Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Welcome to Thankful Thursday - May 1st, 2014

Praise the Lord, O my soul
and forget not all his benefits
who forgives all your sins
and heals all your diseases
who redeems your life from the pit
and crowns you with love and 
who satifies your desires with good
things, so that your youth is renewed
like the eagle's
Psalm  103:2-5

Greetings Sweet Friends,

I am a bit late cause I was out a
 good portion of the day yesterday,
then talked with Dee once I got 
back,  so finished the thankfuls
up last night, but too tired to do
this part and the pictures, then
slept in some............but better
late than never, as they say!! are you???

I am doing fine, just in utter disbelief that we can
be in May already..........and Belated Happy May
Day to you all.

Very happy that we are getting some rain,  as it is
 cooling our temps off some.  It is still 80,  but that is
 better than 96 degrees,
(Sorry Caroline - lol)  
Was out on the porch earlier and even tho it is
80, it's still breezy and feels wonderful,  just love
this time of year out on the porch.  One of my
fav things to do is read and pray out there but
spring and late Fall or early Winter is about
the only time you can really stand it out there.

Hope you are all doing well and enjoying Spring.....

So on with my list. I will let it do the talking........

I am thankful

for all the ways the Lord meets our needs
and encourages us all the time,  but especially
during hard times.............

that DeeAnna has a job now at a great realty
 company that is right downstairs from where
 they live.  She is going thru training right now, 
 as well as working 2 days in mammography still.
I love there motto:
"It is we work to live, not live to work"

that Dee will be coming for a visit some time
 later in May.

for some awesome revelations about things
my Mom taught me, as I grew up, that I just never
 really thought about since our relationship was
so troubled since my mid to late 20's due to a
a tragic incident she had happen, that led to
 her late in life alcohol addiction and bitterness.
Think they came due to a book I had been read-
ing, "The Mother Gap" and another situation.
Might decide to do a post on it soon.

for the gift of grandparenting.................
It's like a friend of mine says "if we would
have known it was gonna be so much fun
we would have done it first"... lol
we had such a good time as always with our
lil darling this week.

that hopefully I got my last crown at the
 dentist for a very long time...............Most 
of the work I have had done was replacing
 work I had done when I was 16 yrs.old,  and
 has lasted 43+ years,  so if the new stuff last
as long as the old stuff I should be in heaven
by then and not have to worry about it...
 A very happy thought to me!!   lol

that I had my old dental asst. from our old
dentist office today,  she quit at the old place
and is now filling in at my new dentist office
 for awhile, since someone is on maternity leave.
  It was so nice to see her again and we had some
 nice conversations in between procedures. She
 also might visit our church, and I am hoping she
 becomes a permanent employee there.

for a sweet story I read about today about a High 
School boy,  who took his Great Grandmother of 89
 yrs.old and who walks with a cane to his HS Prom,
because she never got to go to Prom.  He was a
very nice looking young man, and loves his grand -
mother so much,  he even wrote a song for her and 
played it on the guitar as he sang.........It showed a
 picture of him walking her in as they announced
 each couple and showed them dancing a slow
 dance precious....just made me
 cry........what an amazingly unselfish young man.

for a good laugh we got from a funny comment
 we just listened to by politician Allen West. He
said someone was "Stuck on Stupid"  and we
died laughing, and said we could make a lil
song out of that to the tune of the bandaid
commercial years back, "We are He is stuck on
Bandaids Stupid,  cause Bandaids stupid's
 stuck on us  him"  lol
Has a nice ring to it......don't you

for our sweet neighbor across the street who
came over to check to see if everything was
 okay.  She saw hubby leave for work then
came outside and saw he was back but his
car door was open,  and didn't think much 
about it,  but came out about an hour later
and it was still open, so she thought maybe
something was wrong with me, and he had
rushed home and forgot to shut his door.
So she decided she had better come and
check on sweet to know you have
a neighbor like that looking out for you,
and it saved us a dead battery................. 

that our grand daughter dog, Rosie is doing fine
after being put out to have her toofers cleaned,
  she is about 10 or so years old, so you get a lil 
nervous about having them put to sleep especially
 since she is so tiny........a lil chijuajua...............
.so we were all happy about that!!

for friends..... meaning longtime friends
that live away and friends nearby and
blogging friends.  Yall are all a blessing.


Thanks for coming by...........
Would love for you to leave a
 comment saying something you are
 especially thankful for this week.

Have a lovely and hopefully warm
weekend with your family/ friends
 and/or furry friends

See ya next week!

Love, Hugs,
and lovely May Blessings,


  1. #1. Rom. 8:28, "All things work to the good for those who love the LORD." Faith definitely is needed when we are going through hard times. But, hindsight always shows the LORD's hand to be with us! Thank You, LORD!
    #2. Good for her! It surely is great when you have a job that is pleasurable!
    #3. Yea!!!!!
    #4. I am looking forward to learning GOD's message for me in this (though it was dad who had the addiction.
    #5. Ha, Ha!
    #6. I know you are looking forward to the finality of it.
    #7. It's great to have people we know. I still have Adrian (since the late 1980's.
    #8. Family is so important. I'm glad our pastor is making this the "Year of the Family" with his sermons.
    #9. Oh my dear! I couldn't stop laughing after I sang your "Stuck on Stupid" song, lol!!
    #10. I'm glad I'm not the only one that does those "peculiar" things, ha!
    #11. I've got to have Gracie's done. Tom popped a big calcium chunk off of hers! She's 13. Maybe that will help her kidney function to improve.
    #12. I got the book Jim showed me, "Heaven." How much more family and friends mean to me as I read it!
    Love you so much, Susan

  2. Hi Nellie,
    Thank you for stopping by. It was wonderful to hear from you.

    I haven't been blogging much lately. In fact, I haven't been online a whole lot lately. I've been working on a family narrative/photo project.

    Rejoicing with you on the gift of your little granddaughter. I know she brings much joy to your life. I know, also, that you and Jim are awesome grandparents and bring much joy to her as well.



Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

Happy March to You!! Hugs, Nellie Sharing with: