Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Fall Family/Dining Room 2018, Part 2

Happy Tuesday Sweet Friends,

Hope this finds you well and happy.

I have been a bit under the weather
since last week, started feeling better
by Saturday and thought I was out of 
the woods, but woke up on Monday
with back problems and what I think
is probably a virus....so have been
nursing it with alleve and tylenol,
and am a bit frustrated with it all,
especially since we have such 
great weather and I want to be
outside more but this too shall 

Here is part 2 of our Fall Family
and dining room. 

If you missed Part 1 and would like
to check it out just.....

I have enjoyed using this gold and glass
 cart as an end table in my family room
 for about the last year or so, it was in
 my bedroom before that...
It belonged to my late Mother-in-law, 
before my sister-in-law Susan gifted
us with it to use to put the cake on
for my Daughter's Wedding reception
we had at our home 7 yrs. ago.


Here's the bottom shelf.

Overall view of the Family Room

A Tip.......

We see some many wonderful free
 printables out here in blogland,
 so I came up with a fun idea for 
displaying them, that I have really
 enjoyed every season, all year......

All 3 of these printables came from
Ann, at "On Sutton Place".
or just type in

Ann has a lovely blog and has
some of the best printables in
blogland......and her blog is 
about all things home....

This display board is really just a picture
wrapped in heavy duty wrapping paper.
The paper is a green and cream in a tiny
chevron pattern.  All I do is find print-
ables that I like and put masking tape
 on the back and stick them on.  I
have changed it 4 times as of now.
You do need to be careful when you
pull the old ones off, and it might even
take some of the wrapping paper off,
(the reason I used the heavy duty wrap)
but you can just cover that up with
the new printables, but thinner wrap
might not work so well.

You can't see this wall in the picture
of the whole room that I have above,
 but I was actually standing in front 
of it when I took that picture. It is
a wall between our kitchen and 
bedroom door.

Table top in the hallway that is
right off the dining room.

Always love using natural elements
 like pine cones 

and acorns in the Fall.

The dining room of course!!  lol

Thanks for visiting.....
 always nice to know you were here.

Have a very Blessed Day,

Love, Hugs, and
 Last of October Blessings,


Sunday, October 28, 2018

Scripture Sunday

Happy Sunday Sweet Friends,

Here is the scriptures for today!

The Son (Jesus) is the image
 of the invisible God, 
the firstborn over all creation. 

For in him all things were created:
 things in heaven and on earth,
 visible and invisible, 
whether thrones or powers
 or rulers or authorities; 
all things have been created 
 through him and for him. 

 He is before all things,
 and in him all things hold together.

Colossians 1:15-17 NIV

Hope you are having a clear, crisp,
cool and Beautiful Sunday!

Friday, October 26, 2018

Thankful Thursday October 25, 2018, Falls past #6

Praise the LORD
Blessed are those who fear the LORD, 
who find great delight in his commands.
Psalm 112:1  

Greetings Sweet Friends,

So.....how has your week been??

The majority of our week has been 
great, full of love and fun, mixed in
 with a lil sadness and then a lot of 
tiredness near the end of the week, 
but overall a very good week.........

For those of you who might not have
read my Tuesday post earlier this week,
we were away visiting with our daughter
 and son-in-love in Charleston since
Wed. a week ago,  and just got back
home this passed Tuesday evening,
so my Thankfuls will catch you up
on that..........

Pictures today are from a Fall past,
Think it was remnants from my
son's birthday table some years

So on with it...............

Thankful for a safe and uneventful trip 
to Charleston and back to visit with
our daughter DeeAnna and 
Son-in-love, Jerry.

Thankful to see our girl and hubby
 since it has been since August and 
since she has lost her lil dog, Rosie.
(It's been about 21/2 weeks now).

Thankful they are doing much better
with the loss, but are still adjusting
to their new normal, without her. 
Have to say something seemed to
be missing and that something was
a someone.....Rosie.  She has been
 such a part of everything for the last
14 years, so we missed her excited
greeting when we arrived, and her 
sitting next to us and on our lap, and
 her begging and dancing around
 for cookies. Have to say it wasn't
as bad as I thought it would be,
guess because we had sort of
prepared ourselves for it. Have
a hard time seeing her pic tho.
Makes me cry or want to cry
everytime I see it.


Thankful that the Lord had timed our
visit perfectly, and we had lots of
conversations about Rosie, but also
did some fun things, and brought
activity to the house which
I think helped.


Thankful for the lovely cool Fall
weather we had while in Charleston,
it was our first taste of Fall this year,
and now that we are back it is a bit
cooler here now too.  Hooray!!

Thankful for a great time as always,
Staying at their home; Good con-
versations, nice accomodations, just
hanging out and enjoying the outdoors,
 card games, golf cart rides (took more
 pics for yall), good food, shopping and
 exploring, and just being together.
My kind of trip.....lol

Thankful that we even got some
exercise in too. We took a bike ride,
went for a walk, and went in the 
pool once, on different days.


Thankful that this time we got to go
 in some different decorating stores
and shops that are near to where
 they live.  We have been wanting 
to do that for a while now...so that
was fun for all of us.

Thankful we got to go to Trader Joe's
while we were there, and got some
of their Bruschetta sauce, Bread
sticks, and movie theatre pop corn,
and got some pastry's from there
too, this time.  We got some Orange
Scones that were really great. If
we would have known how good
they were we would have gotten
more.  lol

Thankful we got thru Wed. with
homeschooling lil darling and Thurs.
 picking her up this week fine, cause
 we are both so tired.  Hoping today
will be better but think, we might be
fighting off a bug or something.

Thankful that all was well at home
and with  loved ones while we 
were away.

Thankful that the Lord answered
 prayer and took care of something
 I was concerned about.

Well, there you have it another
 week at cozy place.

Glad you could stop by today.

Have a Wonderful Friday 
and Weekend.

Can you believe next Thursday
will be Nov. 1st already......Shew
Oct. really flew by so quickly.

Love, Hugs and 
End of October Blessings
 to you,


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Shabby Art Boutique

Life with Lorelai

Oh My Heartsie Girl

A Delightsome Life

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Super easy wreath anyone can make

Hello Sweet Friends,

So how are things in your
 world today??

Things are great in our world, 

as we just just had a fun 5 days
with our daughter and son-in-
love in Charleston SC. 
Will tell you about it on 
Thursday. Also we think Fall
 has finally arrived in Central
Florida in the early morning
and late evening, at least!! lol
 whoo Hoo!!

Did this post before I left so
figured I would go ahead and
post it now, even tho it was
 suppose to be part 2 of the
 family room....
(that will come next Tuesday)

This is sort of a backwards
 post..... lol
as it never occurred to me to
 make it a post, until after I 
finished making it and hung
 it outdoors on our house. lol

But it was so easy....figured it
would just serve mostly as an
idea anyway!

First of all, I needed a new
 wreath as my old one was in
 dire need of a fresh look.

I started by pulling all the
 old stuff off my willow wreath,
that I have used for many Falls 
now, as she is still in good shape.

Was gonna go and buy some 
flowers to do a new one, then
 spotted a Fall floral swag I
 haven't used indoors in a
 number of years now, so had
 a nice light bulb moment, 
that worked out well.........

So all you need is a 
Fall floral swag
(or any type of floral swag
 depending on the season or
 purpose) and some long
 chenille pipe cleaners
 and ribbon.

I just attached the swag to
 the wreath with the long pipe
 cleaners in 3 different places.
Just run the pipe cleaner thru 
the base of the swag and around 
the wreath and twist it about 3-4 
times to make sure it doesn't come
 lose and then tuck in the end of
the pipe cleaners, so they don't 
show. You might need more or less
 Pipe Cleaners depending on your
 swag and how secure you need
it to be.

Next make a bow that suits your
fancy and attach it, then hang
that baby up.  Took about 5-10
mins. if that long.

I made mine with tails to cover
up some of the hot glue that was
on it before and it solved
 the problem.

for a video by Michaels crafts
 on how to make a bow, just 
in case you have  never
  done one before.

Just FYI
If this is your first time to do a
bow I would recommend you
use ribbon that is the same on
both sides as it will save you 
some time, aggravation and
ribbon.  lol

and here is the finished product.

Thanks for stoppin by....

Happy wreath making......

Have a great day,

Hugs, Nellie

Friday, October 19, 2018

Thankful Thursday October 18, 2018, Falls past #5

Praise be to the name of God 
for ever and ever; 
wisdom and power are his. 
Daniel 2:20

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope you are enjoying October.

We are enjoying it a bit more as
the mornings and evenings are
starting to cool off a lil bit.....
So excited that Fall will be here
for us in the next few weeks
hopefully....we have a very 
short Fall season!  😡

Pictures today are Fall scenes
from the past again!!

So on with my Thankfuls.......

#1and 2
So Thankful to hear and see that 
Pastor Brunson, a Pastor that had
 been held captive in Turkey, has
 been released and returned to our
country, because God heard the 
prayers of his people and HE led
President Trump to put sanctions
on Turkey and it worked!!

#3 and 4
Thankful for our President and
 his love of law and order and Police.
  Just saw this morning (Tuesday) that 
the US. Marshalls have recovered
 123 children from Sex Trafficking.

Thankful that we are getting to
hear from our Youth Pastor this
month, as our Sr. Pastor is taking
some time off. He is wonderful
young man and doing a great job.

Thankful for a good Sunday at
church and lunch out with a 
group of friends. Fun time!

Thankful that my daughter and
son-in-love had a great time in
Asheville celebrating their 7th
Anniversary, and worked thru the
 emotions after the loss of their
 lil dog Rosie, so that it wasn't as
hard to return home, as she
 thought it would be. They are
still getting adjusted to their 
new normal without her.

Thankful that she and I got to 
spend hours talking on the phone 
on Monday.  Been a while since
we have done that. So it was
great for both of us.

Thankful for another really good
movie on Hallmark chanel called
"Finding a Family" and it is based
on a true story once again.
Love those stories.....

Thankful for having the fun of
feeding Sandhill Cranes that came
in our yard twice this week. Think
it was the same ones the 2nd time
as they came near our front windows
and seemed to be calling for us, so
we went out and fed them some 
bread again,  the first time it was 
me and lil darling feeding them.

Thankful that I noticed something
about these Cranes that I never
noticed before.  They have red
on the top of their head which is
very pretty, but this time I noticed
that when they bent their heads
down, that the red was in the
shape of a heart. How cool is that,
they are like poster birds for the
American Heart Association....lol
God creativity just never ceases
 to amaze me.

Thankful that hubby made some
 big progress on a website he is
 building for me, that you will
be hearing about down the road
sometime, whenever it is ready.

And remember......

Well, that's it for this week.

Thanks for dropping by.......

Have a really wonderful rest
of the week.

Love, Hugs and
Abundant Fall Blessings,

Scripture Sunday

  Let's praise the God of Heaven Every day! Blessings,  Nellie