Friday, June 27, 2014

Welcome to Thankful Thursday - June 26, 2014

I will praise your name forever
 for what you have done;
In your name I will hope,
for your name is good.
Psalm 52:9

Greetings Sweet Friends,

So what is going on in your
 neck of the woods?? 
 Anything special, fun or exciting?? 
 or anything you need prayer for?? 
 Would love to hear about it.

Hubby got my sewing machine out for me this morning,
 so gonna be working on my dining room curtains here
 soon.  Just running a seam on them, nothing spectacular,
 now that I finally figured out what I wanted to do there.
  I have been looking thru magazines and online to see if
I saw something better I liked than what I had before,
  but have just decided to do the same thing,  just as
before with the new curtains. We don't get a lot of light
from the back of the house anyway,  so this window is
rather tricky cause don't want to block anymore light
than I have to................

We got our others up in the family room,  and finished
putting some molding up around the door,  that we
actually forgot about before, cause the curtains com-
pletely covered it and we never saw it,  so when we
took them down we were like oh yea,  we sorta for-
got about that.  Anyway, that was the reason I had
the paint out yesterday.  Anyway,  that is all com-
pleted and looks great,  and have had some compli-
ments on them already.  Hoping my solid color 
pillows come in today.  and Hey,  if you happen to
be looking for sofa pillow check the k-mart website,
cause they have some pretty good deals on some
of them,  at least, better than Walmart and Target,
which was surprising!!

Well, gonna get on with this,  so I can get working
on my curtains..............

I am thankful

for a sweet and caring phone call from my
hubby on Tuesday morning when I wasn't
feeling real good,  and him bringing home
din din from Pollo Tropical grill.  Sa-weet!

for getting to have a nice long phone call with 
DeeAnna on Tuesday afternoon, cause it had
 been awhile,  and sure cheered this Momma
 up and daughter too,  I think!!

for a new healthy, clean  breakfast treat that
 I decided to give a try and really liked.  I was 
amazed at how long that stayed with me.

See the very simple recipe here.
It's at the top of the post, and labeled
quick breakfast,  etc etc.

for  some quick answers to prayer..............
concerning our Sunday School class.

that 2 of my new sofa pillows arrived and I
 think I am gonna like how they look on the sofa.
  Guess I will know for sure when they other
 2 arrive.  Things sorta have to grow on me. lol
It is Thursday now and they have grown on
me quite a bit,  and several people have noticed
them and said they liked them.  So of course,
that helps!  lol  Still waiting for the solid pillows
to come know for sure.

for Kefir, it is like a probiotic drink,  and great
for when you wake up during the night and
feel a lil hungry.  Quick and easy!

that we picked the winner for my Give-A-Way
yesterday,  and it was Rebecca from over at
Life and Godliness.  She has been one of my
followers for a number of years now and has
left a lot of sweet and encouraging comments
over the years.  Thanks Rebecca,  you are and
have been a blessing to me and others I am
sure..........Hope you are as blessed by your
goodie basket as I am by your friendship
via blogging!!

for a surprise visit from the gal and her son
that we helped back in October.  She was in
the neighborhood so decided to stop by for
a short visit.  I see her often at church but
we don't have much time to talk,  and we
email some too,  but it was nice to see her
and get to talk a little......and surprises are
always nice..........

that since the paint was out for something
else,  I thought to go in and do some touch
up on our Master Bath woodwork.  It looks
nice and fresh again!

for Dominos Veggie pizza,  I am telling you
it is an awesome pizza.  It has feta cheese but 
we have them take that off and add chicken.  
It is usually our Wed. night go to after our
 day with our lil darling, Brooklyn,  cause I 
am too tired to cook.................

for the wonderful story on yahoo news of
a 12 yr. old girl who saved her Dad's life
by doing CPR on him.  He went into what
they call sudden cardiac death, an she
revived him and he was in a coma for a
week,  but is doing fine now.  She had
taken a cpr class as a child and knew
exactly what to do......Amazingly!!

that we got some more work done towards
my card business,  we spent some time on 
the computer organizing them into
 categories last night.  One more step on

Well, there you have it another week
 in the life of Cozy Place.

Thanks for stopping by, 
 always great to have you!

Hope you have a whimsical Weekend,

Rose with waterpaper affect

Love,  Hugs,  and 
Beautiful Flower Blessings
 to you and yours,


Wednesday, June 25, 2014

And the Give-A-Way Winner is.....................


and the Winner is.............

Rebecca from over at
Life and Godliness.
(Keeping it sane, simple and sacred)

Congratulations Rebecca

Be sure and go visit especially
if you have never visited her blog
 and also to Congratulate her
Click here  or go to below

Wish I could have a basket
for each of you....but thanks
for being a part of the drawing
and part of my life thru blogging
You are very appreciated.

Have a good evening everyone,

Hugs and Blessings,

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Summery Coastal living room - Part 2

Happy Tuesday Sweet Friends,

So.........How ya been??  
Having a fun summer so far??
Sure hope so.........

Our's has been good but quiet, with some sunshine
 in the mornings, then clouds and rain the rest of the
day.  So not really going out much.  Good time for
doing projects indoors.

We finally got our curtains up in the family room this
past weekend, so was happy about that,  and have to
say I really love the way it looks.  More casual and
modern looking but a very nice change, and seems
to look good with everything else.  I did order a few
new pillows that I am hoping will look good.

Next I have to work on what I want to do with the
dining room window.  I have 2 more panels for 
there,  but don't want to just put one on each side
as I don't want to block the light from the window,
so may do something similiar to what I had there
before since I really liked it and still do..............
When I get it done I will show yall the new look.

Quick Breakfast,  hor'derve  or snack recipe

Had something new and interesting for breakfast this 
morning, saw it on a clean living blog,  and it was really
pretty good.  You make toast (I use Italian five grain
from Publix) then spread it with coconut oil,  the recipe
said to slice avocado,  and I didn't have a ripe one so I
used wholly guacamole dip since she said to drizzle
it with lemon juice afterwards.  Have to say it was
very good,   the coconut oil gives the avocado a lil bit
of a different flavor, very mild, but very good and
it is very good for me and it has stayed with me.
So will definitely be having it again!!
Try it,  I think you will like it.

Well,  on with more of the Coastal
 living room look.................

These photos are of the coffee table (my hope chest)
Have had this basket tray for quite a while now
a nice score from Target some year ago.  Could
never use it on my family room coffee table as
it was too big and took up the whole table top.  lol
Works well here tho.

This is how it looked once I borrowed the
beach in a bowl for the Father's Day table.

Not a huge change........but a change!

A look from the back side.

Placed the pillow a lil differently

Here's  a most of the room look.

Next week I will show you some close
ups of the Etagere shelves......

If you missed Part 1 and would like to see
Just click here

So glad you stopped by to visit,
and hope you come again soon.

Sharing with Cindy over at Dwelling
Just click here to visit here

Sharing with Marty over 
at a stroll thru life
Go visit her here.

Keep you light shining brightly!

Hugs n' Blessings,


To my Followers.....
If you haven't heard or signed up
for my Give-A-Way,  you have
until Wed. June 25th, at Noon.
For details on what it is and where
to go and what to do............
which is very easy

Hope you get in on the fun!

Friday, June 20, 2014

Welcome to Thankful Thursday - June 19, 2014

Give thanks to the LORD, call on his name;
 make known among the nations what he has done.
1 Chronicles 16:8

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope you have had a good week
 and are looking forward to a 
nice weekend.

Honestly, I can hardly believe it is 
Friday already, I just don't know 
where these weeks go so quickly.
 Anybody else feel like that??  lol

Right now it is sunny and beautiful
here in Florida, with blue skies and
 cotton ball clouds about 90 degrees. 
 Our days have been starting like that
 but quickly turns to cloudy with
rain in the early afternoon.  Which
cools things off a bit..........and the
grass and flowers are loving it!!  
Definitely want to get out there
soon and get my Vit
Have been waiting too long to go
out there,  then all of a sudden 
the sun goes in.

Well, better get on with this, as the
 sun is calling my

I am thankful

that Hubby and son seemed to enjoy their
Father's day!  That was the

for a wonderful service we had on Sunday.
Our Pastor has been preaching on the family
all year, and decided to do a really neat thing,
he had everyone that has been married over
25 years send in their weddding pictures, and
they did a lovely slide show presentation to
music of 71 couples,  and there really are
more,  but his point was to Celebrate these
couples who have been married so long!
It really was wonderful.....and hopeful, 
and wouldn't be one bit surprised if it might
 even have saved a few marriages...........

#3 and 4
That I got to talk with Dee on Sunday and 
Tuesday, she has just been so busy lately,
With both jobs and moving, then they had
a flood in their kitchen this past Saturday.
Thankfully,  they got a one year warranty
when they bought it!!  Have to say they
really have a good attitude about it all
considering they just moved in and got
settled.......bless their hearts!
She was still living with us when our house 
flooded over 10 yrs. ago, so she sort of
 knows what she is in for too. Their flood
is actually worse, cause we didn't have
any structural damage,  PTL, cause what
we did have, took us a year to get back
to normal.
 Thankfully, the builders men have been in
 there working on things since Tuesday, 
their kitchen is gutted and they are still
waiting for some things to dry out.
The Bright side is they get to pick brand 
new floors for their town home. 
Something malfunctioned with their dish-
washer, so Tues. they found out they will
 get a new dishwasher as well.  They found
out on Wed.they are gonna get new 
cabinets, and also because the kitchen
is on the 2 level over the garage, they
 found out Thursday that they are gonna
 have to completely rebuild the sub floors
along with the garage ceiling due to water
Anyway, the people have been johnny on 
the spot so hopefully  they will have it fixed
 in a couple of weeks. At least we hope so.

with posterized affect

that I found some new curtains I like very
much at Target on Monday, just got to get
them put up in the family room and dining
 room to see if I am gonna like them as well
 as I think.  Sure hoping so,  cause have
wanted to do something for while now, but
just didn't see anything that said take me
home with you!!  lol  Am a lil afraid it 
might be too much will

Here's a sneak peek of the curtain fabric

for a sweet and precious compliment from
my daughter that I was reminded of this
week when I happened to run into one of
our SS students in Target,  and when we
were talking she said something about
her Mom that triggered my remembrance.
Like I always say, she is one of my best
encourager's.  Have really been missing
her lately....

that our lil darling went down for naps
on time yesterday and because I have
been asked to wake her up by no later
than 4:30, and I really hate waking her 
up when she is sleeping so peacefully,
 so I sort of just shook her bed a little
 a few times ans whispered a lil prayer,
 and she woke up on her own,
 in a very pleasant mood too....
which is not always the case, if she is 
woken up before she gets her nap out.
So was very happy about that and am
 hoping it works every time

Here's our lil darling at a 15 mos. +
love her lil bow but she want leave it in
for too long.

This is one of the outfits I told you I got her 
last week.  Doesn't she look cute!
Just as I was about to take this I realized she
 still had tears on her face from 5-10 mins
before,  when her Mommy left...........couldn't
believe they stayed there that long.  She
lovvvvvvvvvvves her Mommy!!

for a possibly really neat opportunity
for my son.  We are jumping for joy
for him and hoping it works out, if
it is the Lord's plan for him.  Too
early for details,  but if it happens
you will hear us singing all the way

with colored pencil affect

hubby just had his 3 yr. anniversary on
 June 15th, at his not so new job now.
  Many of you might remember when he
 was laid off 4 yrs. ago for about 13 mos.
   and you might have even prayed for him.  
Well.........He loves his job and says it
 is the best job he ever had.  
God is good!!

to have my hair done, it looks so much
better. My hairdresser Eduardo (Aka, Mr
Cozy Place) just finished a few minutes
ago, the reason I didn't get my TT post 
done on time. lol
  Nothing like feeling your hair looks
good to a woman, since our hair is our
 frame - It's a very good thing!!  lol

that Dee and Jerry are having a weekend
away at the beach in Ga. - I think they
really need a rest and some relaxation
for a few days.  They will also get to
see his family on Sat. night as they
 are attending a wedding as well.

for men like Senator Ted Cruz and others who are 
trying their best to stand up for our religious freedoms,
as we seem to be losing more and more daily.  Just 
saw a video where he was speaking and it was very
 inspiring and encouraging.  He was at the Freedom
 coalition conference and I agreed with everything
he said............I think he is spot on...........we need a
gillion more just like him..........Hopefully he , Ben
Carson and others like them will inspire and
 ignite others!

Well, that's all folks...............

So happy you came by,  always nice to hear
from you or to see you came by.

If you happen to be one of my
 followers then click here to read
 about my give a way,
this will tell you where to go
 and what to do to join the fun!!

Take Care and enjoy your weekend,

Love,  Hugs
 and Sunny Florida Sunshine 


Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Sailboat/Beach table for Father's Day 2014

Happy Wednesday Sweet Friends,

So how has your week been going, 
so far?? Having fun with your kiddos,  
for those that have them home from
 school.  Or doing some traveling and 
vacationing or just enjoying the nice
warm days............

We are enjoying very warm mornings and very cloudy
afternoons with rain,  but not complaining cause those
clouds and rain make the temps bearable.  lol

Our lil darling is sleeping but will probably be waking
up here pretty soon,  so hoping I can get this post

So it's a race against the clock!   

Thought I would show you our Father's Day table for
 this year. We had a sailboat and beachy tablescape!

The idea came from these cute napkins I picked up at 
the Christmas store some months back.  This is beginning
to sound like a redundant theme.  I have to say I find some
really cute napkins

Decided since the napkins already looks rather
whimsical,  that maybe I could make some
sailboats for the centerpc.  
So looked it up online and found a tutorial
so made this lil  paper boat.........and it wasn't 
really all that big for a centerpc and I had trouble
getting it to stand up once I put the sail on, so
that wasn't I was thinking
okay,  Lord what can I do so a great idea came
to me,  that I knew my hubby would love cause
he is very nostalgic,  so decided to incorporate
some pics from our beach vacation last year.

Just didn't know how I was gonna do it.

Knew I was gonna use the above placemats that
I use on my kitchen table in the mix already along
with my white corelle ware, since it is the only
white dishes I have,  other than the salad plates
from the other dishes that got broken.

So here is the place setting.  Was just gonna use
the silverware as the sail,  but then later decided
to add the napkin as the sail.

Used the placemat in the centerpc. but had planned
originally to put them under the plates.......
Also borrowed this bowl with candle from my
coastal living the high point of the

Then I had seen somewhere years back how someone had
 used clear glasses, goblets I think they were to display
 pictures,  so thought that would work great.

So printed some pics on paper cause that worked better
for them to cling to the glass.  This one was facing my
place at the table.

This one was facing Scott

This one facing Megan

This was facing hubby,  

and this one was facing Susan,  so we had Dee
and Jerry here too,  only in picture......sniff

The other pics were just different shots of the ocean,
beach and sunrises.  Then I just added some candles
and shells to the mix.

From one end of the table

From the opposite end,  looking into our
living room.

an overview

overview of the centerpiece

I did use my sailboat and it didn't fall over
once,  think I managed to get the skewer
stuck in the weave of the placemat!  lol

A little sign to hang over the table.
This was an actual picture we took while at
the beach and I just did a posterized affect on it.
It will probably become a card front for a guy!!  lol

and there you have it!!

Everyone seemed to enjoy seeing the pictures,
and it was a good reminder of what a fun time
 we had last year,  and made me want to
 go to the beach

Maybe next year cause this year we are
going to Asheville instead..........

So glad you could drop by, and
 hope you enjoyed your visit,  and
 would love to hear from you if you 
have the time.

Sharing with the Style Sisters
Just Click Here

Sharing over at Kathleen's Cuisine
for Let's Dish.....Click here to go visit

Also,  if you are one of my 
followers please click here 
to read about my
 Give A Way!!

Love,  Hugs,  and

Beachy Summer Blessings,


Scripture Sunday

  Let's praise the God of Heaven Every day! Blessings,  Nellie