Wednesday, July 29, 2009

What a fun day!!

Good Afternoon Sweet Friends,
I am writing late again today............
but for a good cause...........................
I was having soooooooo muchhhhhhhhhh Funnnnnnnnn!!
I got up, got my house in order, got myself dressed
made some coffee and spent the day with 2 sweet
friends. We talked and laughed and had a wonderful
time............there is nothing like spending quality
time with people you like and love!!
My love language is quality time and words of
encouragement and physical affection, so my
cup is full today!!
I hope your cup is full today too, if not........
try and make some time to spend with those
you hold dear, it will sure boost your spirits.
Well, we are having a repeat of last nights
din din, but I will add in some Roast Pork
from the night before and a new veggie of
some kind. Have truly considered eating
the rest of the shrimp all day, in fact, I have
had to beat myself off!! ha
But I was a good girl and saved it to share
with Jimmy and Scott.
Scott came home, he spent the night at his
sisters last night, and then they towed his truck.
They have a homeowners association, so they
do not like it if you park on the street in front
of the condos, but usually you can do it in the
daytime, but he forgot and left it there all
night, and Dee woke up this morning and
said oh No, your car is gone, they probably
towed it, then they had to find out where to,
cause the towing service they usually use
is not working for them anymore.
What a mess............all to visit your sister!!
Must not be too bad he is going back again tonight!!
While he was home he planted some pretty
pink Zinnias that he bought at wally world
yesterday when he went to get fertilizer.
He has been doing some yard work for us,
and it is looking very nice, he has fertilized
everything!! He has also been looking for
a job.........he has sent in about 7 resumes
or filled out apps online. So please pray
the Lord will find him a good job that he
will really like. He has bought some things
to sell on ebay cause he had an ebay business
before he left. He had it for over 5 yrs.
and it was quite successful. He is a smart
guy and can find ways to make money if
he needs to......I really admire and respect
his ingenuity.
Oh Yea, if anyone has tried to look at his pics
from the links I put on Mondays post and
you are having trouble, it could be that if you
are logged in to your facebook acct. you
can not get in, you have to log out and then
try it. Somebody else had trouble and they
found out how to do it, so thought I would
pass it along just in case.
Yall have a good night, ya hear!!
Love & Blessings,


  1. sounds like a great day indeed! that's horrible about the truck getting towed. what a bummer!

  2. So nice that you could get together with the girls? That is one of my all time favorite things to do. Just get together and talk and be female. Love it! I haven't had a chance to go back to the pics yet. I am behind in my work today...have a great one!

    Hugs, B


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday - There are 6 things the Lord hates

  According to God's word  God says we are to hate the things He hates  and love the things He loves. Romans 12:9, Proverbs 8:13, and ...