Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Springercizing the Mantle

Hello Sweet Friends,

Hope you all have been getting out and

 enjoying this lovely Spring weather.
Honestly, doesn't Spring time just take
your breathe away sometimes, cause
it is just such a neat time of renewal
from all of that deadness of Winter.
What can I say other than.....
I just love every minute of it!!

Well, I have finished my Spring decorating, finally,
 but still working on the centerpc. for the table for
 Easter dinner, am wanting to make some of those
 candy bird nests, so hopefully I will get to that
later this week, but.....today is pack up any
 decorating leftovers or anything that I swapped
 out and put it away day. 
 Yeah,I am very happy about that!!

  Have just about finished the porch, gotta still
 move some plants back in and put together a
 pedestal fan for out there, and we should be good.
  Doesn't look much different than the last time you
saw it but it looks great to me, all nice and clean
with the floors sealed and shining.  Here is an old
picture from a few years ago if you would like
to see it.........Just click here!
Actually there were more changes than I
 remembered, I really wanted to get new rugs but
 couldn't find anything I liked,  so just decided to
wait till I can find some,  and the old ones
actually cleaned up pretty good thankfully.

Guess I had best get on with showing you my
Spring Mantle.  

These lil hobnail bowls were a new find this year from
 the Christmas tree store.  Using them as candle holder
 here. can you see the glow!!  lol
Also tuck some Easter decorations in with the Spring!

I can't tell you how fun and refreshing it has been 
to have all this white in the room after all the 
dark colors of Winter.  Love this picture too,
of the Amarilla's....got it last year,  so fun to
use it again.............

Had this hobnail candle holder for years,  but
 the lil tiny birds are new..........these are the ones
 I got in Asheville, at that store Altared State.

added in some lil Thomas Kincaid books
that a friend gave me some years back,
 since they had nice pastel colors.

Just love white pitchers or just about anything white

Just in case you don't know you can click on any
 picture and it will make them all larger..............

Wanted to show you thehearth as well,
but didn't have time to get pics before we had
to shut my other computer down.  I am using
the laptop,  and already had this post started
with these pics,  but can't upload anymore
till be get my new one.  Poo!!

Am linking up to Cindy over @ Dwellings
Just click here

Sharing at Marty's over @ a stroll thru life
Click here for a visit.

Sharing over at Becky's for Blissful White Wed.
Click Here to see more

Well, hope you have a really good week, and
thanks for coming by,  always a blessing to
have you stop in...............

Love,  Hugs, and
Special Easter Blessings to you and Yours,


  1. That's what I need to do, get myself motivated to start packing up things I don't need anymore and donating them. (books, costume jewelry, too many animals' toys they don't play with anymore, etc) Then there won't be so much clutter. Since the cold is over, I'll be washing and putting away my winter jackets.

    Outside, I need to put that black plastic over my flower beds to put the mulch in them. Hopefully that will kill the weeds!

    Talking about Amarillo's, mine are in full bloom. They are bigger than they ever have been. One bloom is the size of your fully opened hand! One stalk has four flowers. I'm sure the heavy rain we had today will do them good! It's a shame they don't last very long.
    Love you all, Susan

  2. I love all of your white pitchers. I like to pick them up whenever I see them out Estate Sale-ing. They are great for flowers or flatware or...
    Spring branches!

  3. Your mantle looks so pretty...as usual!!! The white against the brick is wonderful! Hope you're having a great week! I'm off to send you an email...I know you have the baby today.


  4. I have a real weakness for white pitchers...love them. There really is nothing quite like white for a clean, classy look in a home. The mantel looks fresh and springy.

    As for enjoying spring, it is still crazy here. 75-80 degrees on the weekend, it did snow Monday night and then on Tuesday my husband was mowing grass. Today is about 50 and breezy, pretty cold actually but sunny. Makes my head spin!


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

Happy March to You!! Hugs, Nellie Sharing with: