Thursday, April 10, 2014

Welcome to Thankful Thursday - April 10, 2014

Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ,
 who has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every
 spiritual blessing in Christ.
Ephesians 1:3

Greeting Sweet Friends,

So how was your week??
Good I hope........

Mine has been good,  just about finished
with my spring decorating, and will be putting
stuff away soon, at least I hope!!  lol
Didn't get much done on the porch accept for
 putting the table and chairs and the swing and 
stand back,  cause between the rain and then our
 lawn was calling, "Mow Me,  Mow Me"  lol
So we did that yesterday after Megan picked 
up our lil darling....................

Next on my agenda is to clean the rugs.....
and hoping we can do that tonight.......
so will see............

Well,  on with Thankful Thursday!!

I am thankful

for wonderful Good News stories that get shared on
 yahoo news,  they most always make me cry for Joy...

I heard a new one this week about a lady that paid for 
another womans groceries because her debit card 
didn't work and she had no cash, so the lady behind
her in line paid $17.48 for her groceries, and the lady 
with 5 children was so incredibly grateful,  because 
she and her family had just been thru a very hard
 time with her hubby being laid off,  and they had 
even been homeless for awhile.  They woman was
 so blessed by the ladies generosity and what it
meant to her family that she wrote a blog post
about it, addressing it to " the woman who was
 behind me in line and paid my grocery bill" and
 thanking the lady so much for helping and telling 
her thank you for not judging me. People saw
her post and now they have had lots of people
 offering jobs and help.  What a sweet story.

The other one I heard last week but again this week. 
 It was a young boy 9 years old who found $20.00 
in the Cracker Barrel parking lot, at first he was 
gonna buy a game with it,  but then he saw a soldier
 coming in the door and because the soldier reminded
 him of his own dad,  who died in military service 5 
weeks after he was born. the boy wrote a note and
gave the $20 to the soldier,  this story has gone viral
and many people wanting to give him back his $20
that they started a fund to help kids that have lost
 a parent in the military.
Amazing stuff folks.........

Love hearing these stories,  it surely restores my
 faith in humanity, and lets you know there are lots 
of folks out there with big and giving hearts.
Just love it....................

for how nice our porch floors look,  they just glisten
when the sun shines in,  so pretty...............

that we got a new couple in Sunday School.

for a new tablecloth I found that goes nicely with the
rugs on our porch.

That I got all my Winter decorations put away
today finally......................they have just been
sitting on the breakfast bar counter for awhile.

hubby was working home today (Tuedsay) because
 we had some really heavy rainstorms,  definitely
not good driving

for a fun day with our lil darling,  it was so 
good to see her, and she was in such a
great mood, no toofers hurting!!  lol

for a sweet visit from our lil buddy from
across the street. He is such a precious
kid...........if I had a grandson, I would hope
he would be like him in a lot of ways.

With posterized affect

for the new renovations they are doing to
our church sanctuary.  They are painting,
 recarpeting and reupholstering our pews.
  Can't wait to see it this weekend, if all
goes according to schedule.  

for praying friends and church family.  So
wonderful to know you have prayer warriors
praying when you reallllllllllllllly need it.If interested
 you can see a prayer request  from yesterday.

just click here  and go all the way to the bottom
where you will see a P.S.

watercolor affect

for all the new christian movies that are coming out
like "God's Not Dead"  and "Heaven is for Real".
Several friends have already seen "God's not dead"
and said it is really good, think we are going to see
it Friday night maybe............and have seen the
trailers and read the book, for "Heaven is for
real",  so pretty sure it is gonna be very very
good too.

and last but definitely not the least......but
the best one on the list really..........
I am thankful
for a quick answer to prayer concerning the
10 mo. old baby girl named Kylie.  Here is
an update from my Daughter-in-love Megan
about Kylie this morning.

Kylie is AWAKE! YAY! 

She is still on some oxygen but off the ventilator.
 Kristin said she is doing much better. Slept good
 thru the night as well.  She was so happy to see her
 beautiful brown eyes yesterday since she hadn't 
since Sunday! 

So far they are on the road to a full recovery! 


If you saw the prayer request yesterday and
have been praying,  Thank You and please
don't stop yet until Kylie is home from the
hospital.  Will keep you posted!!

Update on Kylie:
 Friday morning she was moved out of ICU 
to a normal room and seems to be doing fine,
of course, they are still watching her

Another update on Kylie (Monday)
She was released from the hospital and came home
on Saturday and is doing well physically, but it is a
day by day process still....... Unfortunately, she is
 having high anxiety emotionally, and things like toys
 that did make her laugh now seem to scare her and
 make her cry now, I am thinking they probably
 make sounds like monitors and stuff in the hospital
 and she cries now if her Mom leaves the room.
Bless her heart!  Am glad that she want remember
this eventually.

Thanks for coming by, always a joy
to have you..............and I do love
comments,  so would love for you
to leave one,

Have a Wonderful Weekend.

Love,  Hugs and 
Contentment Blessings,


  1. #1. The LORD restores our souls to know there are still people in this world we can thank for their charitable blessing of others!
    #2. I've got to get out and sweep my entrance from the spider webs and dirt dobbers!
    #3. Yes, LORD, yes!
    #4. I think I may use my old rugs to put in my flower bed before I put the mulch over it. Hopefully that will deter the weeds for a good while as well as another use for them instead of throwing them out!
    #5. Since it's just me, my décor stays neutral all year, ha!
    #6. What a great blessing from the LORD for this company he works for.
    #7. Yea! It made me think if those caring for the elderly say the same thing! :-)
    #8. You are a blessing to him too, I'm sure!
    #9. I have been anxious to take a peek the last two weeks, but I haven't!
    #10. And GOD is glorified as well!
    #11. Praise the LORD for His answer of prayers for His truth in these movies!
    #12. My prayers are for her full recovery!

    Praise the LORD for coming down to man! How awesome it must have been to see, hear, and touch Him in person. My blog has a beautiful Palm Sunday movie clip of this! Love you all, Susan

  2. You have so much to be happy for.

    I had a very sad week. Last Sunday morning at 6 a.m. a young 23 year old woman was driving while drunk and under the influence of drugs and she jumped the guard rail killing a precious young man who was out training for a marathon.

    Chris, who was just 38, the same age as my son, has a 7 year old daughter. He was the assistant principal at the school where I taught and was the heart of the school. He won a silver medal in the Deaflympics having been hearing impaired since birth. As a high school teacher he worked with his students to earn the money to build a school in Sierra Leone and took his students to Africa two summers to physically build the school.

    The entire community is devastated by Chris's death by a young woman who has a driving record indicating she should not have been behind the wheel of a car. Tomorrow is the memorial for Chris which is being held on the field of his former high school because they are expecting thousands of people to attend.

    We are all angry and today is the young woman's arraignment, but the message Chris lived was to not be angry so we are simply thanking the Lord that we were blessed to know Chris when he was with us.

  3. What an inspiring post! So many things to be thankful for. Have a blessed weekend!

  4. Hi! Thanks for checking on me a few days ago. I had a run of sickness that took two different courses of meds to clear up and if you read my post today you will see what has been taking so much of our time. Blogging just seems to be what I am going to do "later" and by the time it is later I am either too tired or lazy to do it! I am certainly still around and appreciate your emails.

    It looks as if you had some answered prayers, I will have to go back and read about the request. I have my house as springy as it is getting this year. I put out less, but enough to make it pretty. It was almost 80 this weekend and we have snow in the forecast for tonight. Glad things are good at your house!

  5. Loved the story of the blogger who needed help with her grocery bill. Thanks Nellie for always helping us to be thankful for the little things as well as the big things. Have a blessed Easter!


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

Happy March to You!! Hugs, Nellie Sharing with: