Thursday, July 30, 2009

It's Thankful Thursday - July 30 2009

( Wildflowers from the Trail in Maine compliments of Scott)
Good Evening Sweet Encouragers,
I am late again today, had to run some errands
and had a few chats on the phone as well
Yesterday I meant to tell you a great tip I learned
from an email someone sent me awhile back that
I have tried and tested and found to be very useful.
Actually, I am quite thankful for it because it
makes my life a lil easier. You will laugh when
I tell you what it is, but I am serious!!
It is a very easy way to clean your microwave,
just take a cup of water and put it in the mircrowave
and heat it for 2-3 mins. then let it set for about
30 seconds or so, and wipe out your microwave
with a wet cloth or paper towel. It wipes clean
with no problem at all, or no need for soap or
anything, it is quick as can be. If you get delayed
for some reason, just repeat the process and do
it again. You will seriously love how easy this is.
Well, I am thankful today that I got a lot of things
returned that needed to be returned and made
$20.00 back in the process.
Also, thankful we had a "Chocolate Elvis" today,
(our favorite smoothie, in case you don't remember)
and one of my returns paid for it!!! ha
and I still had 2/3 of the money leftover.
I am thankful that Scott was able to work
today and again tomorrow with a friend since he does
need some moo-lah!
I am thankful that I don't have to cook tonight
cause we all had a late lunch.
I am thankful that we have finally started laying the tile
in our bathroom shower last Sat., and we are working
on it again tonight. (Hubby is drilling holes as I write for the tiles
that go where the faucets and stuff go. I am so ready for this
project to end, it has been going on about 9 mos. now.
No ones fault....just life happens when you are making
your plans!! ha
I am thankful for all the rain, especially since Scott just
fertilized everything, so it has gotten watered in nicely.
I am thankful for the new flowers Scott planted for us
and all the yard work he did this week.
I am thankful for my sweet hubby who is such a
handy guy. This is hard and tedious work and would
be a very expensive job if we had it done by a
professional tiler, yet it is looking like a professional
tiler is doing it!! yea Jimmy!!
And most of all... I am thankful to be alive and well,
and thankful to be a child of God, just doesn't get
any better than that!!
Well, I am off to assist with the tiling again, just
came back to finish up while he is drilling another
hole for the shower pipe.
Have a Great Weekend!!
Hugs and Blessings,

P.S. and make sure you try that microwave tip,
I am telling will love it!!


  1. I think it is so important to count our blessing one by one. It can't help but make us happier! I have done the microwave thing too...very effective. We bought a small microwave and I just love it. It doesn't get as hot, doesn't splatter and it's just great. So I have very little maintenance anymore. To heat something doesn't take a giant one we have learned. I don't actually cook in mine...just heat.

    Have fun tiling. I don't envy you...we are right behind you on this one. And we are doubling the size of our bathroom so it is going to be a big fat deal.. I am not ready for the work but I am ready for the remodel to be done! It is the best to have handy hubbies isn't it?

    Talk to you later...

    Love, Bon

  2. Such a nice list of blessings! Gotta love returns....and a chocolate Elvis?!?! for your time/effort! Never heard of those, by the way! :)

    Glad you stopped by today. Hopefully, I can get some more wedding pictures up...the ones that were up were chosen by my girlfriend but I have since received ALL the pictures so I might add some more (don't want to bore everyone!)

    Sorry my Friday post wasn't up already - I accidentally had it scheduled for PM....but stop back by if you have a chance and get a glimpse of my buddy, Tyler!!

    Have a great weekend! Always like your comments!

  3. Hi Nellie!! I love your know that...and I am thankful for you!!
    Knew about the tip, but had forgotten til now!! Have a fantastic Friday!!
    Love ya,


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Have a Lovely Sunday. Hugs,  Nellie