Saturday, April 24, 2010

Have an Un Angry Sunday!!

Happy Sunday Sweet Friends,
Hope you are having a good weekend.
Ours has been good for the most part.
We went to see our friends at the hospital,  and
 they still don't know much more than they did
 before.  They did do a bone marrow
test on Friday, but have not gotten the results yet.
They want to start the chemo but can't because
he has pneumonia, and they are trying to get that
cleared up. Then today there was another problem.
 What a mess!!  But the Lord knows and He is in
 control,  so we have to keep  reminding ourselves
We also got the yard mowed, and all the rest, and got 
some bushes cut back,  so that looks a bit nicer. 
 Then today we got some more painting done, but, still
 not finished, but a few steps closer.  Got all the primer 
on, and got another door casing painted,  and put another
 coat of paint on the first one,  think 3 coats might just do it, 
 we sure hope so!!
We also had some intense fellowship which reminded
 me of this scripture in Ephesians 4: 26
"In your anger do not sin.  Do not let the sun go
 down while you are still angry, and do not give
 the devil a foothold."
Well, don't think we did too well on the first part,
but we did great on the second part cause we
are fine now,  and have made our apologies
and asked forgiveness.  We forget sometimes
 that when you counsel you get tested on what 
you are teaching!!  Such Fun!! 
I like what I read on some new blog someone
sent me to, the phrase "with every test comes
a testimony!!"   I like that quote!!  
So here is my testimony "Get over it before
bedtime or you won't get a very good nights
sleep,  and the enemy will keep you company
all thru the night with angry thoughts."
That is the truth, and nothing but the truth
 because we know from years back but
 we have learned!!!
Even if you have not settled whatever the
situation is at least make peace and say
you love each other and are committed
to the marriage or relationship and we will
 talk about this issue and work it out
 tomorrow cause it is too late to do it now!!
 That works really well especially if you go back
and work it out the next day when you aren't
so tired and upset!!
Well, Sweet Folks,
Hope you have an Un Angry Sunday!!
Love, Blessings and Hugs,


  1. Yes girl...
    Don't let the sun go down on your wrath...
    I'm praying for your friends...
    Be gone pneumonia...
    xoxo~Kathy @
    Sweet Up-North Mornings...

  2. I like that quote too. :) I agree with not going to bed angry, but i have done it before. My attention span is worse then my 3 year olds though, and I usually wake up forgetting I was angry. lol Actually I can be angry one minute and laughing the next. I suspect I have ADD or whatever its called. :p

    We are leaving again tomorrow and won't be home untill sunday, however this time I will be by myself during the days and may spring for internet at least two of those days simply because I know boredom will consume me. Yikes.

  3. Good Sunday Morning Nellie,
    I love the title of you post, what an awesome verse!!!!,and your testimony statement is so true. I am praying for your friend.

  4. How could I be angry after what Pastor Brad preached about this morning! You have been saying this all along to me to not focus on the things I can't change. I think (along with my Bible reading and focus in the early morning before work) I need to add some of the old hymns like; Trust and Obey, Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus, and many more.) Have a really good un angry Sunday and rest of the week!
    I love you all,

  5. Thank you Nellie for your post today and sharing your scripture. What a great reminder about anger.

    Have a great week!

  6. Nellie,
    Very wise words indeed! We have learnt this ourselves through our marriage.

    Blessings, Pam

  7. Yes, it's hard when things just don't seem to be going our way. Hope your friend is better and they have everything all figured out. Great verse you quoted also. Enjoy!

  8. Awesome post, Nellie. We all fall into the angry mode once in awhile, even when things are nearly perfect otherwise. Human nature I think. Wise words of counsel to follow the Lord's teachings and fix it asap. I hope your Sunday did just that for you and things are peachy once again.

    Love you,sweet friend. Wish we could sit down for a chat sometime. Maybe we will come that way one day in our travels. We both want to visit the Carolinas and you are not that far away right? I don't know about those critters Becky was posting about though. Yikes!

    Talk to you again soon!

    Love, B

  9. What a great message today Nellie. So sorry to hear about your friends. You really gave me something to ponder here. Thank you!

  10. love your testimony! it's so very true!!

  11. Thanks, Nellie for your comment on my blog. I believe that's why I feel over burdened sometimes. I need to WAIT upon the LORD!
    I love you.


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Have a Lovely Sunday. Hugs,  Nellie