Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Super easy wreath anyone can make

Hello Sweet Friends,

So how are things in your
 world today??

Things are great in our world, 

as we just just had a fun 5 days
with our daughter and son-in-
love in Charleston SC. 
Will tell you about it on 
Thursday. Also we think Fall
 has finally arrived in Central
Florida in the early morning
and late evening, at least!! lol
 whoo Hoo!!

Did this post before I left so
figured I would go ahead and
post it now, even tho it was
 suppose to be part 2 of the
 family room....
(that will come next Tuesday)

This is sort of a backwards
 post..... lol
as it never occurred to me to
 make it a post, until after I 
finished making it and hung
 it outdoors on our house. lol

But it was so easy....figured it
would just serve mostly as an
idea anyway!

First of all, I needed a new
 wreath as my old one was in
 dire need of a fresh look.

I started by pulling all the
 old stuff off my willow wreath,
that I have used for many Falls 
now, as she is still in good shape.

Was gonna go and buy some 
flowers to do a new one, then
 spotted a Fall floral swag I
 haven't used indoors in a
 number of years now, so had
 a nice light bulb moment, 
that worked out well.........

So all you need is a 
Fall floral swag
(or any type of floral swag
 depending on the season or
 purpose) and some long
 chenille pipe cleaners
 and ribbon.

I just attached the swag to
 the wreath with the long pipe
 cleaners in 3 different places.
Just run the pipe cleaner thru 
the base of the swag and around 
the wreath and twist it about 3-4 
times to make sure it doesn't come
 lose and then tuck in the end of
the pipe cleaners, so they don't 
show. You might need more or less
 Pipe Cleaners depending on your
 swag and how secure you need
it to be.

Next make a bow that suits your
fancy and attach it, then hang
that baby up.  Took about 5-10
mins. if that long.

I made mine with tails to cover
up some of the hot glue that was
on it before and it solved
 the problem.

for a video by Michaels crafts
 on how to make a bow, just 
in case you have  never
  done one before.

Just FYI
If this is your first time to do a
bow I would recommend you
use ribbon that is the same on
both sides as it will save you 
some time, aggravation and
ribbon.  lol

and here is the finished product.

Thanks for stoppin by....

Happy wreath making......

Have a great day,

Hugs, Nellie


  1. Welcome home! Your wreath is VERY PRETTY!!! And, so easy to make! I love the colors! You are so creative! Love you, Susan

  2. Thanks, it is good to be home.....love visiting but love coming home too.

    Thanks for coming by and for your sweet comments.

    Love ya, Nellie


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

Happy March to You!! Hugs, Nellie