Monday, April 12, 2010

Happy Monday Sweet Peas

Happy Monday Sweet Peas,
So how are you today???
Healthy, wealthy and wise??  Hope so!!
I have been working outside, raking leaves and
filling in some areas of the backyard with them,
they do make a good mulch type filler.  Then I
blew the driveway off, came inside and took
a cool shower, cause it worked up a sweat!!
Hubby and I did get a lil work done in the yard
on Friday evening,  but that was about all we
accomplished this weekend other than,
You want believe it.......
I actually, finally picked
"The shower Curtain"
It was between this,

With a nice Spa Look
or this..........
A bit more fancy,  it is a lovely silky
type fabric.  I have really been trying
to find something with brown, blue,
green and white,  but to no avail.
So these 2 were the closest we came,
so the winner is................
The beautiful striped spa one!
it is a nice sheer fabric and  has the color of both
 rooms, and the green and white, so since my
shower curtain and the rod for the window curtains
are brown, I think that is our best bet. Altho I  do
love the brown one too,  it is just to dark for that
small space, and really would be too much brown.
Plus I have a striped dust ruffle in my bedroom,
so that matches better too!
I was so ecstatic that I finally finally made a
decision, so I just wanted to get it up and to
move on with things in there,  so........
we put it up with the liner and the liner is too
short of the shower curtain,  I really could not
believe it,  I was more than annoyed,  but
oh well,  that is life in the big city, and one must
 get a grip and realize and if that is the worst
thing to happen in a day,  then we are in
 goooooood shape.
so.............that is a new thing to figure out,
probably will just hem it,  I guess!!  lol
Just really don't want to,  I just want it to
be up already!! lol
Was gonna share some other pics of
something I repurposed and am happy
about,  but guess I will save it for  my
Wednesday post. 
I am making a picnic type dinner,
chicken on the barbie, Red skin potato salad,
and baked beans,  perfect foods for din din
on the porch,  I can hardly wait.
Well yall don't die from shock that this is
such a short post!!! lol
Course, it's not that short........
but short for me! lol
Have a Lovely Evening,
See ya tomorrow,
Blessings Galore,


  1. Yes! Yes! I picked the striped curtain too! It really looks nice in your picture. I can hardly wait to seeeeee it!
    Hugs and hugs,

  2. I am sure that you chose the right one for the area. Both look great on their own but of course nothing stands alone in a room. so good going. Does this mean the bathroom is completely done now except for the liner? Awesome! Ours is 100% done including the hallway leading into it...I am beyond thrilled!

    Your picnic dinner sounded great. We're still rainy over here. It is going to be the Garden of Eden before we are through with winter I guess..

    Have a great day tomorrow. I did two posts today so we will see about tomorrow. I have a dental appt. for a cleaning and then shopping for food, meeting a friend at the warehouse at 2:00 and helping a young lady plan decor for her wedding reception in the will be busy. But nothing much is happening at 5:00 am so many I'll squeeze one in then.

    How is Becky doing? Better I hope. She is having a rough start this year, bless her heart.

  3. I would have picked the ame shower curtain as you did although I also liked the other one too.

    Hope you enjoyed your yummy sounding Dinner....

    I wish I could enjoy the outside work like you do. Maybe some of that will rub off on me.

    Blessings & Hugs

  4. love the new shower curtain! hope you're having a wonderful beginning to the week!

  5. You made an excellent choice with the stripes. They are classic!
    Thank you for your encouraging words!
    I think your right, putting pen to paper helps me clarify my thoughts. Quite often I have a scripture in mind before I know what to write.
    Enjoy your picnic dinner!
    Blessings, Pam

  6. I would have had a hard time choosing, too. Both were really lovely. I think your choice is great!

    And please set an extra plate for dinner. That sounds wonderful!

  7. I voted for the striped one too :)


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Have a Lovely Sunday. Hugs,  Nellie