Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Good bye Summer/ Hello Fall Simple Sunday dinner Table 2018

Happy October Sweet Friends,

Can you believe it another month
gone by already........
Well, hope this finds you well and
happily enjoying Fall.

We are both well and happy but not 
quite enjoying Fall yet, but it does
look like the temps are going from
100 to 90, so we are very slowly
improving weatherwise. It was
86 yesterday and overcast so lil
darling and I actually were able
to sit outside for a lil while.

We are a bit tired as we had a busy 
yet fun weekend then we watched lil
 darling yesterday for awhile, and have
 to take our car into be serviced today. 
 Was hoping to do some fun things today
 while we are out....but guess I will see
 how much energy we have once we
 are done at the car place.  lol

Thought I would show you our first
Fall table of the year......I must have
been very tired or distracted a few
 weeks back as I didn't take certain
shots that I normally do.....much
to my surprise.  lol

 Started out with this centerpiece I had
 already done while doing my normal
Fall decorating, sans the candles....
so just added those in....

and decided to use my corelleware
I got for my Birthday this year, 
cause I think they are so pretty.

threw in some beige and white
 gingham napkins, with a curtain
hook as a napkin ring......

and decided use green goblets
as they just added more color.

Different views of the centerpiece,
from right to left.
Put faux apples in  the right cylinder.
and always love using my gold

Mixed nuts in the center cylinder.
I just store the nuts and use them 
every year for decorating purposes.
They last a long time, course, you
don't want to try and eat them.  lol

 and just used Fall potpourri
in the last one on the right.
I store that as well,  and can
add a few drops of cinnamon
oil or any kind of Fall fragrance
to it if I want....

Got these glass cylinders at the
 dollar tree 7 years ago for my 
daughter and son-in-loves Wedding
 reception that we did  here, and
they have been a great $3 pur-
chase to say the least,  I have
used them in a number of 
different ways over the years.

Also got the mercury glass
candleholders at the same time,  
bought them at Michaels and
they turned out to be a gift
that keeps on giving year after
 years as well.

You can see lil darlings place
at the end of the table there.

and added this cup of pumpkins to
give here something fun to occupy
her while at the table. Think she
is starting to outgrow that!!  lol

An overview

Also added the lil salt and pepper
shakers and a candy to each place.
Which is pretty standard on all 
my tables.

and used my wedding silverware.

Well, that's it for today.......

Thanks for the visit.....

Keep your light shining

Love, Hugs and 
Fun Fall Blessings,


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  1. So perfect. Pretty but casual which is my favorite.

  2. Thanks Marty.......
    Always nice to hear from you.


  3. I love your simple table. Isn't it nice to finally have fall here? I don't think there is another time of year that I enjoy quite so much.

  4. Thanks Pattie,
    So nice to hear from you and I so agree about Fall, but have to say I would love it more
    if it would cool off some here in Florida. We actually had 78 degrees this morning so were
    able to sit on the porch for awhile, which was wonderful....looking forward to more of that
    soon hopefully. Yea the Fall is just full of fun things to do. We also have our Anniversary
    and my son and daughter-in-loves birthdays to look forward to as well....

    Hope you are doing well hon,


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

Happy March to You!! Hugs, Nellie