during conversation. Thanks for stopping by Americana By Candlelight, Joan

  29. The basdket is lovely, but so is the other centerpiece. the little cards on each package of sweet treats is simply adorable.

    - The Tablescaper


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Thankful Thursday March 6th, 2024, and a previous birthday table from the past

Through him then let us continually offer up a sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of lips that acknowledge his name. Hebrews 13:...