Friday, October 19, 2018

Thankful Thursday October 18, 2018, Falls past #5

Praise be to the name of God 
for ever and ever; 
wisdom and power are his. 
Daniel 2:20

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope you are enjoying October.

We are enjoying it a bit more as
the mornings and evenings are
starting to cool off a lil bit.....
So excited that Fall will be here
for us in the next few weeks
hopefully....we have a very 
short Fall season!  😡

Pictures today are Fall scenes
from the past again!!

So on with my Thankfuls.......

#1and 2
So Thankful to hear and see that 
Pastor Brunson, a Pastor that had
 been held captive in Turkey, has
 been released and returned to our
country, because God heard the 
prayers of his people and HE led
President Trump to put sanctions
on Turkey and it worked!!

#3 and 4
Thankful for our President and
 his love of law and order and Police.
  Just saw this morning (Tuesday) that 
the US. Marshalls have recovered
 123 children from Sex Trafficking.

Thankful that we are getting to
hear from our Youth Pastor this
month, as our Sr. Pastor is taking
some time off. He is wonderful
young man and doing a great job.

Thankful for a good Sunday at
church and lunch out with a 
group of friends. Fun time!

Thankful that my daughter and
son-in-love had a great time in
Asheville celebrating their 7th
Anniversary, and worked thru the
 emotions after the loss of their
 lil dog Rosie, so that it wasn't as
hard to return home, as she
 thought it would be. They are
still getting adjusted to their 
new normal without her.

Thankful that she and I got to 
spend hours talking on the phone 
on Monday.  Been a while since
we have done that. So it was
great for both of us.

Thankful for another really good
movie on Hallmark chanel called
"Finding a Family" and it is based
on a true story once again.
Love those stories.....

Thankful for having the fun of
feeding Sandhill Cranes that came
in our yard twice this week. Think
it was the same ones the 2nd time
as they came near our front windows
and seemed to be calling for us, so
we went out and fed them some 
bread again,  the first time it was 
me and lil darling feeding them.

Thankful that I noticed something
about these Cranes that I never
noticed before.  They have red
on the top of their head which is
very pretty, but this time I noticed
that when they bent their heads
down, that the red was in the
shape of a heart. How cool is that,
they are like poster birds for the
American Heart
God creativity just never ceases
 to amaze me.

Thankful that hubby made some
 big progress on a website he is
 building for me, that you will
be hearing about down the road
sometime, whenever it is ready.

And remember......

Well, that's it for this week.

Thanks for dropping by.......

Have a really wonderful rest
of the week.

Love, Hugs and
Abundant Fall Blessings,


  1. #1. & #2. Praise the LORD, yes! GOD is so good! Praise Him for answering our prayers!
    #3. & #4. GOD is working through the prayers of His people. Thank the LORD for these people being released from such evil/wicked people. Praise the LORD for leading our leaders and policemen!
    #5. He is doing a wonderful job! While video taping the service, he surely moves around a lot! Ha!
    #6. Yes, I used to go out with the ladies, but they now go after Sunday School. I have to video tape the 2nd service.
    #7. I have been praying for their loss and missing Rosie.
    #8. Wonderful!
    #9. Did you get to see "Stars in My Crown!"
    #10. To be wild birds, they surely are sweet natured birds!
    #11. Maybe that's why they are so sweet! (Sweethearts!)
    #12. I can hardly wait!
    Enjoy yourselves! Love you all, Susan

  2. Hi Susan,
    Finally getting around to responding to comments.
    Yes, Pastor Juan is doing a great job and yes, he does move around a lot, but that is a good
    thing as it helps keep peoples attention, but I am sure it requires a lot of apt attention for those who are videoing him. lol

    No, we haven't watched "Stars in my crown"....did you watch it on Netflik??

    Thanks for coming by and for all your comments hon,

    Love, Nellie


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

Happy March to You!! Hugs, Nellie