Thursday, July 9, 2009

Welcome to Thankful Thursday July 9, 2009

Hello and Welcome to Thankful Thursday..............
It has been a rather dismal day around here
since we had a lot of rain today, and I was
feeling rather out of it for some reason.
Then during hubby's lunch break we did
a 45 minute workout and that seemed to
help me get a lil more with it!!
Oh yea, rec'd a text from our son
today and he is doing well, had a hard
day of hiking ahead, rough terrain,
but thankfully the weather is good today.
When he get to his destination today
he will have hiked 249.5 miles.
Isn't that amazing, at least it is to me!!
Well, now on with Thankful Thursday...........
I am thankful this week for the little "Glimpses
of Heaven" that the Lord gives to us at times.
You know what I mean. Maybe it is an event,
or a special occasion, or a sweet unexpected
surprise, or special time you have with another
person, when everything just seems like it
couldn't get any better than this............
it was so perfect, it was so enjoyable, it
was amazingly wonderful!!
That is how we felt about our vacation
last week "That it was like a lil corner
of Heaven", and we got to talking and
pondering that thought and were thinking
if life down here can be this good,
just imagine what Heaven is really
gonna be like...............
All I know is I am glad I am going there!!
I definitely want to be there,
and I know that when I do get there
everything down here will just sooooooooo
pale in comparison.
But I am still thankful for God's lil Glimpses,
cause it helps prepare me and make me
looks forward to the real thing!!
Well, Hope you have an enjoyable evening
and a great weekend!!
See ya Sunday
Blessings, Nellie

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