Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Just to say Hello and some Spring decor photos

Howdy Sweet Friends,

Hope this finds you well and.....
 doing good.  So how was your
weekend?  Good I hope!

Our's was pretty good once we got Friday night
meeting over with..........it was difficult and
painful, yet I believe needed and profitable
and hopefully will prove to be beneficial in
the future..........

Saturday I felt rather beat
up but the Lord is amazing how He can rally
people around you when you need them the
most.  On Sat. we got a surprise visit from
 some dear friends of 33 years that we have
 not seen for a few years, altho, we do talk to 
fairly often.  They had come to our area for
another reason, and called to see if we were
 home!!  Sooo very happy we were..........
They are some of our dearest friends!
 and then later another surprise visit from a
 friend here in town, bearing the biggest most 
gorgeous hydrangea blossom, I have ever laid
 eyes on. These visits could not have been more 
well timed, So thankful for these folks who hear
 the Lord's promptings and obey. God's timing is
 always so amazing...........and such a blessing.

Sunday was our typical Sunday....
and Monday I was very energized and ready
to get something accomplished around here,
since I sorta took last week off........at least
in some ways.  lol  So have been a busy girl
these last 2 days,  but decided to take some
time to do a post today.  Thought I would
just show you some of my spring decor since
 I only showed you the Easter ones. I will
 be putting the Easter things away on Friday
probably, after our lil darling is here. Figured
I would let her enjoy them a lil longer.........

With posterized affect

Forgot it still had the Happy Easter Sign on it.

This wreath and the pic below are from my foyer,  
she is holding a pink hydrangea,
if it is hard to tell.............lol

All the other pictures are from my white living room,
 that I decided to do in pink and white for a
Spring change..............

Was out on the porch today for awhile,  but by the
 time it got to 90 which was about 10,  I looked
 around the back yard and thought this looks more
 like a cloudy Summer day, rather than a Spring day!!

Hope it doesn't stick around a lot longer.....just not
 ready for those Sweltering Summer temps yet!!  lol

The pitcher on the left sitting on the shelf
 was a new find this spring  and can't even
 remember where I found it right now.!!  lol
Maybe at the Christmas store.............hmmm.....

Thanks for coming by ...............

Always great to hear from you!

Sharing over at:

Dwellings with Cindy
Just click here

A stroll thru life with Marty
Click here to visit

The Style Sisters
Click here to go there

Ivey and Elephants with
 Patti and Paula
Just click here

Have a super great evening!

Hugs and last days of April



  1. I like your pink and white accents- very springy!Your shelf looks good with the white pitchers. For some reason lately I've been finding myself gravitating towards white pitchers. 90 degrees already! Yikes- we're up near 60 today which is pretty warm here.

  2. I love your blog borders!!!

    The LORD bless you greatly from your Friday meeting.

    GOD's timing is so perfect. I pray much joy has been restored by their visits.

    Give lil darling a kiss and hug for me!

    I love your photo of the pink vase and doves! I'm trying to think where that is in your home.

    I still need to get myself in gear and start getting rid of some things; books, costume jewelry, clothes I haven't worn in a long time (dresses), etc.
    Love you all, Susan

  3. I like all your charming pink and white decorative touches, and how nice old friends came to visit.

  4. Love your décor! How blessed to receive visits just when you need them. BTW Love your blog template! Have a great day

  5. Nellie,your pink and white vignettes are very pretty. Love the little birdie in the tree. I am visiting from Marty's blog.

  6. Beautiful Spring decorating Nellie! I'm coming to Florida very soon and it better be 90 and sunny. LOL! :D You'll just have to suffer! Just kidding! :) Sorta.
    I'm doing great. Just being super careful with my leg since I'll be traveling soon. I hope everything is alright with you and that whatever tough thing happened is over and in the past now. You have such an amazing attitude that nothing could ever keep you down anyways.

  7. Lovely spring decor and so cheerful. Happy May day to you. I find my self in the garden daily and i so love it. Even, your blog background is pretty and spring like. Blessings, Linda

  8. Your Spring decor looks so bright and cheerful! We've waited a long time, so glad it's finally here...Spring that is!


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

Happy March to You!! Hugs, Nellie Sharing with: