Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Summery Coastal look for the Living Room - Part 1

Morning Sweet Friends,

How is your summer going so far??  
Course, it is not officially summer yet,  
but sure feels like it,  and if you have
 children out of school it is summer
 to you!!  lol 

We had a quiet, relaxing and normal weekend and 
didn't do too much but rearrange the family room, and we
 are liking the change already, but I plan to change a few
 things but haven't gotten there yet, cause I also decided
 to decorate my white living room with a coastal look.
  Then I will take the things from the living room and
 transfer some of them to the family room.  The white
 living room was done for Spring with touches of pink
 for a change. If you would like to see the (Spring)
 before look

Never did the living room with a coastal look before,  so
 thought it would be fun and would also go with this...........

Yep, your right,  it is a kiddie pool..............
We bought this cute lil pool for our lil darling for
her birthday thinking it would be oodles of fun
for her,  and it is inside the house,  she doesn't like
it near as well outside...........we have done it a
couple of times and she just doesn't seem all
that enthused.  Think if she maybe had a lil friend
or we could get in with her she would like it better,
course,  she is used to going to the beach and in
a real pool at her other Grampa's,  so that could
be it too,  but at least she is enjoying it,  even if
it is indoors,  so we just keep it in our living room
and she crawls in and out of it,  and we are still
playing with the Easter eggs too,  I put lil yogurt
treats in some of the eggs and she really enjoys

So with that said on with the summer coastal look
I am starting in the foyer and working my way

Using an unembellished Christmas wreath that was still
 down, I put the sun and surf sign on it (used these on throw
 pillows the last time) added some star fish and clam looking 
shells and some dried blue hydrangeas and some shredded
 raffia to give it a sea grass look,  and this is the first thing
 you see
 when I open my front door.......

Then you see this lil girl who has a basket,
it did have a pretty pink hydrangea in her
basket for spring............

Then you see the whole cart,  guess it is suppose
to be for plants,  but I use it for other stuff.  lol
Added a white lantern with a blue candle and

Here'a close up of her shell,  with some faux sea grass.  
When we found this lil girl statue at Cracker Barrel, 
 I just loved her..... and thought she reminded me of
 someone I knew, but couldn't figure out who.........and
 after I got her home, I realized she looked like me
 when I was is that for reminding you
of someone you

Just loves these lanterns........they really look
great with a beachy look.

colored pencil and equalized affect.

This is the first table you come to when you enter
the living room,  keep most of my family photos here.
So added a yankee candle called Beach Walk and it
smells so wonderful.  Found this lil fish dish at Target
about 3 yrs. ago,  but thought he was so cute....and
had this tiny blue bead necklace,  so just draped it

Also you will see these lil starfish condiment bowls
 incorporated in different vignettes.  Dee brought these to
 me when they went on a crusie to the Bahamas, 
 I think it them they are so cute..........

next to the table you just saw ( you can see the corner 
of it here on the left) is our sofa,  It is covered with a 
Matelasse white bed spread,  and a colored quilt that has a
 white side, so just flipped it over so it  would look nice with
 all the blue................the colored side has blues, pinks, greens
 and brown I think it is,  so it is colorful but in pastel tones.
 and of course, across from that is our hope chest turned
 coffee table,  which will be in Part 2 of this post next week.
This is my attempt to shorten my

Now this rooms makes me want to go to the beach, but
since we aren't going this year,  it will have to do.  So 
might find myself spending more time in this room 

Sharing with Patti and Paula over @
Ivey and Elephants.
Just click her to go by.

Sharing with Marty over @a stroll thru life
Click here to visit

Sharing with the style sisters
Click here to go see them.

Sharing with Cindy over @ Dwellings
for Amaze me Monday
Just Click here 

Happy you could stop by,  and hope
 you come again soon..................and 
that you might leave a comment
as well................

Posterized affect

Love, Hugs and
Sun and Surf Blessings,



  1. I love your wreath it is so pretty and goes so well with your coastal theme... I know how it is with those little ones - we have had our share of swimming pools in the living room over the years - so much fun and lend to the coastal/beach decor....

  2. Looks like a cool day at the beach (in the shade, ha!)
    Love you, Susan

  3. All your stylin' keeps me smilin'

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Love the new coastal look! Rearranging things is always fun. It's like going on vacation. LOL!

  6. too funny about the kiddie pool! whatever works right? And it goes with your summer decor!

  7. Looks like the surf is up over at your house! Your wreath and other
    coastal touches are just perfect.
    I had to laugh at the pool, my grandson likes it inside, too!


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Have a Lovely Sunday. Hugs,  Nellie