P.S. and make sure you try that microwave tip,
Thursday, July 30, 2009
It's Thankful Thursday - July 30 2009
P.S. and make sure you try that microwave tip,
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
What a fun day!!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Yummy Din Din idea & a before & after lamp
And this is with the new shade,
Monday, July 27, 2009
It's Monday, and links to Appalachian trail pictures

Hello Sweet Friends,
Hope you all had a nice weekend.
Ours was nice....busy, but not too busy,
and we had a nice relaxing restful Sunday.
We got our nap in this week, we always
like that, and it gets us ready for the week ahead.
I am ecstatic because we finally started
tiling our bathroom shower area on Saturday. Yea!!!
It is looking very nice so far, so we can't wait to finish
and to be back using our master bath once again. It will be well
worth all the inconveniences. Course, we still have a lot of tiling to
do yet, but we did get most of the back wall done. Hubby is doing
a great job as usual, he is tiling, but I am assisting.
Will share some pics with you when we get her done.
That sounds so good..........get her done!! ha
Some of you said you would like to see Scott pics from the
Appalachian Trail so here are the links below:
We did 3 because there are so many pics and once you start, you can't
just go back and pick up where you left off, so thought it best to make 3 links.
They are in the order he made the trip.
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Have a Relaxing and Restful Sunday
Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Thankful Thursday - July 23, 2009

And Welcome to Thankful Thursday
Hope your day has been good,
mine has been so far, I have been
busy making cards all day. Plus we
had to take hubbies van to the shop
to get new brakes, so we were running
back and forth with that..............
but we did manage to get a "Chocolate Elvis"
Smoothie in, they come from Planet Smoothie
and if you have never had one, look up a
planet smoothie near you or ask your local
smoothie place to make you one or make your
own, we do it all the time. Have to admit
their's are better tho.
The ingredients are:
1/2 banana or 1 whole one if you like
1 tbsp. of peanut butter
3-4 scoops frozen vanilla yogurt Or
cookies and cream yogurt
(If using vanilla add a tsp. of cocoa powder)
about 6 ice cubes
and then add milk (about 1/2-1 cup)
depends on the size of the container you are making it in.
Blend it well, and yum yum!!
Well, guess you can tell I am thankful for this special
smoothie, it is a nice treat for us, and it is pretty
heart healthy. One lady calls it a cup of Joy,
we concede!! ha
Well, I know yall know what I am thankful for
this week, but I have to say it anyway...........
We are happy and thankful that our Sylvester
Stallone and his sidekick Joey are home safe
and sound. This was his pic he took of himself
his first day on the trail, ready to conquer
the world, and he did conquer quite a pc.
of it, all of Maine and a lil bit of New Hampshire
about 300 miles on foot, sounds pretty good
to me!!
I am thankful for all the dear friends that we
have here and online that have faithfully prayed
for his safety and our nerves! ha
You were a blessing and we truly were not
worried 98% of the time, therefore, we
could actually enjoy it with him.
Also, I am thankful for our trip up to New
Hampshire and back, quick tho it was.
Jimmy and I had talked about going to the
mountains early this year when we were
planning our vacation, before we knew Scott was
gonna hike the trail, but then decided on
the beach, but when Scotts first pics were
posted we were beginning to think we might
have made a mistake, but of course, we didn't
and we had a great time, as you know at the beach.
So we thought it pretty neat that the Lord
worked it out that we got to go see the mountains
this year as well, and that it was such an unexpected
adventure, cause at our age, we don't get many
of those type of adventures anymore........
and if we did we might not live to tell about it!! ha
I can take it off my bucket list now!!
(did you hear that Bonnie) ha!!
And as always I am totally grateful and awed
by God's beautiful land we call America.
I know we have our problems but I am thankful
to be an American and I don't know anywhere
else I would rather live, and I thank the Lord
everyday for the priviledge of being an American,
because we are blessed people, and sometimes
we take it soooooooooo for granted.
Alright, Alright, I will step off my
soapbox for now!!
Also, I am thankful that I have a full tummy,
and can take a shower and sleep in a clean bed
every night with a roof over my head.
Do you ever wonder what it would be like
to sleep on a park bench or under a interstate
or even wonder where your next meal is
coming from, I do think about those types
of things, and it makes me abundantly
grateful to my Lord, for He is so good to me.
Well, have a downright good evening,
Thanks for dropping by
Blessings & Hugs,
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Our Whirlwind Trip Reveal
Upstate New York
Schenectady, New York
Poughkeepsie, New York
Western Vermont
Maine (3 guesses)
New Hampshire (2 guesses)
New Hampshire (The white Mountains)
DRUM ROLL PLEASE.............
It would be New Hampshire (The White Mountains)
The name of the town is Gorham, New Hampshire
and it is right by the White Mountains and that
would have been his next climb.
This was on the way back in a small town near Gorham
we stopped at a lil Gift shop, and bought some
New Hampshire syrup, the proprietor and her
husband own acres and acres of maple trees
and make their own syrup. How neat is that.
The syrup is wonderful, by the way.
Joey and taking pics while Scott and I shopped
for a few minutes. He was also taking pics, God
Bless Him!!
He forgot to walk around front of the shop
to get a shot, but remember he was
babysitting Joey. ha!!
This was a really neat bridge we saw on the
way in New Hampshire. This was taken out of the car
Actually, Vermont and New Hampshire were our
all time favorite parts of the trip.
The lil towns in New Hampshire were just delightful
and so quaint. Gorham was really neat town
as well. The population is about 1800 people.
You will see more of the town when we put
On the road back thru Vermont coming home,
the scenic beauty of Vermont was just so
Wonderful and refreshing, we loved every minute
of it.
We thank the Lord for his grace in having us
decide to go get him cause it was neat for him and for us
to see some of what he had seen. Plus after we
drove it we could understand why the Lord would
not want anyone to drive it alone, cause there is no
way you can drive and read the directions in
the New york, New Jersey area.
Anyone could get hopelessly lost in that place,
cause a few times we thought we were...
but thankfully, we found I-95 again. Shew...........
On the Road Again!!
Does Joey look content or what!!
Well, we covered 12 1/2 states in 3 1/3 days with
60 hrs. actually driving time!!
A lot of territory let me tell you, but we realized
that if it wasn't for this adventuresome son of
ours, we would not have had our own adventure
story to tell. It has really been a hout for us too!!
Once we got used to the idea!! ha
Well, thanks for participating in my lil contest,
I thought it would make for a fun time.
Oh Yea, almost forgot!! Hubby says he thinks
we can give you a link so that you can see the pictures
from Scott's trip. He started in Maine, by the way!!
So look for the link next week once we figure it out. ha
Have a Blessed Day Now, Ya Hear!!
Love and Hugs,
PS. Just so you know, I did not post this until about 12:30
but I did start downloading pics @ 9:10 a.m or whatever it
says about what time it was posted, don't know why it
does that!! Strange!! Have a good one!!
Monday, July 20, 2009
Guess where our whirlwind trip took us???? part 2
more of the lovely lilies at the rest stop.
So very pretty!!
Guess where are whirlwind trip took us???? Part 1
These pics are from the next day, this was in Md.
taken out of the car window, we didn't have time for
stopping along the way.
This was taken as we were waiting in traffic in Md.
This one too!!
I believe this was off the bridge in New York
This was a huge expansion bridge in New York.
This too! Taken out of front windshield!!
This was out the car window on a double decker bridge,
you can see New york skyline in the back.
This was in Manhattan on I-95.
The Traffic, frightening!!
Can not imagine doing this everyday,
once in a lifetime was enough for me!!
At one point we were on I-95 surrounded
by semi-trucks, I thought we might be
going to heaven soon!!
Those truckers are road bullies, let me
tell you!!
And everyone is a crazy driver,
fast and furious, doesn't even describe it!!
This is another shot off the bridge,
I know, I know, told you I was desperate!!
Here is another!
We were stuck in this bumper to bumper stuff for quite
awhile. I think from Md. to Conn. the traffic was
pretty slow, so took a lot of time.
Have no clue where this was!!!
Think maybe it was Connecticut
We drove for 24 hrs. and then stayed in a hotel, we got into the
town at 8 p.m. and didn't get to our hotel until 10 p.m., cause we
were driving along I-95 and ran out of exits all of a sudden,
the last we saw was exit 6 and then it took us all thru town and we
saw no exits at all, so finally stopped to ask someone, so they gave
us directions but when we got to the next exit, it was #16,
so we are wondering what the heck happened to exit 7-15???
Did aliens come and abduct them or what??
So we saw exit 16 and thought well, maybe if we go a lil further
it will be exit 15,
it was exit 17, and we could not find an exit to get off and go the
other direction for about 30 mins., so then we got turned around and
headed south and saw the exit going down from 16, 15, and
so forth, so we spotted a Cracker Barrel went and got some take
out cause we were starving and took it to our hotel room.
We were never soooooo glad to see the inside of a hotel room
in our lives. We ate and then went right to bed on it,
not a great idea, but we were so dogged tired who cares,
and slept like logs!! We actually felt pretty
good the next morning. God is so good!!
So we got up later than originally planned
and headed out about 8:30, and it took us
41/2 hrs. to get to where Scott was!!
Needless to say He and Joey were pretty
happy to see us, I think he was beginning
to feel he was never gonna get out of this place.
And needless to say we were very happy
to see He and Joey as well.
He has lost 14 pds., some of it could have
been from when he was sick, but most of
it from the hiking trip. Joey is very svelte
as well!! Scott is feeling much better
and we thank all who have prayed for
him and of course, the Lord for his
healing hand upon him.
We arrived home at 6 a.m. Sunday
Morning and slept and rested all day long.
In case you didn't notice, I still did not
tell you where we went to get him,
that is because I decided to have a little
fun with you. I thought it would be neat
to have you leave a comment and guess
where we went!! I will do the reveal
on Wednesdays post, and the winner
will win 6 oversized notecards with
beautiful scenery on them.
So put on your thinking cap and start
thinking about your guess! I will have more pics
and details tomorrow.
Now of course, if you already know
because I told you then you are
disqualified on this one!!
Sorry but we have to be fair!
Well, Have a great day and see ya tomorrow,
Blessings & Hugs, Nellie
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Have a Wonderful Sunday

Whirlwind trip
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Blessed by the presence of our children
Monday, July 13, 2009
Update from the Appalachian trail

Saturday, July 11, 2009
Have a Sweet Soothing Sunday
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Welcome to Thankful Thursday July 9, 2009
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Just to say Hi & to announce a new blogger friend
Thankful Thursday February 13, 2025, and Valentine's decorations from the past
For God so love d the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life....